
Age: 124
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Iqbal Kashmiri has also shown his directorial skills in "Ghar keb aao gay" so we can expect a good movie from him again. Like Syed noor and Sangeeta they have also given good movies as well as crap!
The point is why Iqbal Kashmiri thought of making this movie when Bollywood's Devdas has already been a big hit? He should have thought about some other topic. Who knows his "devdas" be better than the bollywood's one but we all know chances are very less especially when Meera is there who is very poor in acting. Reema! yes we can expect good performance from her as she has proven herself as a good actress in some of the movies like "Nikah", "Mujhey Chaand Chahye" and "Zever". Cannot say anything about the acting skills of new actor who is playing the title role (I dont know his name).
I hope this movie will get a good resposne as most of the people will go juz for curiosity, whats the difference between the bollywood's devdas and the lollywood's one. Anyways lets hope for the best.
Posted 12 Apr 2007


Age: 124
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Thanks Mr. Nice for your words
Posted 09 Dec 2006


Age: 124
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So far I havent seen any promo on television but in newspapers they have aleady started the promotion. may bethey will start on television in the alst week of Ramadan.
Posted 13 Oct 2006


Age: 124
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Yeah i also think that response could be good if the promotion is good, also Reema (after long gap) and being a comedy movie, are two other attractions.
regarding 11 movies to be released at Eid, recently I have read in a local news paper that due to limited number of good cinemas left resulting after bad quality movies, ditributors are facing dificulties in getting cinemas for their movies. So far only one urdu movie "zameen ke khuda" and if i m not mistaken one punjabi movie (name i dont remember, definitely must be some gujjar type) have got cinema. Some good movies like "Tarap" and "One two ka one" are still struggling to get cinemas.
so lets see whether its possible for 11 movies to be released at eid or not?
Posted 10 Oct 2006

Topic: Reema Khan


Age: 124
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What I think, her english is far much better than rest lollywood actresses who dont even know how to talk in Urdu. The way she carries herself is quite impressive. Dont u see that most of other models and people related to showbiz talk in english so why not reema? Why dont we appreciate that she has improved herself alot, her dressing, her make up, her way of talking and dealing, her acting, every thing, i think she is the only complete and perfect actress in lollywood.
Point is, if she talks wrongly (like meera g) then we should criticize her but i havnt heard her using wrong words or english.
Regarding her movie and some of the scenes in which she was talking in English, dont u think that she was representing a family which is settled abroad. even my self, i have spent juz 1 and a half year in Malaysia for education and most of the time i had to communicate with local people in English, so it became my habit to talk with pakistani people there in mix english and urdu, so what do u think about a girl who is grown up in a foreign country, as what she was representing in her movie.
one of the very intelligent approach that she used in her movie was, she showed conversation between local malaysian people and pakistani people in english. not like some stupid directors who juz use urdu with english style e,g. tum kahan jata hai? Hum ko thora jeldi hai etc.
i believe if u hear an indian actress talking in english u'd sure appreciate her and will be impressed by her, u think they r highly educated?
so plz try to appreciate ur own things, ur own people and ur own goods. if u find any thing wrong, criticize, other wise if every thing is going fine donot criticize jz to let ur own people down.
Posted 10 Oct 2006


Age: 124
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sorry chandbabu, plz dont cry u jz asked me to wait, u think that i should say thanks for what u asked me to do??
anywz thanks to keep me waiting
Posted 19 Sep 2006


Age: 124
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Thanx aanizdabst for sharing the names of so many movies, i'll sure try to get and watch all these. Thats true, why we ignore Talking about all this stuff although its happening every where. No doubt its a sin but its happening.
Thanx buddy for ur info
Posted 19 Sep 2006


Age: 124
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thanks aanizdabst for ur comments. m waiting for the names of movies u mentioned that have different and nice topics. thanks again
Posted 17 Sep 2006

Topic: Any update?


Age: 124
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Thank you Mr. Nice for your info. Its nice to know that censor board in now doing its real job!!!!!
Posted 11 Sep 2006


Age: 124
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its quite obvious from the results that reema is the queen and she really deserves it. her popularity has increased every day since she entered the industry. she has proved herself as a queen. no one can beat her in dance, in start her acting was not good but then she worked very hard and has proven herself as an excellent actress too. her beauty, her make-up, her dressing, the way she talks every thing, better than all other so called lollywood queens.
resham no doubt very good actress but poor in dance and doesn tknow how to talk and behave in front of public and while being interviewed. she also accepted the roles which doesnt suit her status in lollywood, thats why her popularity decreased.
meera, if she doesnt speak she is the prettiest of all, but the moment she opens her mouth u start disliking her. her excent, the way she talks, her acting all very poor. her popularity decreased more after she begged for cheap roles in bollywood movies. her "beyannat" in news papers also prove that she is quite insensible.
   Sana quite ok. her acting juz ok, dance poor, beauty juz ok. i think in every aspect she is juz ok but what i feel she can never b the queen of lollywood. she alcks that some thing special which a lollywood queen shoild have.
    Veena, she is actually famous for overacting. she ahs good dancing skills. beauty wise she is ok. but she hasnt got a role which makes a turning poiny in her carrier. most of the time she comes in shoret roles or second lead. she is still a second class actress.
     aunti saima... she is a wounderful actress but when she dances she looks very ugly. u'll feel that a girl is juz moving her hands and legs here and there without any rhythm. she is no more suitable for traditional heroine roles unless some special character is created for her. she is quite pretty but she is out of figures.
       according to me the rating of lollywood actresses should be
1. Reema
2. Resham
3. Saima
4. Sana
5. Meera
6. Veena
Posted 17 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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i have heard two of its songs.
(1) laagey na yeh dil
(2)dherkenon ko kheber na honey dee
   both were really very nice. i hope the movie also very nice, but donno when it will release?????
Posted 11 Jan 2006


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Mr. charizmatic, thanks for ur msg, understanding and supporting my views! im happy atleast some one understands what i mean to say and agrees with what i suggested. thanks again!!
Posted 07 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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dear mr. taify, no need to say sorry, i told u already that i m not here to fight or quarrell anyways thanks for ur msg and for ur "aala zerfi" as i believe if a person say sorry he is really aala zerf. i appreciate!
Posted 07 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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may be you guys are right. i m not here in this forum to fight or quarrell, its just i wanted to share what i felt. but mr. taify i m really disappointed the way u wrote ur message. if we dont agree with someone we can say in a polite manner! anyways... this is the problem with most of us.
        but one thing you urself said that uk, aus, and usa r the main markets but we never heard that any of our movies did a great business there. so hw can u say that these r very good markets. this is the time we'll have to take risks to explore new markets. the markets we believe to be good have already been proved bad for our movies so why dont we try in other countries. and if u r afraid that the places where indian movies r doing good business hw can we expect that our movies will be popular there. so dear i think there is no such country where indian movies r not popular it means we cannot show our films internationally. we'll have to produce good stuff so that we can compete with indian movies, we'll have to take risk. we'll have to produce good quality movies. otherwise we'll be sitting in our country thinking that "ooooo indian movies r popular everywhere we cannot release our films internationally"
      so be brave man, dont be afraid of competition.
Posted 06 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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thanks Mr. taify for ur response, but have u ever been to malaysia? have u ever heard the comments of people here abt bollywood movies? have u ever visited the cinemas here that hw many people watch movies? i m living here and know hw much they r crazy abt indian movies. so if u have any plan to come to malaysia, u can stay wid me and then see whats going on here?
Posted 05 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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She is marvellous! still lokks young, fresh, delicate and above all she is very confident! The one and only REEMA
Posted 05 Jan 2006

Topic: batbazi


Age: 124
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Muddeton baad us nei aaj mujh say koi gila kia
Mansab-e-dilberi pay kia mujh ko behal ker dia
Posted 05 Jan 2006