Hinduism in pakistan

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Hinduism in pakistan
anyone want to comment.
Posted 23 Jun 2006

Rapunzel says
hmm u r rite DD
n one major reason 4 this is Cable n Indian culture promoting through dramas
its really v thought povoking n sad news
May Allah safe us from all this Ever Ameen
Posted 24 Jun 2006

plz is topic maain khayal rakahiye ga kay kisi kay bhi comments say kisi member ki dilskikni na ho aur koi problem creat na ho
Posted 24 Jun 2006

Ashii says
i didnt get the topic
u want to talk abt hindus living in pak
or the concept of hindu religion in pak
Posted 25 Jun 2006

Rapunzel says
2nd pont is underdiscusion as i think so
Posted 25 Jun 2006

so whats the worry is all abt.... can anybody explain..?
Posted 26 Jun 2006

Problem is, Pak was created on the idealogy of two nations - Hindu & Muslim. They are both very different from each other and they are incompatible in customs, culture and traditions.

Hindu culture, traditions, and customs were brought to Pak decades ago with the intro of Indian movies. Thirty years later, many such customs have made roots in paki society in subtle ways and have largely become acceptable regardless of how contrary they are to the dominant religion in Pak. This is part of long range strategy to make pakis comfortable with Hindu religion, its customs, traditions and culture. So much so that hindu religion embeds in Muslim lives practically and they loose the identity of a Muslim. Re-annexaing such a Pakistan to greater India would be a cake walk.
Posted 27 Jun 2006

oh..i c

let me make some things clear..

dont think indians are purposely invading hinduism in pak... the same indian films , tv , radio goes into all the other countries. many arabic countries too. but none of them complained. just think abt this. its not in the hands of india or indians to change paki minds. india never force you to watch indian films or tv. its their own choice.

secondly dont bother about paki society changing... ultra moderness can also come by watching hollywood. and as far as muslims custums changing are concerned.. than few minor changes should be aceptable to you.. no society can grow without changes. and tell me if any muslim is marrying with hindu customs even if they watch so many indian marriages on tv??? so dont be bother and stop complaining everything on india. most of the paki/indian culture has changed due to the west.

and finally for ur last worry... keep pak wid urself.. india never want it that way as u suggested ..lol lol lol lol. changing the minds of pakis hahaha...lol lol lol common man.. be practicle... both pakis and indians are very passonate abt their countries so dont worry..

ok gotta leave now.. need to watch SAAS- BAHU serials on star plus. lol lol lol lol....

ps - no offences
Posted 27 Jun 2006

Daydreamer said:

Hinduism in pakistan
anyone want to comment.

explainnnnnn it what u wanna say?
Posted 27 Jun 2006

Pleae stick on topic and no offence will be tolerated.Just get to theme of topic
Posted 28 Jun 2006

NTG, I never said India forced it upon Pak - they offered and pakis accepted it - your right!

Let me tell ya something, all countries, including India and Pakistan, promote their culture, traditions, customs viz-a-vis life-style through entertainment industry. Hollywood brought change in lifestyle in India and many other countries. Media, in longer term shapes opinion and judgement of people about people.

Yes, you will find many customs of Hindu origin in Pakistani weddings which were alien to Pakis two or three decades ago.

I really want to laugh ... lemme take a breath....OK! India was not interested in annexing Pakistan back to India .... I have yet to find an indian who's heart didn't ache because Pakistan broke away from "Greater India" and wish that it could be reunited with it.

Mind you, it won't be possible with wars, India realized that long ago. Especially, when people of Pakistan clearly see Pakistan being totally different than India in all aspects of life. They will defend it with their lifves. But if that distinction becomes blurry vis-a-vis similar lifestyles, people will not fuss about a merger.
Posted 28 Jun 2006

hey daaddy first of all thx very much for replyin in a very polite and mannered way.. actually whenever i speak upon these type of issues i really get some harsh response.. which is not the nature of either pakis or indians. i am not sayin that indians are very well mannered ... the same situatiion is created on indian sites by indians. so the sum of all the matter is that both side contains good an bad ppl. no offences to pakis.

ok lets come to the topic.. u said that every country promote their culture.. now think on ur own words and see that what an indian film maker will show in a marriage scene in his film??? ofcourse the true traditions of hindu marriage!! he cant help it... its not promoting the culture but its displayin of culture to its own ppl...

now as for your muslim marriages containing hindu custums goes...... a few years back in a talk show on ptv they said that now girl's parents have to give dowery to boy. it was just opposite in muslims before.. is that ur worried about??? see dowery is a crime in india and we really want to get rid of it totally. so why dont ur society adopt this thing?? ie make dowery a crime ..

i dont know what other hindu customs u have adopted... give some examples

and yes ur very true that every indian wants to forget and regrett the partition.... me too no exception.. but let me tell u that we alwayes be wanting our land back but not with paki ppl.. every indian no matter how good or polite he speaks ... hate pakistani ppl... coz we think (plz dont take it offensively sorry in advance)

*EDITED BY ME* coz i dont wanna get into a fight.*

take my word....... this is the truth of every indian... somewhere deep inside their hearts a pulse of hate is situated for pakis.. i am again saying that all this i have just said is the facts but i dont have any offences

lastly i dont want to get into the war disscussin room either.... but let me tell u one more common indian thought... u ppl think that india cant win over pak.. we think just the opposite ... india just dont hav the strong political will. but i will accept one thing that after pak has become a nueclear state its not wise for india to attack coz even one nuke by pak on india..... u know it..

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>But if that distinction becomes blurry vis-a-vis similar lifestyles, people will not fuss about a merger.<<<<<<<<<<<<<& lt;<<

hey man ur sentence means that one of these is true
1. paki ppl are real stupid
2. u dont know a thing about them.

common man... no one i mean no one on this earth would compromise on his nationality. Can u mix bangaladesh wid pak??? think about it...

ok need to go to watch krrish... u should too see that movie... it will give u some relief from typical stupid bolly
Posted 29 Jun 2006

[N.T.G said:

and yes ur very true that every indian wants to forget and regrett the partition.... me too no exception.. but let me tell u that we alwayes be wanting our land back but not with paki ppl.. every indian no matter how good or polite he speaks ... hate pakistani ppl... coz we think (plz dont take it offensively sorry in advance)

take my word....... this is the truth of every indian... somewhere deep inside their hearts a pulse of hate is situated for pakis.. i am again saying that all this i have just said is the facts

My point exactly. Pakis are forgetting that deep seated hatred in the hearts of hindus in India. People of Pak are not stupid but are too naive to recognize the beast guised behind friendly gestures offered to them.

marriage ceremonies: Dowry is one custom. traditions changing in dresses, boys and girls dancing together...

Question of India winning over Pak - it can't happen so long as Pakis remain attached to the basis of their existence - their religion. And this is what indian movies are targeting to weaken. I expect indians to defend that and you have proved it well - after all, its your lookout.
Posted 29 Jun 2006

Doctor Sam says
Smooth_daddy said:

Problem is, Pak was created on the idealogy of two nations - Hindu & Muslim. They are both very different from each other and they are incompatible in customs, culture and traditions.

Hindu culture, traditions, and customs were brought to Pak decades ago with the intro of Indian movies. Thirty years later, many such customs have made roots in paki society in subtle ways and have largely become acceptable regardless of how contrary they are to the dominant religion in Pak. This is part of long range strategy to make pakis comfortable with Hindu religion, its customs, traditions and culture. So much so that hindu religion embeds in Muslim lives practically and they loose the identity of a Muslim. Re-annexaing such a Pakistan to greater India would be a cake walk.

I agree sd bhai...
they dont need atomic war... cultural war is enough...
Posted 30 Jun 2006

there's no cultural war Br. Sam. Its just one-sided assault guised in entertainment and cultural excahange.
Posted 30 Jun 2006

Doctor Sam says
its like war sd bhai...

i still remember statement of sonia gandhi..she stated this after we lost quarter final in 1996 world cup in india..

she said.. Humain pakistan se jang kernay ki zaroorat nahi hey... we are doing this by another way... aor wo hey Cultural attach...

u r very right sd bhai.. its one sided...
Posted 02 Jul 2006

girls and boys dancing together?????

oh man i cant understand u nor can u understand us.
Posted 02 Jul 2006

Ashii says

one thing
dotn really agree to "bollywood promoting indian culture"
well its no more true
wotever they show in (most of) their movies NOW is not v indian,, infact its not indian at all

its just a way to make money by selling ppl wot they want to see or beleive (b them indian or pakis)
they r selling a dreamworld to frustrated ppl of both countries
dont forget that india n pak r 3rd world countries
except in few big cities situation is not that briliant

the culture these movies are promoting is bad for both sides
wot do u think,, that BHAI LOG style movies are encouraging something positive in india ??? i really doubt that
and wot abt ovverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rich NRI family movies... its enuff to frustrate half of the indi population

i have family living in india,, i have indi friends
but none of them celebrate their parties/weddings in the way shown in movies..
on the other hand i knwo a paki family in khi who celebrated a wedding for 7 days with 7 different themes,, including sangeet, holi etc
im sure not much indians do that

it depends on u,,, wot do u want to adopt
shishu is right on that point,, y dont we adopt something positive from their country... the whole world knows indian eco is dvlp so fastly for last few yrs,,, y cant we adopt same policies
their movies contributed a lot to discourage the cast sys in india....

we do have a cultural (religious) difference... we cant help it
we want to follow our religion or their movies,, its our own choice... i dont beleive in things like CONSPIRACY or wotever
wot my children will adopt is in my hands,, not in karan johars

the truth is we both are unable to accept the 'happy' existance of other
we cant change the history but we can try to change the futur...... if indians are our enemies y do we follow them
we can simply walk side by side........

give it a brraaaaakkkkkkkkkkke
getting late
Posted 03 Jul 2006

nice speech... long time seen u posting non-spam.. keep it up..

now someone plz shutdown tis thread...
Posted 05 Jul 2006

danie says
Please donot close this topic. If we stop this disscussion at this stage there will a lot remain unanswered and uncleared. Dear NTG and dear S-daddy please come back and special request to Sal to help me to clean the fog from our minds. First of all, I can bet that (1) dear NTG have not met any paki personally in his life and spent time with him/her.(2)dear s-daddy have not met any Indian personally and spent the time with him/her.(3) Dear Sall has the personal contacts with indians. Am I right?
        Dears I think that every Indi & Paki has this issue in his/her mind with bitterness (more or less).
I am also a proud Indian dear NTG and HADthe same fire about pakis BEFORE I GOT CHANCE TO COME IN PERSONAL CONTACT WITH PAKIS during my U.A.E.residential stay. I came in touch with them and found the picture dosnt match with the picture i have in my mind/heart of them.
The people (not1 or 2, I met atleast 200 paki-people) are so lovely and sweeet that i could not figure out any difference between us. The same comments i got from there hearts for indians. Both of us people got surprised that how we could develop the hate for each others ? How it is possible ? But i reached on the conclusion after several observations,surveys and analysis that the picture (of boths of-course) in our mind is created by the media (say political media).But why ? You can get answer easily if u bother to think on it. Who gets the benefit if we are like this ? only and only polititions, isn't it? They (both countries) have made this issue so hot that any time they can use it to divert the attention of public from the real problems and issues. And of-course many political parties (again in both countries) are in existence due to this issue only. When the issue will be solved the parties will be finished. So keep themselves alive they have to keep alive this issue (the hate and the fire in our hearts for each others.)coz they have nothing else to give or to offer to public. PLZ hands up who are agreed with me. And i beg a pardon from whom dos't like this. Plz keep in talking........
Posted 05 Aug 2006

danie says
Itni Barri Hummmm ka kya matlab hei bhai? Kuch kaho to sahi.Soch rahe ho Kya?
Posted 10 Aug 2006

I have met and dealt business with indians on many levels. So please don't make assumptions. The topic is not about how good people are accross the borders in subcontinent. The topic here was the influence of Hindu culture on Pakistani society. We got side tracked on other issues.

It is a matter of personal observation, experience, and view point. One may agree or disagree with other but can't prove anyone wrong, especially without having a first hand experience.
Posted 15 Aug 2006

CB, this is serious corner, meaningless hummmmmmmmmmms are not permitted here. Please post your views after thinking. Pleae don't think loud on this forum. Thanks
Posted 17 Aug 2006

nikama says
nice debate yar
one thing that we pakistanis forget in talking about this so called indian cultural aggression is that afterall hindus and muslims have lived togather in subcontinent for over a millenium.each one adopted many things from the other.indians have every right to show whatever they want to in their movies/dramas.pakis have been watching indian movies for more than three decades and still we are pakis anyway.
when we can secure a separate homeland of our own despite living with them for one thousand years,i dont see any reason to worry about indian moveis for another thousand years atleast.why!their movies are so good to watch and so easy to forget.no offence meant
Posted 17 Aug 2006

danie says
Smooth_daddy said:

I have met and dealt business with indians on many levels. So please don't make assumptions. The topic is not about how good people are accross the borders in subcontinent. The topic here was the influence of Hindu culture on Pakistani society. We got side tracked on other issues.......

First of all, thank you very much S-daddy to join this topic. You are blaming me to be got side tracked but my
dear you check where did u and NTG had ended the disscussion. Both of U were talking rubbish (sorry!) for each other. For both countries and for the peoples of the countries.(Re. Posts of June 27,28...) So I was replying of those issues. My dear, how can we(both country people)think that we are different and our culture is different. Dear you know that till 1947 both of us peoples were living together, happily for centuries. And I think you also know that forefathers of all pakis were hindu at one time (before mugals came to conqure India). So what I want to say that Hinduism is not very unknown thing for pakis.At one day they also was the part of hinduism. Or say hinduism is also in your blood. (It may make you feel bad but if you go back to history u will find it a Truth.). So I think it is very natural that when u watch Indian movies and hindu customs u don't feel them unknown or something new to U. So I don't think there is reason to worry about watching Indian movies. The muslims of pakistan was living with Hindus for centuries and kept watching the movies after 1947 also So can u tell me dear that how many muslims converted their religen and became Hindu ? None, not a single person.The thing could not take place in centuries so why u think it will happen now? I m dead sure that it will never happen that Muslims of pakistan or any other religen of any other country will forget their own customs and start to follow Indian culture by watching Indian movies.What do U think?
So I think this fear is meaningless. One more thing I want to say but leave it for other time.

Thanks and regars to all of pakis.
Posted 27 Aug 2006

danie says
nikama said:

nice debate yar
one thing that we pakistanis forget in talking about this so called indian cultural aggression is that afterall hindus and muslims have lived togather in subcontinent for over a millenium.each one adopted many things from the other.indians have every right to show whatever they want to in their movies/dramas.pakis have been watching indian movies for more than three decades and still we are pakis anyway.
when we can secure a separate homeland of our own despite living with them for one thousand years,i dont see any reason to worry about indian moveis for another thousand years atleast.why!their movies are so good to watch and so easy to forget.no offence meant

I am very much agreed with U, dear nikama. I appreciate ur views .
Posted 27 Aug 2006

danie says
Smooth_daddy said:

Problem is, Pak was created on the idealogy of two nations - Hindu & Muslim. They are both very different from each other and they are incompatible in customs, culture and traditions.

Hindu culture, traditions, and customs were brought to Pak decades ago with the intro of Indian movies. Thirty years later, many such customs have made roots in paki society in subtle ways and have largely become acceptable regardless of how contrary they are to the dominant religion in Pak. This is part of long range strategy to make pakis comfortable with Hindu religion, its customs, traditions and culture. So much so that hindu religion embeds in Muslim lives practically and they loose the identity of a Muslim. Re-annexaing such a Pakistan to greater India would be a cake walk.

Sorry, dear S-daddy, I could not stop mylsef to comment on ur views. First of all U know that to form seprate state for muslims was an political event not a social event. And this decision was purely motivated by politics to lookafter their (polititions) personal interests and gains. If it is wrong, why the numbers of the muslims choosed to remain in India was greaterthan the muslims left for pakistan? One more Q. for u dear S-daddy that what made U to think that India want to re-annex pakistan? Pl make this clear.
Posted 27 Aug 2006

kiran says
I think it was not political decission many people wanted this, because the muslim people in india were looked always as outsiders.

Sorry but these are my views.
Posted 04 Sep 2006

danie says
Kiran ji, Thanx for joining and express your views. Please explain how muslims were looked outsiders in India while those people was native
Indians (The Pakistani Muslims are converted mulims)
And how they got converted can be a matter of disscussion; while the common view in India is they were
forced to change their religen by Mughals.
basically they are Hindu.
Posted 05 Sep 2006

kiran says
Basically in India there were no muslims, but when muslim came from Turkistan and Monguls. They were outsiders and know some people in india call them outsiders, because the islam has spread because of these peoples they came from outside.

And Know there are muslims not hindu, I respect hindus as well, but the hindus were not always forced to be muslim, some of them were free to decide their religion. It was not always like that, you can not see everything bad you must also see goog things from moghuls.

And In Anhazrat Time The Muslims were also forced to be kufar, every religion people want that other peoples must leave their religion.

But One thing islam is a religion of peace basicallly, if some people are not good, you can not say that all muslims are not good.
Posted 06 Sep 2006

hi all .....

i thought this topic was closed...


danie :-

hi danie.. nice meeting u... what r u doing in china? i was just curious.. coz indians in china are hard to find.. lolz..

first of all let me clear this outta ur mind... i have many frnds in pakistan.. personally met them.. and spent a lot of time wid them.

u said u have many paki frns too...thats alrite..

u said u they mix together well... no surprise...its our culture(both pak and india)

u said..... its only media and politicians who place hartred in the minds of the ppl...........I DO NOT AGREE

to test this.. ask one of ur paki frn this question..
"why dont u leave claim over kashmir"
ask the same question to urself... are u willing to give kashimr to pak? ..... now my frns ask this question again and again to ur soul.. u will definately find ur nationality aroused.. this is wat i am talking about.. politicians and media cant do anything at world level if they do not have support from the public.... so dont fool urself.

i will give u a simple example ...

u love ur relatives living in differnt city... but u mix very well with ur neighbour(more than ur relative).. becoz ur living everyday with ur neighbour and we indians and pakis have the culture to be good hosts...
this is the same case with pakistani frns and country.. no doubt paki ppl are full of love(same here) and support but when it comes to national issues than both paki and indians will be on their country side. and if they are not than they are real ba,,,ts.


dont worry pakis... no bolly film or tv could change ur religion and thinking.. u will remain good pakis
Posted 09 Sep 2006

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