Movie: Remand

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i was watching box office, and they've started to show trailors/songs for the upcoming movie 'remand' which stars shaan, reema and saima, among others. the song shown featured reema and i gotta say it looked real good. but i'll bet it flops anyhow. lol.

Posted 20 Sep 2003

~Fragi~ says
ya ... sadly ... story will b (N)
Posted 20 Sep 2003

paki lion says
directors still signing saima??????oh is time they should buy new equipment and technology and select new faces..saima and reema are too old and ugly now...
Posted 20 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 20 Sep 2003

I'm telling you we need Pakistani Idol.............i mean if they can have one for Arab countries why not for Pakistan? lol
Posted 20 Sep 2003

U all people only should consider big budget and specially new director's movie,so these low budget bad directors movie is causing bad image of lollywood unfortunetely,yeah paki lion equipment is must if Evernew owner specially Shezad Gul has promised in one film based program on prime after 'YDAKH',so hopefully he will do soon...
Posted 21 Sep 2003

i agree with t.o. abt the pakistani idol thing. lol. i also agree with ffm and ydakh, that unfortunately, this movie won't be able 2 compete with LP, Salakhein and so on. but i DISAGREE with paki lion. saima are reema may be old, but neither is ugly. and you can NEVER go wrong with experience - something both of them have, not 2 mention a proven track record. but i will agree....change is needed in technology and faces...talented ones. thats not 2 say that saima/reema were a bad choice for 'remand.'
Posted 21 Sep 2003

paki lion says
oh come on nfakfan...maybe u are in love wid saima..but u must understand..saima cant play a leading role anymore..she is too old matter what kind of role is she being offered but to play a leading role is out of question....
Posted 21 Sep 2003

lol. paki lion, i just appreciate saima. she's a good actress. so 2 is reema. and besides.....explain something 2 me: if she's THAT old or THAT bad, then why do people continue 2 sign her??!!? i'll tell u y.....she's a good actress.

i don't work in lollywood - i'm just a fan. i don't sign these actors/actresses, the producers/directors do. and they CONTINUE to sign saima!! please explain...!!
Posted 21 Sep 2003

pagaldil says
i agree with raptop. paki idol. lolol it is time.
Posted 21 Sep 2003

i agree with u pakilion saima and reema lol
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Reema says
i've got a bad idea 4 u paki lion. Y don't U go and make a film of ur own and lets see if u can get a beautiful actress who's better than reema at acting, dancing, looks etc etc (and someone's who's got better hair and skin than reema)
i'm sure u'll be better than all those people! [morph] right....
Posted 22 Sep 2003

lol. i agree with reema. altho i think saima's a better actress and i prefer her, reems is indeed the total package. she looks good, dances good, acts good, and soon she'll even direct good! so both are a great choice for 'remand.'
Posted 22 Sep 2003

paki lion says
to u wnat to say there are no better looking girls then reema or saima? dont u know that in the past 3 years, the interest of working in lollywood has bene in karachi, lahore and islamabd there u have film academy where u can have lesson in acting, directing and dancing there are enuff girls who are talented and beautiful looking..and whats is not only about beautiful looking or talent..but we are also bored of reema and saima..thats why we need fresh faces too...saima is toooooooooooooooo faaaaaaaaat........and reema is tooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooold!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Yeah,right paki lion!
Reema is too jealous for upcoming actress purticularly Zara sheikh and Reema has no good movie of romantic good song picturization and acting,this actor is trying to speak english language,but not a natural way,I am amazed,she is gonna direct a direction is very difficult job,unfortunelely some jahel people made a director easily and some are continuesly making a bad movie,Purticularly Sageeta and Shamim Ara,I hate these Double standard actress and Bogus Director....
Posted 23 Sep 2003

u still havent answered my question paki lion. lol. if saima's so fat and reema's so old, then why do they continue 2 land roles???!!! OBVIOUSLY they're among the best. veena malik said on sunday ke sunday that actresses should improve on their skills. she used saima as an example. whereas these new actresses GIVE money to get roles, saima TAKES money (6 lack per movie 2 be exact)and lands role after role, thanks 2 her TALENT. please explain....!!!

aur ydakh...mein to heraan houn, ke aap reema ke baray mein aisay baat kar rehe ho?! lol. she's alright jinaab! she just wants respect from her juniors, and rightfully so. she's one of FEW who walk the walk and talk the talk. she might be cocky but she can back it up.
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Reema says
first of all paki lion i wasn't saying there aren't any good looking or talented actresses in pk, i'm just saying that fine there are sohnian actresses who are younger as well but why disgrace the ones that are already there. fine all new karachi gals are gonna come in so while we're waiting why not support the ones that are holding the industry in the meanwhile.
if there are gals from karachi and lahore who want to come into lolly films then y aren't they? (has the fact that paki films are thought to be 'ghundi' and 'buri' ever occured to u)if u want fresh faces y don't u go and get them 4 us. eh? aur fresh faces aah gayin to unn ko bhi dekh hi lain ge....there were fresh faces in PHPM then y weren't it a hit![^]
ydakh u adressing me or the actress......i seriously think u r wrong there about Reema being jealous coz she isn't that type. i suggets u see all her interviews and the amount of calls she gets saying to her how she's the best......aur English ka kiya hai.....u can't judge a person jst coz they can't spk anglais....[:(!]
thanks NFAKFan 4 the support....i cud go on and on if somemone says anything abt my favourite ppl!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

paki lion says
to nfkan and u want to say..even if they have become nanny lets them play a leading role just coz they are talented?lolz...and directors who are signing saima are out of order..those directors are not high qualified nor are they using new equipment..i bet peoples like javed sheikh, fahim burney..lucman they will never choose saima or reema in their film (i hope so!) they know very well how to atract publics to watch their film..first of all there must be fresh faces..and most of all young and good looking girls...and good equipment..but whatever u say nfkan or reema....i share the same opinion wid 99% of all the janubaba members here..
Posted 23 Sep 2003

may i enter?
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Posted 23 Sep 2003

paki lion yaar, kiya ho gaya hai?! 4 movies are being said to help out lollywood: laaj (which is apparently AVERAGE), salakhein, phela phela pyar and LARKI PUNJABAN!!! do u know whose in larki punjaban, which is going to be the FIRST PAKISTANI MOVIE SIMULTANEOUSLY RELEASED WORLDWIDE?!?!?! the same movie which is using up2date camera's and equipment?!?! the same movie which is DTS, shot overseas, and editited in bankgkok by the same people who edited SPIDERMAN OF HOLLYWOOD?!?!?!!!!!!!! ITS SAIMA!!!!!!! so i don't know what you're talking about when you say these directors don't use good equipment or are not highly qualified. SAYED NOOR - hands down the best director pakistan has. and don't say javaid sheik is better...he only has ONE MOVIE under his belt!

so common yaar. these people are not stupid. what are you trying to say?!?! 4get talent, just get young people??? thats crazy. if u want young goodlooking people, go 2 a modelling agency or a fashion show. if you want to see good saima and reema in movies. old, yes. but unable to act?? HELL NO.

and reema, no problem! i owe you! lol. and u make a great point. if people want fresh faces, explain PHPM and the fact that it was a FLOP. and yeah.....where are these new faces!?!? lol. if they're so goodlooking, nobody can stop them. not saima, not reema, not anyone. so where are they?!?! lol. these people are just using the seniors as exuses. they say saima, reema are taking away their roles. DAMN RIGHT THEY ARE! cause THEY'RE BETTER!!!!!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

I wanna inform u about "LarkiPUnjaban",there is a program which shows larkipunjaban editing on computer ,not a manually on table,as usual Z.A Zulfi is the editor of this movie,same as "Laaj" and Z.A Zulfi says for editing there need a latest equipment of editing special latest equipment,he also informed that Shezad Gul(Evernew Studio owner)is bringing a new equipment and sound Plus new color Lab well I will be happiest day then new equipment will come on here....
No sernior actor or actress cannot succeed without any strong role such as Shaan is no doubt good actor,but shaan has a lot of flop movie...We need a cast of according to script,if Saima is suitable to "Larkipunjaban",then Saima will be good and Saima is ok...
I watched Saima role in movie "Ghoghat"(96) ,I impressed of 'Ghoghat" I hope for saima will be good role in "Larkipunjaban".
Posted 24 Sep 2003

By the way nfakfan!...Reema and others...
I have watched all reema(actress) interviews,I frankly say about Reema(Dont mind anybody)Reema is wanting to call a NO. 1 actess,why?she is not acting well,did not do a good role in any movie besided only dance...
but recent interview I would appreciate of this statement,she gonna steps about actress's vulgarity which r increasing day by day,she will refused any scene and songs which shows full of vulgarity,but new actress r trying to show body much more,Resham is No. 1 Vulgur Actress("fame for Kriyo ko dale dana").

I am honestly say in lollywood there is no actress to able a excellent actresss,only showing beauty,vulgarity and nudity...
Hopefuly for Zara Sheikh....
Posted 24 Sep 2003

i agree ydakh!

saima should be good for LP. i think her best work tho, was in 'daku rani' and 'chooriyan.' great acting. i'll watch 'ghoghat' based on your reccomendation!

i 2 can't wait for this new equipment! should be a step in the right direction. lets wait and see...

as 4 shaan, i don't know why he keeps signing so many movies. lol. he has SO much talent, but he wastes it on stupid roles. he's still an OUTSTANDING actor tho. i'll continue 2 watch his movies, hit or flop! he pakistan's best hero in my opinion.

however ydakh jee, i disagree with you on reema! i understand what you're saying, lekin, i still think she's a good actress. her and saima are great in my opinion. 4get about looks and dancing and so on. if you see their movies in which they are the main lead and have a legitimate role...they do an outstanding acting job (example: saima - chooriyan, mendhi wale hath, daku rani etc. reema - nikki jaee haan etc. all these movies have no vulger scenes, and they are clean. they are based on pure talent of reema/saima!) anyhow, only one minor disagreement between us! no big deal! lol.

oh....and i agree 100% abt resham. lol. she's a good actress, but she over does it sometimes. lol.

Posted 24 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
as 4 shaan, i don't know why he keeps signing so many movies. lol. he has SO much talent, but he wastes it on stupid roles. he's still an OUTSTANDING actor tho. i'll continue 2 watch his movies, hit or flop! he pakistan's best hero in my opinion.

very ture...he's pakistan's BEST lollywood...
Posted 24 Sep 2003

Originally posted by AyeshaKhan_Fanatic

as 4 shaan, i don't know why he keeps signing so many movies. lol. he has SO much talent, but he wastes it on stupid roles. he's still an OUTSTANDING actor tho. i'll continue 2 watch his movies, hit or flop! he pakistan's best hero in my opinion.

very ture...he's pakistan's BEST lollywood...

and also a good director,Watch the movie "Guns and Roses" and "Mujhe Chand Chaheye" is good imaginary movies...
Posted 25 Sep 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 26 Sep 2018

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