river door and disorderly soldier Ao fight

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?r and clear face oil. Isn't this the affair that plays a life!
Consult a bureau originally be Joe Biagini Jersey constituted a parties, constituted and overthrew Qing Dynasty to make
republican completely is two code matters, besides the situation isn't
clear now, these people still want to hurriedly seek to take the lead
eldest brother after starting an uprising, a see can not last long.Plus
he doesn't understand to command troops as well, the bookman fights to
more beat more Joe Carter Jersey disorderly, finally throw oneself small life lane can Be getting
over!And soup Xiang Ming still just the navy is an officer, if this
starts revolution successful national diplomatic note one hair,
affirmation is that person's head fall to the ground, so also learn Wu
Zhao Lin resolute brush-off.
Liu Gong's health condition isn't good, Sun Wu lives at the
hospital, Jiang Yi Wu even had no persons, don't know as well whether
flee before the battle starts, the soup turns a dragon and determinedly
thinks that Jose Bautista Authentic Jersey the scholar leads troops will bad matter, this can make everyone silly
an eye.
Ma Rong walks into board room at this time, the atmosphere that sees
inside quietness is dignified, didn't dare and more treated to
hurriedly grasp the Kun to the bear to pull out:"Find out a Li dollar
BE heard dialogue by Wu Zhao Lin at the door, corner of mouth
quietly a hang up.
"Adult, adult."
Loess ascent in home, Liu Josh Donaldson Authentic Jersey Wen's curing to push away a door to see a Li dollar Hong is standing on
the window way to hope a northern side and hurriedly run to come over
to say:"Adult, the soldier who sends letter came back, he said that Wu
Zhao Lin has already received letter, and allows him to take a sentence
words to you."
Wu Chang Cheng in the distance inside rang a night of arms and
supplies voice have already made the Li dollar Hong liver and gall
desire ground, from know Chu after hoping a set is quickly captured knew
to this Kevin Pillar Authentic Jersey time have to be in a mess, so just made commander in chief Wu Zhao Lin
whom people gave there send to a piece of note, this note was the only
hope that he could ride with the current, so hear behind cross-examine a
way:"What rubbish?"
"Wu Zhao Lin says that adult of virtuous hopes him is knowing."Liu
Wen cures this sentence just finish saying, Li dollar Hong feel that the
chest imitated a Buddha to have to what things keep on falling, long
long after absorbing tone, motionless the air continued to ask a
way:"Outside now how?"
Liu Wen cures to say:"A few Marcus Stroman Authentic Jersey family who listens to just requite say that governor of province
mansion last night the adult leaves behind soon be offended break, open
widely a person to firmly stand by Du office, within sight that
direction in the river door and disorderly soldier Ao fight for a night,
dawn just not the enemy leave and took break out of of Li Xiang Lin's
department, cruise city camp, the department of Ma Biao Yu and close Wei
1,000 remainings have already led river to go toward family temple
Liu's direction."
"Family temple Liu?Is he going up north?"
Family temple Liu's train station is three of important passage, so
the Li dollar Hong hears here still think that Zhang Biao wants to
escape, Liu Wen cures to hurriedly say:"Do not escape, but where built
up tent, was killing back after saying to wait reinforcement to arrive."
"Not to."The Li dollar Hong claps forehead:"Are Yang Qiu's two camps
to station over there?Be also invited into by Zhang Biao?"
"This vulgar job doesn't know as well and only listen to the person say
last night m
Posted 27 Jun 2017

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