anyone catch the larki punjaban musical premier on ptv prime last night (usa)??!!
some highlights 4 those who missed it and r interested:
-the entire cast (minus baber ali) was present, including SAIMA!
-saima even explained why she usually misses such shows. her reason: she does not like the spotlight and shys away from such events. however she is MOST PROUD of this movie, and so she felt she should help promote is as much as possible and decided to come! btw....she presented herself as a VERY classy lady. one minor example: shamyl khan danced around her while she stood still and simply smiled. (had this been somebody like meera in her place, with all that attention on her we would have had a mujra. lol) but saima has some class!
-among other people present: abrar, jawad ahmed, naghmana jaffery, zain, sam (new singer) aawish, papu samrat (dancer), and a bunch of senior artists.
-sayed noor CLEARLY stated in udru (when asked who his favorite actor/actress are that: 'only ask me abt my favorite actress!' i'm sure you all know what he meant by that, and for those who dont - he meant saima, who has forever been linked to him as his 2nd wife. lol.
-according to the actor shamyl khan, the movie will be released in europe on SEPT. 5 or 6 2003.
-this was the FIRST EVER premier for a pakistani movie, and the first ever pakistani movie to have its music released BEFORE the movie comes to theatres. the entire thing was done very professionally. a job well done...
-they said this movie is PURELY a family movie and will help to turn the bad string of luck that has recently hit lollywood...
and that was basically it! saima said it was her best work, shamyl said he worked real hard, sayed noor said it contains a bunch of firsts, and everyone seemed confident that this movie will do TREMENDOUS business. i think they're right....
Age: 125
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lol paki lion. weird reason not 2 watch the first ever pakistani movie 'premier', but a reason nonetheless. lol. i can respect that, i guess....
lol. madiha718 does it really matter that she looked older? lol. for me, its not that big a deal. i can understand where you're coming from tho...ah well...the movie will still do good, i think. and u can't deny, she presented herself as a cut above the rest (among pakistani actresses). she was mudabar! (i hope ya'll know what that means)!
hey..... by the way did ptv prime show the music premier of Larki punjaban.. coz it was suppose to come at 10:30 which it dint,,,,,,,how is that possible... at that time they showed some bhangra music of some group in the uk,,,,,,,,,,
Age: 125
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lol...nfak i guess i jus dun like saima so i'm always lookin at every negative aspect of her anyways sorry but i really dunno wut mubadar is. oh that singer's name wuz zain? ur so rite shujaslam....that guy didin hv a nerdy voice but more like a faggy voice...really bad!
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
i agree with both of u madiha718, and shujaslam! zain's voice has got a 'homo' sound to it. lol. but we all gotta be careful....i 4get who it was, but someone on this discussion board disagrees. lol. so watch out. they should have gotten someone like fakhir or even waris baig to do the male's voice. and shujaslam's right...he looked like a little school-boy, especially next to saima! if he wasn't that dark, he would have looked like her son. LOL. (actually wait....that's an insult to saima...i take that back. lol.) (j/k)
and madiha718, mudabar means 'classy' or 'well-known' or 'respected'...along these lines!
Age: 125
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classy huh? so u sayin saima wuz classy? lol dun take this seriously i'm jus playin w/u esp. b/c i kno u like her that much that u compared her with madhuri WHICH i still think wuz but wutever
Age: 125
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lol. lets not go there again! (even i'm beginning to think it was wrong to compare them. lol)
but it was a just a little comparison which generated quite the discussion! lol. whats done is done tho!
on a more serious note, u should give saima SOME credit! i'm not saying u gotta watch her movies and love her. lol. but don't u think she presented herself half decently at this show?! if u've seen meera and resham and so comparison to them, did she not out-class them in terms of keeping quiet most of the night, not dancing and making a fool of herself, and wearing clothes which covered her up?! minor points, but ones which helped her look classy, no?!! (u'd make my day if u could atleast admit that)! lol.
and on a side u watch lollywood movies in general?! just wondering...(nothing to do with saima or a comparison of any kind). LOL.
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
I hear the music in this film is very nice.......i've seen 2 songs on PTV Prime.
By the way is ARY DiG**al and Indus Networks planing to come to Canada? I hope cause sometimes PTV gets a little boring......they should play more films on the weekends!
Age: 125
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yes nfak it wuz a very wrong comparison but ur rite wuts done is done. oh u are so riteeeeeeee...saima looked so pretty n classy, that sari looked so nice on her n she n shamil make such a good coupleeeeee i mean tooo good! lol did i make ur day nfak? nah honestly i dun watch much paki movies, last one i saw wuz choodiyan....i prolly see one or two paki movies a year but ever since i started janubaba i heard a lot abt all these paki movies n how they improved so i'm kinda interested now but i really dun kno where they sell paki movies here
Age: 125
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lol. now i can sleep easy. khan-saab (teentracker) has met his quota of anti-saima jokes for the day/in this post. lol. [:D]
and madiha718....i get the feeling u were not sincere in your pro-saima comments. lol. but i'll take what i can get! i'll never understand why u guys cant give the lady her due credit tho. never....!
u're right abt it bein' hard 2 find pakistani movies in north america. but if u look hard enough, they should be around! and i'm glad u're getting into lollywood movies! as long as we all give 'em a chance, i'm sure they'll do good.
Age: 125
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There are lots of Pakistani Filmi Stores, yet many just carry indian movies for some odd reason. They should buy Pakistani movies but don't want too cause they are more expensive from what I hear!
Something should be done about it......if we are gonna make films we might as well sell it at a reasonable price!
Age: 125
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nfak u just said u'd be happy if i'd agree lol u didin say i had to sincerely mean wut i it's kinda hard to like saima i mean she's jus....blah but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. the desi stores by my house dun hav paki movies, i kno they got some in brooklyn n stuff but that's too far from my house n i hardly go there so the only ones i get to see are the ones on ptv prime lol n those aren't that great.
Age: 125
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i guess you're right madiha718. but lemme rephrase what i said! by simply complimenting saima, you no doubt, made my day! had you been sincere though, you probably would have made my year! lol. anyhow, i can't force you, so like i said, i'll take what i got! thanks! is indeed in the eye of the beholder, but i want to emphasize, i don't like saima exlusively for how she looks and specifically how she looked at the premier of her movie. lol. i'm an even bigger fan of her acting, and it is here where she wins my loyalty and respect! i just wanna make it clear to you and everyone else, that saima's not my 'ideal.' lol. i like her for her talent! again, it boggles my mind as 2 why the lady can't be given her due credit by everyone else for the same reason! u don't have to like someone to respect them! but ah goes on! she's not losing any sleep over it and neither will i! and besides, you complimented her anyways (even if u didn't mean it!), so its all good!
and as 4 lollywood movies, sorry u can't get a hold of them easily. u're 100% right tho. the ones shown on PRIME are no good. if larki punjaban comes to your area, i'm sure u'll race 2 theatres tho right?!!! lol.
Age: 125
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LOL RACE TO THEATERS? good joke nfak! actually i wouldin mind watchin a paki movie in theaters since i never saw one but i dun think that movie will be larki punjaban :P
Age: 125
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lol. u dislike saima that much eh?! oh man. i'm glad i ain't her! lol. i'm sure when the movie comes and and u hear the great reviews you'll reconsider! atleast i hope u do, if not for saima then for lollywood in general!
what would it take out of a lollywood movie, to make you 'race to your closest theatre'!? just curious, for discussion's sake. if not saima, who from lollywood could possibly draw u to a cinema?! lol. (j/k).
Age: 125
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good question but i really dun hav much of an answer. see the only movies i've seen of are actresses like reema, meera, saima,resham, n if i had to pick one of em for a movie i guess i'd pick reema n for guy ummm this is a toughy but i guess i'd pick babar ali since he did a nice job in landa bazar. waisey pak needs better heros, atleast not SAUD n shan is gettin old too.
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Canada, Canada that would bring u 2 theatres 4 a pakistani movie eh?! a movie starring reema/baber?! i can dig...
i'm down with reema. for me, after saima, reema's got the best pure talent. but for guys, you picked baber ali?!! you're right, he did a great job in landa bazaar, and since you've only seen him in that drama (i'm assuming), i guess you're justified in selecting him! otherwize, shaan blows the rest outta the water! have u seen a movie with him yet?!
personally, i need saima and/or shaan/moammar in a movie to gain my interest. hence why i'm looking 4ward 2 LP (saima)! plus its being tagged as one of 2-3 movies which the entire industry is depending on. that intrigues me as well.
and you're right abt the actors, especially saud. LOL. but shaan's not old. common yaar! saima i can understand, but shaan's not old! and what do u think abt this new guy in LP?! lol. he's got all-star written all over him, no?! (severe sarcasm).
Age: 125
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well i'm assumin shaan is old cuz he's been in this industury since forever otherwise he's not bad. oh that new guy in larki punjaban..i dun really like him cuz i saw one of his dramas "muqaam" n his actin isn't so great n he looks aright except his they bother me! oh yeah moammer is good, i totally forgot abt him.
Age: 125
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yeah, moammar's aiight. and the new guy in LP (shamyl khan)...LOL @ his eyebrows! i dont think he'll get over as a legit hero. but lets see....
as 4 shaan, yeah he's been in the industry 4 a while, but he donesn't look old. if i had 2 guess i would say he's not a day over 35 - and even thats a stretch!