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Age: 124
Total Posts: 355
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I stopped feeling at home ere when dis place got censored. I felt I could speak freely here before. I am a very rude person. Rudeness comes naturally, msg boards should be a place to express yourself freely. hmmm yaro off the net, bot hard hunda eh kisey dey naal gul kurna open hokay. Thats how I lose most of my friends.through brutal honesty.

Logh sar jaandey eh. Lekin ithey insaan kuch bhi keh sakhda si. Par hun...ppl are too sweet. Most of u guys are really nice candy floss pink fluffly bunnies. You are so seems like u havent ever heard a cuss in ur life. Untainted..pure. Must be nice. I feel like Im walking on egg shells.
Posted 04 Mar 2008

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