.Although the earth is bigger than a four of our neighbor planets (Pluto is not even considered a planet now), as you can see here:

Earth is dwarfed in size by 4 other of our planetary neighbors:

But when viewed to scale in a graphic that includes the Sun, Earth can barely even be seen as a speck. If you add up all of the mass in our Solar system – the Sun and the planets; the Sun contains 99.9% of the total mass!

As big as the Sun is, it’s not the biggest thing we can see in the sky. Look at the Sun compared to some of the others that we can see with our naked eyes:

And those aren’t even the BIG BOYS. Even the biggest star shown above, Arcturus, is reduced to a tiny dot on a graphic compared to some of the BIG stars that are just hanging around in our neighborhood:

Did that make you feel small?