Solution for Religion Forums…

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Age: 47
Total Posts: 380
Points: 0

Karachi, Pakistan
Two Solutions…
1. As you all know Muslims and Hindus are criticizing each other. So the solution is when a Muslim starts a thread Hindus should not reply… Hindu starts a thread Muslims should not reply. If a Muslim/Hindu posts in Hindu/Muslim post he/she should only take information not say Allah/Baghwan can not do this or do that. All should talk about their own religion not others and criticize. It should be pure informative Forum not a criticize Forum. If Admins/Mods find someone criticizing they should ban them for life. It is Religion guys not lollywood or bollywood. And also all replies should be related to the topic not like i.e. ???? where have u been… was busy… blah blah…. Admins/Mods you should delete all replies which are not related to the Subject, even if it was posted by Admin or a mod.

2. Close Religion Forums…. I cannot tolerate if someone says against my religion, no one will.
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
well i think da firz solution is more applicable ,,,,coz .,.. i dona think k closin da forum will help us ...

Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
if they don't follow the first choice...then choice number 2 is just fine...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says
well ...

mite b dey don follow da firz choice...

so we hav to close da religion forum...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
that's wat i'm sayin...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
I think you got my point.... Muslims should discuss thier Religion and Hindus thiers in seprate threads...
If a Muslim wants info on Hinduism, he should ask a Hindu(in Hindu's thread) i.e What is Holi?... he should not say your Holi is waste of time... and a Hindu should ask i.e. What is Ramadam... he should not say Ramadan is a waste of time.. and also there is one member(i dont want to mention his/her name here) who does not belive in any religion he should not be allowed to post in Religion..
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
well if that user don't believe in ne religion then he shoudn't post just pm us his username, n we'll put him out from the religion forum...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
Once all ADMINS/MODS have read this post and reached on a decision.. i will PM you his name
Posted 19 Oct 2003

~Fragi~ says

juz to show ya ppl ,dat,, we r already workin on this formula ....

well , its really nice to see ya .. ppl comin up wid ideas and helping us..esp Bibijan...thz alot...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
Ffm... you guys/gals are doing a great job... BUT in Religion you should not give any warning just block them from Religion.. other forums you can give members few warnings . If a member is not serious about his Religion (Islam/Hinduism) he should be blocked in Religion Forum..
Posted 19 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
I Choose sorry but like bibjan said i cant tolerate someone sayin against my i say delete the whole forum.......i mean i dont think anyone can tolerate someone sayin against their either u guyes delete the forum or just dont complain on he said this or she said that!...this is geetin out of i go with #2...i mean if ur gonna talk about releigion i mean i dont know....everyone comez here meanin like from different religion so i dont know like..i dont think u should have the forum....cause either delete the forum or dont allow any non - muslims...which is totally u its better if u ummm delete the forum and umm so that no one feels uncomfortable or anythin like that here!...cause i want everyone to join this site..from like diff religion and stuff i mean its fun....but if ur goona have a religion forum i dont think then its a good idea u know.....and im sayin this because just by lookin at the posts and topics their i mean i dont think u guyes should have the forum....i mean it wouldve been somethin else if everyone was postin no fightin u know..but umm its not like that so delete it...bas.......its ur whatever u think is the best..u know!
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
n here i wait for admin's reply
Posted 19 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
kon sa admin.....kahan ka admin....

acha hey nasir what do u think delete it or no
Posted 19 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
delete the whole forum for sure...that's wat i've been thinkin... no offense to ne one
Posted 19 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
yupp delelte it
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
I think you guys should give 1 week to #1 , if all goes well then no need to delete...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
If we Muslims/Hindus stop criticizing each other.. it will be a good place to share information about Religion....
Idea.... From today Admins/Mods should block anyone who is criticizing... no need to warn him/her.. just block him/her form Religion Forum.. and also delete replies which are not related to the topic... even if it is Admin or a Mod...
Posted 19 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
lets see!
Posted 19 Oct 2003

BibiJan said:

Two Solutions…
1. As you all know Muslims and Hindus are criticizing each other. So the solution is when a Muslim starts a thread Hindus should not reply… Hindu starts a thread Muslims should not reply. If a Muslim/Hindu posts in Hindu/Muslim post he/she should only take information not say Allah/Baghwan can not do this or do that. All should talk about their own religion not others and criticize. It should be pure informative Forum not a criticize Forum. If Admins/Mods find someone criticizing they should ban them for life. It is Religion guys not lollywood or bollywood. And also all replies should be related to the topic not like i.e. ???? where have u been… was busy… blah blah…. Admins/Mods you should delete all replies which are not related to the Subject, even if it was posted by Admin or a mod.

2. Close Religion Forums…. I cannot tolerate if someone says against my religion, no one will.

WELL I'm Agree wid you ... BibiJAN ... it is very touchy issue and no one can tolrate... against a simple hint .. to his/her religion...

but the point is ...

there is no mess else where RELIGON SECTION....

whtever the MUSLIM or HINDU ... no one can spare a word against his faith and believe.

Posted 20 Oct 2003

I dont agree religion forum is good one,but I am sorry to say mojority of job members are childern,they r not mature,so I suggest u watch those people who post properly and serious talking whose people should be allowed,rest of all bad members should be done out...
Posted 20 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
ydakh said:

I dont agree religion forum is good one,but I am sorry to say mojority of job members are childern,they r not mature,so I suggest u watch those people who post properly and serious talking whose people should be allowed,rest of all bad members should be done out...

you are right... only members creating mess should be banned in Religion
Posted 20 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
i agree bibijan...i think they should be banned...from religion therezz no mess....u know....
Posted 20 Oct 2003

well .. nice to know k u pplz are so concious abt Religion ... so there is a solution of every thing ... yesh there are the majority of teenager ... but it dosen't mean k they have no sense abt RELIGION ... it is the right age to go trough and dicuss all religious talk and stuff.. but the problem is non-serious attitude...

coz u know ... In Islam ... you alwas learn the respect of others and their religion ... so ... its not talk abt teenager .. it is jus concern to ... bad attitude.. that will never be tolrate at any cost .. check out members point... I've posted a thrill to every one... (k prover their self a Sensable person other wise... Religion Topic will be close for General Access only selected members can go trough this Topic....

let see
Posted 20 Oct 2003

MrDeath says
knock knock....

may i enter....

so a lot has been said abt the forum.....

i think ppl were pointin towards me...

well,,,, do what yo want to do.....but i think its better to leave the forum as it is... ppl will be banned.. for offensive ... thoughts...... but the replier shouldn't be.
Posted 20 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
no one's pointing at u mr death, actually no one's pointing at ne one...its just no body wants to see offensive stuff towards their only the members who will post in bad manners will be banned from that forum, that's about it...
Posted 20 Oct 2003

sharara says
well to be honest... all i see is a waste of time..
i appreciate all and everyone and their views on religion. as far as im concerned.. each induviduals faith is a private affair of his own.
no religion is good or bad.. but all i can say is that there is no point in standing and creating a fuss.. thats the only reason things rnt ok.

leave each to his own prob. if anyone does hav a prob it shud be sorted ina reasonable open minded way rather then being a fanatic or unreasonable.

and i agree that closing a forum isnt an answer... but there is an answer in maintaining a few JUST rights or rules for EACH side.

ill talk to the admin and see wot he comes up with though i feel its an unnecassary evil. in the sense that we shud be peaceful as ALL religions preach peace. and all we r doiing is creating lil fires....
khair.. im sorry if i offneded anyone.. but ill see wot i cxan do.

and bibi.. thanx a lot.. ure doing more then a gr8 job.
Posted 20 Oct 2003

BibiJan says
You are welcome Sharara... Dont worry i will keep an eye on Religion Forums .. if i find anything wrong i will PM Admins/Mods
Posted 21 Oct 2003

sanam411 says
Posted 21 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
nice...indeed very nice
Posted 21 Oct 2003

MrDeath says
Posted 21 Oct 2003

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