Are you outraged that Colin Kaepernick made Time Magazine
’s annual list of the most 100 Influential People?Don
’t be.His influence was undeniable. Who else almost
Kayvon Webster Authentic Jersey singlehandedly made the NFL Must-Not-Watch TV for millions of Americans?
The NBA and Major League Baseball have been trying for decades to catch up to the NFL
’s popularity. Kaepernick did more to aid that cause than Magic-and-Larry, McGwire-and-Sosa, Air Jordan and LeBron James ever did.Now that
’s influence.If you didn
’t know better you’d think Major League Soccer execs were sitting around one day spit-balling marketing ideas and one said, “I’ve got it! Let’s secretly pay a quarterback refuse to stand for the National Anthem! That will cause one of the biggest stinks in NFL history and accelerate our 300-year plan to take over America by at least a century.”MLS didn
’t have to spend a penny because Kaepernick sincerely believed in his cause. He was willing to stick by his principles, at least until he became a free agent and needed a job, but that’s another story.Kaepernick
’s non-stand made the backupTony Dorsett Youth Jersey quarterback for the NFL’s worst team one of the most talked-about sports figures in recent history. That’s a pretty neat trick.He became a hero to plenty of people, all of whom are elated their guy made Time
’s list. So did Vladimir Putin, who also refuses to stand for the National Anthem.When Time bestows these honors, its purpose is not necessarily to honor the recipient
’s accomplishments. It’s to sell magazines, get clicks and recognize that those accomplishments had impact.Personally, I have a hard time taking any list that includes RuPaul very seriously. But Time informs me that he is having a huge influence on the drag queen community, so what do I know?
The magazine has been stirring confusion and outrage since 1938, when Adolf Hitler tore up the Treaty of Versailles, took over Czechoslovakia and got the Holocaust rolling. That earned him Time
’s Man of the Year award.The Ayatollah Khomeini won it in 1979 for running the Shah out of Iran and starting the Islamic revolution.
’m not comparing Kaepernick to the Ayatollah, though Khomeini did have almost as many TD passes last season. The point is that being influential is not the same as being honorable.That was established long before Joseph Stalin became a two-time Man of the Year winner, so why is anybody outraged over Kaepernick getting a pat on the head from Time?
Because people love to get outraged these days and media is happy to stoke those flames.
’s influence on the NFL’s overall popularity fueled about 3.2 million hours of sports-talk debate. His fans said the league’s decline was due to the presidential election, Roger Goodell’s ineptitude, concussion fallout, sorry matchups, Tom Brady’s suspension and Russian collusion.Poll after poll, not to mention a few million internet comments, said Kaepernick deserved at least some of the credit.
Or is it the blame?
That depends on how you feel about the guy.
But if you
’re outraged that Kaepernick is considered one of the 100 most influential people in the world, you’re just proving how influential he has become to you.