The Birthday Party with the Parent and the Clown

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Age: 2023
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The day I went to the park to my best friends birthday party was the worst day of my life. I must have been 8 years old and my best friends were doing a barbecue and had some decorated tables set up with food and treats. We played pin the tail on the donkey, dunk for apples, and other games I do not remember. When the food was ready we ate hot dogs and chicken and some of us still ran around playing when our parents called us to the table. The moment was here, it was time for the cake!

We were singing happy birthday, and everyone was smiling and at the end of the song my best friend made a wish and blew out the candles. We were given a slice of cake. I think it was tiny, I remember longing for more and wondering why we were giving so little cake. It must have been a small cake. Then came the ice cream which came out of a fancy looking ice chest. We were enjoying our ice cream. Then it happened! We seen this this scary painted big fellow pop out of the trees. My sister peed on herself, and I almost did. Some of the other kids started crying. This clown that I guess my friends parents had gotten was horrible. In retrospect, I think it was someone my best friends family knew and was probably drunk. Ever since then we became horrified of clowns. I'm older now and though the fear is not completely gone I do not like clowns.

When ever a friend would have a party from that they forward I asked if there would be a clown. If they said yes, I would say sorry I do not like clowns so will not go. I had missed out on many parties because of this when I was young. 

My sister had gotten over the fear of clowns and she would dress up as a clown all the time. It was strange how the experience made her into a mean clown. I guess it was a turning point in her life as well but in the opposite direction. She would be loud and mean. I think she became the clown. She may have sensed I did not like the clown either and was just being mean towards me. We became distant as she became meaner and meaner.

Posted 22 Dec 2017

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