Toyota and SoftBank to team up on automated driving, new mobility

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Toyota Motor Corp. and Japanese tech conglomerate Soft Bank Corp. will jointly fund a new mobility company that combines autonomous driving and ride-hailing with on-demand retail shopping delivered to people's doorsteps by vehicles such as Toyota's futuristic e-Palette.The new company, to be called Monet Technologies Corp., will be 50.25 percent owned by Soft Bank and 49.75 percent held by Toyota, the companies announced today at joint news conference. The partners will make an initial outlay of 2 billion yen ($17.54 million) and increase the investment to 10 billion yen ($87.72 million) over time, the companies said.The first phase of operation will run through 2020 and deploy a ride-hailing service around Japan. The second phase, to start after 2020 when regulatory hurdles are cleared, will focus on deploying the e-Palette vehicle to do things such as make meal deliveries, take retail shopping to remote areas and do things such as provide mobile medical clinics that visit people's homes.The initial phase will focus on Japan, but the services are envisioned as eventually being extended overseas as well, a Toyota spokesman said. Monet will begin with about 30 employees from Toyota and SoftBank and be headed Junichi Miyakawa, SoftBank's chief technology officer.The agreement teams two of Japan's biggest and most global-minded companies as they each seek a bigger profile in the coming world of self-driving cars and new mobility.Toyota is bracing for a world in which people buy fewer personal cars and looking to new mobility and automated fleets for fresh revenue streams. SoftBank, with its deep roots in telecommunications and microchips, sees autonomous driving as a next natural step.The move comes amid growing concerns in Japan that its car makers are falling behind in the global self-driving car race, as rivals pile in from new corners such as China and Silicon
Posted 04 Oct 2018

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