Music is one of the purest and most beautiful creation of God Almighty who set the tone and rhythm of every sound in the universe. Music or singing like all the creations of God, that now constitute an important part of our daily life, can be lawfully used or maliciously abused. Both music and singing are created pure, and beautiful like our fresh air and fresh water and they can be corrupted or polluted by evil-doers of every nationality, color or gender. The corruption of some music shows or songs does not make all the music or songs haram (prohibited) just like the pollution of some water or fresh air by some people will not deem all the water and air haram (prohibited).
The sincere Muslim who is following the Quran will not find in the Quran ANY PROHIBITION whatsoever OF MUSIC OR SINGING. God is very specific and His commands are very clear regarding any prohibition given in the Quran. God, the Most Merciful, NEVER prohibited music or singing in the Quran. Any prohibition of music or singing that is talked about among some Muslims has no basis in the Quran. These prohibitions are innovations made up by some of the scholars and their followers who do not shy from refusing to follow the clear commands in the Quran and instead follow man made laws and books of Hadith and Sunna that contradict the Quran, contradict simple common sense and insult the message of the prophet Muhammad. These books of Hadith and sunna were written over 200 years after the death of prophet Muhammad (See Hadith and the corruption of this great religion). The prophet Muhammad himself followed and preached ONLY the Quran. These scholars and their followers, who failed to accept God's law in the Quran, looked for different kind of laws in the interpretation of Imams (leaders), Sahaba (companions) and Tabi'in (followers). They invented their own law and claimed that "Music and singing are haram." Those who are confused or ignorant with their Quran choose to follow the interpretation of these human idols and their laws and disregard the clear laws of God in the Quran. After all we should always remember that Quran is the book that God calls COMPLETE, PERFECT and FULLY DETAILED,
In the following paragraphs, we will see what the Quran says about this issue. I will expose the false teachings of those who refused the law of God in the Quran and made their own law to prohibit Music and singing. Understanding this issue is understanding Islam (submission) and what Islam stands for. There are certain basic understanding that you should know when talking about any laws in Islam (Submission). I will talk briefly about these basics first, God willing;
(1) Quran is a COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED BOOK, (as far as this religion is concerned): See 6:19.,38 and 114; 7:52; 17:12; 11:1; 41:3; 12:111, and 16:89. Those who refuse this notion by God Almighty should not go any further. They will not see or understand anything as God promised in His book.
(2) The Prophet Muhammad, lived by, ruled by, preached and followed the Quran alone. See 5:48-50
(3) God is the ONLY source of law, 6:114. No one, including the prophet Muhammad, can prohibit what God did not, 66:1. When the Prophet Muhammad once did, God admonished him in public to remind the believers that ONLY GOD can prohibit. See 66:1 and 33:37. Many of those diseased at heart quote verse 59:7 as a proof that the prophet Muhammad permitted and prohibited on his own. They are hoping to confuse those who are not familiar with the Quran, as this verse is talking about the spoils of war and has nothing to do with any laws or any prohibitions.
(4) In addition to reminding us repeatedly that the Quran is DETAILED, God told us that He detailed for us what has been prohibited for us, see for example 6:119. God did not need assistance from any Imams, Sahaba or Tabi'in. God did not expect or wanted the prophet Muhammad to make his own laws. The Prophet Muhammad did not bring any laws other than the Quran, but the fabricators of the books of Hadiths and Sunna did.
(5) God does not forget, 19:64. He did not forget to prohibit Music or singing and waited for someone else to do it. The prohibition of Music and singing cannot be found in the Quran because God did not prohibit them.
(6) Those who believe God in His book believe that Quran is a COMPLETE BOOK as far as Islam is concerned and it is as well regarding all the prohibition. The list of prohibitions in the Quran does not include Music or singing. When needed, prohibitions are given clear and straight forward so as to leave no doubt in the minds of the believers, See 39:28.
(7) Some people do not want to believe God in the Quran, when He tells them that He has no shortage of words. God could have used both words, music AND/OR singing or words referring directly and clearly to them, if He so chose, See 31:27 and 18:109. The TRUE BELIEVERS know that the absence of these words from the Quran is because God never prohibited them and not because God does not use them, forget them, know them or know how.
(8) The Quran teaches us that God is extremely displeased with those who prohibit anything that was not specifically prohibited in the Quran, see 16:112-116.
(9) The upholding of any prohibitions not specifically mentioned in the Quran (e.g., prohibiting Music and singing) is tantamount to idolatry (6:142-152). Such prohibitions represent some other god) besides God.
(10) God condemned innovated prohibitions in 7:32
"Say, "Who prohibited the nice things God has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say," such provisions are to be enjoyed in THIS life by those who BELIEVE. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know." 7:32 (QURAN)
(11) God condemned any other Hadith than the Quran for religious laws, and called His book, the Quran, the BEST Hadith. God called on the believers to follow only His Hadith, the Quran, and so did the prophet Muhammad. See 7:185, 10:36, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, 52:34, 68:44, 77:50, 39:29..., etc.
Now and before responding to those who claim that Music and singing are haram in Islam (Submission), let us ponder for few seconds at our universe and the way God created this world.
While we might remember that Galileo once said, "Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe.", it may be fair enough to say that Music has been the voice of that universe.
Any keen observer of the universe will realize that the whole universe was created with music in every corner of it. Our talking, crying, laughing, singing, yelling or screaming are nothing but music. Our heart beats, bowel sounds, breath sounds, the sound of our blood flow or even our brain waves are but music. The birds, the animals, the trees, the oceans, the wind and the clouds are all created with their own music. Music is in every corner of our universe. With music in every thing around us, it is naive to think that the One God who created all this music prohibited it. Those who claim that Music and singing are haram, lie about God and prohibit what God never did.
The human being was created and given one of the most valuable gifts, a voice box, which is in reality a music box. This voice box, or the larynx is one important instrument that allows us to communicate with each other and with other creatures around us. Our arrival and departure to and from this world are celebrated with that special music, the cry of the newborn or the cry for the departing one. The arrival of the newborn to this life is announced by his/her scream, the best music to the mother's ear. For the earlier months of the human being's life, t
Age: 125
7280 days old here
Total Posts: 5612
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Agree to SD bro. Every word of this articles shows it is a work of those for whom the only source of guidance is Quran (more specifically, their own interpretation of Quran as opposed to the interpretation of Quran in/with Hadith) throwing aside the the valueable collection of Hadith which is the real explanation of Quran.
But SD, I dont think they reject Hadith only because of some weak and fabricated Ahadeeth. Talk to them and they will show you Ahadith from Bukhari and Muslim too which may seem questionable to people with little knowledge and sense (and will try to impose their own interpretation on you too). In my opinion, the root of this evil is their Jahaalat and probably their eagerness to get rid of the restrictions imposed by our relegion Islam.
Age: 58
7855 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
you are exactly right Badal, I have had first hand experience with that. Now for Jahiliyah, I personally think its the first attempt to disqualify one source of knowledge and discredit sayings of the prophet of Allah. Yet on the other hand they will not have courage to say the same to people of other religions who wrote books with their own hands but attributed them to God almighty. I am sure our members got the point.
Age: 125
7643 days old here
Total Posts: 434
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Pakistan, Pakistan
veer_zaara said:
friend_16 said:
this essay is written to mislead us .. coz unfortunately are dont have strong bases of our religion..
there is always 101 reasons for arguing on somthing u really like .. (the devil inside us makes us to that!)
May Allah show us the right path to follow.. Ameen!
you are saying aameen as if you are severly against music n stuff...but your username reminds me of some indian movie name and also your signature....which is all about music....
Age: 124
7756 days old here
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Straight said:
veer_zaara said:
friend_16 said:
this essay is written to mislead us .. coz unfortunately are dont have strong bases of our religion..
there is always 101 reasons for arguing on somthing u really like .. (the devil inside us makes us to that!)
May Allah show us the right path to follow.. Ameen!
you are saying aameen as if you are severly against music n stuff...but your username reminds me of some indian movie name and also your signature....which is all about music....
cant understand this difference..! NO OFFENCE
Dear Straight, let the topic be straight as a healthy discussion. No personal comments pls.
Age: 125
7306 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
i admit i m having a little knowledge.. and there are lot of people like me... i mean for those people who dont know much , how they can decide to trust some one.. ?
Age: 58
7855 days old here
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Oklahoma City, United States
sun_shine said:
and where did you find that ruling? Quran says: Al mal o wal banoona zeenatul hayatad dunya (wealth and children are the beauties of the life of the world). They are not haram.
To rule a matter halal or haram, one must present a clear evidence in its favor. Just a statement is not enough.
Age: 125
7069 days old here
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Hadith - Bukhari 7:494 Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks, and the use of musical instruments as lawful. And (from them), there will be some who will stay near the side of a mountain, and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and Allah will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection."
All of the schools of thought including Maliki, Shafii, Hanbali and Hanafi say that music is Haram3)
"Allah's Messenger said, "Verily Allah has prohibited for my ummah; wine, gambling, a drink distilled from corn, the drum and the lute, while He has supplemented me with another prayer, the witr." (related by Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, also related by Al-Bayhaqi, graded sahih. it is also narrated by At-Tabarani with a hasan chain.)
5) Anas ibn Malik related from the Prophet (saws)that, "two cursed sounds are that of the musical instrument(mizmaar) played on the occasion of joy and grace, and the woeful wailing upon the occasion of adversity." (related by Ash-Shafi'i, Al-Bazzaar, and Al-Haythami, graded sahih)
Amongst the companions, there is no difference of opinion regarding music and singing. Ibn Masood said that music and singing "Sprout hypocrisy in the heart as rain sprouts herbs and greens." Also, Ibn Masood said, as related earlier, regarding verse 31:6, "I swear by Him besides Whom there is no god, it refers to singing." This same view was held by the rightly guided caliphs, the fuqahaa amongst the sahaba such as ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar and Jaabir ibn Abdullah, as well as the general body of sahaba. The prohibition of music was also the unanimous opinion of the tabi'in, including scholars like Mujahid, Ikrimah, An-Nakha'i, and Al-Hasan Al-Basri. Imam Abu Hanifa detested singing and considered it sinful. His students have confirmed the explicit prohibition of listening to all musical instruments and pastimes. Indeed, according to the Hanafi school, the testimony of one known to listen to music is to be rejected. Imam Malik was asked about singing(ghinaa). He replied, "In fact, it is done by the sinful ones. Al-Qurtubi confirmed Malik's view by saying that the only exception to this general ruling was the type of innocent songs sung to placate the camels during travel, or during hard labor or boredom, or during times of festivity and joy, such as Eids and weddings, without musical accompaniment, or with only the daff (a small hand drum). Al-Qurtubi then said, "as for that which is done in our day, by way of the blameworthy innovations of the sufi mystics in their addiction to hearing songs to the accompaniment of melodious instruments such as flutes, string instruments, etc. such is haraam." In his book Adaabul Qada, Imam Shafi'i says, "verily song is loathsome; it resembles the vain and false thing. The one who partakes of it frequently is an incompetent fool whose testimony is to be rejected." One of Shafi'i's students, Al Haarith Al Muhaasibi said, "Song is haraam, just as maytah(the flesh of something that dies of it's own) is." Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, "Singing sprouts hypocrisy in the heart. It does not please me." When told that singing "sensitizes and softens the heart." Imam Ahmad said, "it is a bid'ah(blameworthy innovation)." Yaqoob Al-Haashimi relates that Imam Ahmad despised At-Taghyeer(an affected, throbbing and melodious style of poetry) and prohibited listening to it.
Age: 58
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 2772
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Oklahoma City, United States
sun_shine said:
My second response was to your statement "HAR WO CHEEZ JO APKO DUNYA KI TARAF ATTRACT KARAY WO HARAM HAI."
I admire you have searched and quoted ahadieth. These ahadith did not rule that all types of music or poetry are prohibited. I agree selected instruments and modes of music are not permissible. Others are permissible but are not preferred or recommended as norm in a society.
There are known ills of compulsive music listening and following it. This definitely injures the spirituality of an individual and a society in a longer run. Other social ills subtly creep along with music. I am sure there are many who would disagree with me. With respect to all opinions, this is an established observation.
Age: 125
7069 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
music is prohibited but poetry is not. it depends up to poetry that which of it is. i adree that many people think that music is not haraam. as i listen the anasheeds of MR.SAMI YUSUF it has music. once a person said that .....if you do wrong and admit it, that is the first step, next try and stop it.......but if you dont admit it you will never change.... i totally agree with it i had admit it now trying to stop it