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Age: 124
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Canada, Canada
people, just wondering , how many of you belive in
true love. Just to see if I’m on the right
Posted 17 Mar 2004

kiran says
hmm i believe on true love.
Posted 17 Mar 2004

enshe says
yes me too....i too beleive in true love.....but it doesnt really exist now a dayz....
Posted 20 Mar 2004

agree :)
Posted 20 Mar 2004

subha says
kiran said:

hmm i believe on true love.

me 2
Posted 20 Mar 2004

Saki says
its only 4 sum ppl that true luv exists...but on the whole in my opinion true luv doesn't exist!!!!!!!!
Posted 20 Mar 2004

every one has his/her own choice :)
Posted 20 Mar 2004

agree wid saki there is no true love.
Posted 20 Mar 2004

Saki says
charizmatic said:

agree wid saki there is no true love.

Husan banawat hai,
Ishq sajawat hai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 20 Mar 2004

bewitching says
but i do believe in true love. it has to exist!
or else how can two ppl live together with out any
privacy between them. how can two ppl care for each
other so much...actually else why would someone
care so much for the other one?
Posted 23 Mar 2004

Saki says
bewitching said:

but i do believe in true love. it has to exist!
or else how can two ppl live together with out any
privacy between them. how can two ppl care for each
other so much...actually else why would someone
care so much for the other one?

come one..tell me u don't think that everyone that lives 2gether in this world is in love with each other or cares 4 each other, nah ahh man!
it cud be love or it cud be infactuation or physical attraction if they care abt each other or it cud be their majboori if they have 2 live with each other..
TRUE LOVE RARELY, very rarely EXISTS! this is wat i think!
Posted 23 Mar 2004

yeah saki true 100% rite man
Posted 23 Mar 2004

Saki says
charizmatic said:

yeah saki true 100% rite man

chalo shukar hai, suumone supports my views...warna i thought i was the odd 1 out..
Posted 24 Mar 2004

There Is A True Love But Not For Every One
Posted 25 Mar 2004

well saki truth is always bitter rite na?
Posted 25 Mar 2004

Saki says
charizmatic said:

well saki truth is always bitter rite na?

true true true.... ..i don't think in this world and rapidly changing society u can love a person after 20 yrs as much as u loved them 20 yrs ago...i mean after speding so much time wid em u get into this comfort is still there but its not the there's hardly any true love left! in my opinion anyways!!
Posted 26 Mar 2004

yepp true love is very very rare now a days.
Posted 26 Mar 2004

bewitching says
charizmatic said:

yepp true love is very very rare
now a days.

love is rare, but see it does exist...
Posted 27 Mar 2004

friend_16 says
well .. in my views:

true love still exists.. don't u guys love ur parents?? ... well to be honest if 'khuda na khawasta'.. someone try to hurt my parents.. i'll just kill them! n i mean it!

i remember when i was 13 i was so sick i couldn't hardly move .. my mom and dad use to stay with me and they didn't slep fot nites..

wht is this?? .. they care.. they loves me.. n i love them..

my dad doesn't let me cry cos thats make him cry! .. y???

well.. y do u guys weep and cry .. when someone really close to u dies?? .. hey come on y??

when u see ur bro or sis in pain.. wht is ur reaction??

don't u guys think this is love?? true love??

how can u say love doesn't exixts??

even the busiest parents.. carez .. wht if they don't ask their children .. but they do ask their servants.. i know!.. y do they wake up in the mid-night and check them?? ..

so in my viewz .. luv really exists .. hey comeon feel it! .. u'll find out! ..

if u don't feel rite now don't worry u'll feel it some day!
Posted 28 Mar 2004

SanaSana says
I believe on first option:)

Posted 28 Mar 2004

Rafia says

TRUE LOVE RARELY, very rarely EXISTS! this is wat i think!

Posted 08 Apr 2004

yepp agree wid rafia.
Posted 08 Apr 2004

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