
Age: 125
6798 days old here
Total Posts: 1187
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Hey Guys!
Loong time i havent posted on this forum!
Well Zillay Shah's music is good and some of the songs is Top-Notch.Espeacially the dhammall song sung by Shaan is simply Awesom!Real essence of Sufism can be felt!
Well charizmatic Punjabi films are profitable to make in Pakistan these days:A businessman will invest in Punjabi films rather than Urdu films seeing the current situation of Indian big-budget films releasing.An Example is tht a big producer and businessman Sohail Khan who has co-produced with Mahesh Bhatt Awarapan,Jannat is financing a Punjabi Film!
If quality Punjabi films like Majajan and Zilay Shah would start be producing,atleast the Punjabi film Industry can be revived.Than Urdu Cinema will come.The kind of Urdu Cinema which should be made nowdays should be the one like KHUDA KAY liye type means parallel cinema but having commercial elements too.These kind of movies dont require a huge budget but can earn huge money!
How much we try we can hardly make an good COMMERCIAL urdu film nowadays which can compete with India because of Financial reasons which we all know well!
Ya Zilay Shah have recieved tremendous response at the DHA Cinema Lahore,even the cinema management is overwhelmed by the response of the movie at da premiere!
w q malik

Age: 125
6632 days old here
Total Posts: 334
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i very much agree with mr.hasnaat.
we must not be language sensitive with the movies. instead of discriminating movies by language we must ask for GOOD MOVIES...... whatever language it has!
i ve seen loads of foreign language movies collection in the video shops of ENGLAND which include french,persian, italian....even gora people watch indian flicks by relying on subtitles.
except very few (such as KKL)most of our urdu movies are BOLLYWOOD inspired and what indian did in 90s we are experimenting them now such as MEDLKA, KAKN etc.
PUNJABI is the only film in which we have our own style & identity (wether u like it or not). most of indian punjab tried to copy this style and failed miserably.
while living in ENGLAND i met lot of INDIAN fellows who know the names of punjabi pak movies such as MAULA JATT, CHOORIAN etc but no one know any urdu film. why should they when they can do better in it. e.g., when YDAKH released in ENGLAND, the very next day KAANTE was out. is there any comparison between two????
i don't agree that punjabi film only runs well in punjab circuit. PLEASE SEE THE BUSINESS OF MAULA JATT AND OTHERS IN KARACHI. film can run all over the world despite its language....BUT IT MUST BE GOOD MOVIE rather than "GUJJAR BRAND HIP HOPS".

Age: 125
7834 days old here
Total Posts: 5317
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
i dont know may be u guys are rite at the business point of view punjabi movies might be profitable these days but being a paying public i wud always prefer an urdu movie with much more universal apeal, and u guys shud accept this fact that punjabi movies r restricted to punjab circuit only no matter how gud they r for example recently released shan's zille shah got the third rate cinema hall in karachi and all the gud mainstream digital theatre's are showing either kidnap or dark knight or singh is king.