This is taken from another Bulletin board but makes interesting reading. Alot of spelling and grammer mistakes. I have corrected some.
Well most of people in pakistan are really crazy about the upcoming hindi movie "veer zaara" and i m sure people in UK too were waiting for this movie.... but infact people in UK don't know that its a clear cut copy of the Pakistani blockbuster movie "Tere Pyaar Main" same story line 95%
Title: "tere pyaar mein"
"veer zaara"
Year: TPM "DEC 2000"
VZ "NOV 2004"
Producer:TPM "shahzad gul" VZ "yash chopra"
Review: TPM"excellent movie" VZ "fine but not so praised"
Box office: TPM"block buster of year" VZ "not known yet"
Theme: TPM "love b/w indian sikh girl "love b/w pakistani and pakistani muslim boy"
VZ "love b/w pakistani muslim girl and sikh indian boy"
Story: TPM "Zara sheikh is an indian girl who lives happily in india with her family and then goes to Pakistan for the sikh yaatra in lahore.
VZ "prety zinta is a Pakistani girl who lives happily in Pakistan with her family and them goes to india to fulfill to the wish of her servant.
TPM In pakistan she met with shaan in (muslim boy) they fall in love with each other.
VZ she met sharukh(sikh boy) they fell in love with each other.
TPM b/c she is an indian girl she had to come back to india.
VZ b/c she is Pakistani girl she had to come back to Pakistan.
TPM Then shaan droped her at the train station in lahore going to atari(india).
VZ then sharukh khan dropped at atari train station.
VZ Difference: she met with her fionce at the station.
TPM she comes back to india
VZ she comes back to pakistan
TPM Her father friend's son also loves her who was in indian army. (similar to fiounce
VZ Her fionce love her too.
TPM Shaan came to india later zaara home.
VZ shahrukh came to pakistan too.
TPM Her father friend's does not like shaan.
VZ her fiounce does not like sharukh
TPM then he accused shaan as a terrorist of Pak
VZ then he accused shahrukh as a terrorist of india
TPM shaan got jail
VZ shahrukh got jail too
TPM then shaan escape from jail by the help of kashmiris mujahedin
VZ rani mukerji help shahrukh in getting freedom from jail.
TPM shaan want to come back pakistan with zaara sheikh
VZ shahrukh also come back to india with prety zinta
difference: TPM shan has to travel a long distance from india to pakistan through the way of kashmir and escape from indian army with zaara
VZ rani mukerji has to do a difficult job in giving shahrukh justice in pakistan
TPM shan does escape in the end with zaara and he reaches Pakistan. Shan is happy when he reaches pakistani border.
VZ shahrukh got freedom and comes back to india with pretty shahrukh kissed his soil when reached indian border...
IT is JUst the conincidence ZAARA SHEIKH NAME IS PRETTY IN paki movie Preety name is Zaara in indian movie..
i m sure that you overseas pakistanis should also watch "tere pyaar mein" to confirm the reality so you can watch that movie too and tell how cheapers and cheater is bollywood..........(shame on you bollywood)
it is just the coincidence that the movie story is similar no wayits the clear cut copy.......
Age: 125
7396 days old here
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There are many movie's with hindu muslim and even more with indian guy and pakistani girl stuff all directors have to do is put their own touch to the movie. Tere pyar mein is not even close to Veer Zaara. Veer Zaara has a emmotional connection and everything in the movie is detailed and is peace related and tere pyar mein is like watever not comparable! Veer Zaara rocked and Yash Ji made the movie also similar to his DDLJ! Pakistani movies can never compare to Indian movies, Indian movies always are better because they make all types of movies from garbage to award winning, they always make movies with emmotional connection with the plot, people and acting. The dancing, songs, clothes, settings, stage set up, everything is always better and presented better. Indian movies have a charisma and pakistani movies are stupid and just copies of indian movies, they make stupid parodies to make themselves feel better. Even today pakistani drama's suck and trying to copy indian dramas by making actors wear better clothes and better stage setups!! please get over being pakistan this and pakistan that because all pakistan can do is try to be like indian's and claim everything is pakistani! they just change the label to pakistani but it is actually indian!!
Veer Zaara was a great movie and a peace settling movie no pakistani director could make a movie as good as this please!!!!
Age: 125
7677 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Well..I confirm wotever Mr. Nice said about TPM....VZ has got alsmot the same story line as least the main theme is the same.....n TPM was a blockbuster..VZ is just an average movie.....another typical indian romantic movie.... n You Ms. Samiyah...better watch TPM before passing any comments abt come you sayin dat pakistani directors cant ever make a good movie.....agar aajkal aisa ho raha hay to zaroori nahin hamesha say hee aisa hota aaya....n mind....showing emotional settlements is not a guarantee to the success of the a movie....
Age: 125
7841 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
well i have watched both veer zara and tere pyar mein but iam sorry mr nice ur comparing a master product with a low budget punjabi drama iam sorry but its fact veer zara is a class no doubt abt that on the other hand tere pyar mein was of not that class so its jus a sh*tt comparing both of them nothing else.
Age: 125
7785 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
tere pyare mein was a super duper hit film, it was an excellent classic.
veer zaar was very different, it was a stupid love story wasting 3 hours and 15 minutes of your time. it was directed by a 70 year old whos all films have the same stories.
and yes tere pyare was copied in india by gadar, and went on to be the highest grossing film in india, and proves how much of a class product tpm was.
Age: 125
7969 days old here
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Canada, Canada
samiyah said:
...Even today pakistani drama's suck and trying to copy indian dramas by making actors wear better clothes and better stage setups!! please get over being pakistan this and pakistan that because all pakistan can do is try to be like indian's and claim everything is pakistani! they just change the label to pakistani but it is actually indian!!
pakistani drama's are copyin' indian dramas through better clothes, and stage setups?? since when is upgrading wardrobe and setting seen as copying? and storline wise...pakistani dramas are leaps and bounds better than indian ones.
ur last comment is ludicrous, abt pakistanis presenting indian stuff as their own. i could say somethin, but i dont wanna start an india vs. pakistan debate, during a time when the two countries are finally making progress 2wards peace.
as 4 comparing the movies....i saw TPM - haven't seen VeerZara. but i agree with anyone who says u cant compare the two - one promotes peace, and the other did not.
Rain Man
Age: 125
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United States, United States
samiyah said:
...Even today pakistani drama's suck and trying to copy indian dramas by making actors wear better clothes and better stage setups!! please get over being pakistan this and pakistan that because all pakistan can do is try to be like indian's and claim everything is pakistani! they just change the label to pakistani but it is actually indian!!
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tape it shut right here, Paki dramas are way fudgin better then indian dramas, n yea most of indian movies copy stories from paki dramas too, u better get ur facts right, before u open ur mouth...that was one idiotic childish n biased comment u made, cuz it sure don't sound like a fudgin opinion to me
Age: 125
7587 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Firstly I have not compared both movies and the above is not my work. I have just taken some info from a different bulletin board and put it up for some interesting reading.
I have not seen VeerZaara and have only read the reviews.
Charizmatic I am sorry to say that I don't agree with your opinion of Tere Pyar Main which is unfair.
It was a great movie with good music. Technically and production it was top notch. The film was a big hit. It was the class audience that made it a hit. The film got excellent reviews especially in the English press.
The set of the Taj Mahal which was used in the film has become a permanent fixture at the Bag-e-jinnah in Lahore.
You cannot compare a film which has a budget of 30-40 crores with a film with a budget of 2-3 crores in terms of techinal and production quality.
The simple fact is that the Indians have copied loads of our stuff before and are still doing it.
Age: 125
7396 days old here
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As for drama's doing better you should know this that your drama's are changing there scenario to compete with india if they didnt feel threathend that your whole country watch's zee, sony, star plus!! they are fasinated with indian style of settings and clothes they try to show glamour now!!your drama's are changing and everyone knows that and complains and says the drama's before where better becuaes they were and now they are gettin better and different cause they are trying to be like indian style!! no more simplicity allowed since its all about glamour!! thats why you have geo and ary that try to copy sony in all the way possible!!people in your country like it more then p tv because its not modest as it should be!! even your models or actors are trying to dress like indians and getting into fashion in public before they could care less how they presented themselves in public!! the bad thing about pakistan is they only recognize good talent and artists from your country when someone else from a different country recognize'z them!! dont give yourselfs so much credit cause your country is just a wannabe version india and needs to improve on its own talent!!! The only reason zee is airing paki dramas is for the peace process once that ends everything ends!! you guys just want credit for everything cause you dont think beyond that and can never accept yourselves at fault ever!!! first learn to accept that you need improvements then point fingers at india!! india has great actors and they have great movies and they know how to display them and they know how to accept criticism something you guys dont know how to do thats why you wont improve in fields without india's help!!! get that pride out of your system and learn to be average humans before you think big about yourselves!! everone one from every country is average until they accomplish beyond the average!!!
Age: 80
7471 days old here
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lahore, Pakistan
^ I dont even want to argue with you. You have the stupidest comments.
lol I have ztv, sony, and all the other sh*t indian tv channels. The people in the dramas are so ugly lol i dont even wanna watch tv because of them.
Before you say pakistanis try to dress like indians keep in mind that Pakistani national dress is Shalwar Kamiz and indian dress is sari. I see more indians wearing shalwar kamiz on tv then I see pakistanis wearing saris.
Indian movies are so vulgar and they are straight off copies of hollywood movies. lol this movie's coming up called Bas or somesh*t. From the promos you can tell its a blatant copy of Enough which starred Jeniffer Lopez.
WTF do you know how our actresses dressed like in public before? Our actresses are so beautiful they dont need to dress up to look beautiful unlike the ugly indian actresses
Age: 125
7969 days old here
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Canada, Canada
SRK's doubt. but on the same level or better than tom cruise?! LOL. people around the world know who tom cruise is. u ask a white dude who srk is, and theyll look @ u like ur from mars. indians like you put WAY too much stock into bollywood. lol. srk=tom cruise
changing our senario's to 'compete' with india?! LOL. silly girl...there IS NO competition!! pakistani drama's are better, hands down. even indians know this. the only thing you have going for you in indian dramas is glamour. thats it. no story, no acting - nothing. pakistani dramas on the other hand: we had the stories...still do. we had the acting....still do. we have the direction...still do. and now we got glamour to boot!! competition?? i think not.
u say our channels like ARY, and Geo are 'copying' india's SONY?? another halfass comment. lol. even tho its not tru...pretend it is. big deal. indian's are no slouches when it comes to copying either. sony, zee, mtv etc. - all these indian channels are cheap immitations of american channels. hell...look @ the names of 90% of them. LOL. very original. lol.
my point is....people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. in your eyes.....we may be copying india. thats fine - its your opinion (even tho its not tru). but indians are no different...ya'll take the cake when it comes to mimicking.
Age: 125
7969 days old here
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Canada, Canada
u KNOW i enjoy these topics bro!!!! lol
first it was springstepper, then it was that bombay character. lol. u see them around JB anymore?! lol. we'll add samiyah 2 that list 2 if she keeps bashing pakistan and its kickass entertainment industry. lol.
Age: 125
7396 days old here
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ScotchTape said:
^ I dont even want to argue with you. You have the stupidest comments.
lol I have ztv, sony, and all the other sh*t indian tv channels. The people in the dramas are so ugly lol i dont even wanna watch tv because of them.
Before you say pakistanis try to dress like indians keep in mind that Pakistani national dress is Shalwar Kamiz and indian dress is sari. I see more indians wearing shalwar kamiz on tv then I see pakistanis wearing saris.
Indian movies are so vulgar and they are straight off copies of hollywood movies. lol this movie's coming up called Bas or somesh*t. From the promos you can tell its a blatant copy of Enough which starred Jeniffer Lopez.
WTF do you know how our actresses dressed like in public before? Our actresses are so beautiful they dont need to dress up to look beautiful unlike the ugly indian actresses
hahaha!!!! so you telling me that if the sari is a national dress people should only wear national dress's in there country?? lolz!!!!! how dumb man every country has a national dress to represent their country they dont need to just wear that! shalwar kameez are also in india they have always been in india! they even have skirt outfits, short top outfits, hyderbadi outfits, gujurati outfits its full of different clothing doesnt mean shyt! shalwar kameez is a islamic outfit if it has long enough sleeves, a long enough dupatta to cover the head and loose enough to not show the body figure. Pakistan has its national dress i doubht ever dham person there wears there national dress everyday time of the day!please that was a lame issue!! why do you have zee, sony?? i would cancel and stop wasting your money then!! how lame if you dont watch why have it?? obviously your not fooling anyone =/i know how your actress's dress cause they had a article in the paper on how the interactions are changing the styles of your country so people in your country can present themselves better so they can come to india's level and then become international!! no one said your actress's are ugly im sure they are beautiful everyone in the world has beautiful people, dont need to attack another country on beauty because people are also beautiful within, that's just being shallow!
Only in India would the peace start from who in Pakistan would make a peace film a peace film so dham good! good thing india has a heart and their nature is good because they gave the first hand, pakistan just complains and never appreciates and always bickers like omg they are like this! and that they dont do anything!! we do everything!! In India people are united in giving and taking the first step and not just taking!please!!! as for the movie tere pyar mein being made first taht just shows that you guys made a hate movie first and complain why gader, loc and all those other movies came out!! god accept some bad in urself if you want people to appreciate what you want dont be fake about it!! and yes india does copy hollywood there is not doubht about it and they admit it too!! unlike you people who dotn admit shyt!! As for Shahrukh khan being well known then tom cruise its true! why dont you watch his documentary teh beggining states how true it is and how true it is that india and bollywood are doing so good everyone knows about what they do and represent! Its hard to suck in but India and the actors in India are succeeding even if you dont like the new stuff they are presenting they are doing it becuase they are capable of it!
Age: 125
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Is it because anything "Indian" sells?
Rani vs Reema?
By Zainab Mahmood
What remains to be seen is how tomorrow's young adults will show the effects of growing up in a time of computers, Britney Spears and supremacy of Indian media. In the race to "Indianize" our media, are we evolving with the times or burying our own heritage? writes Zainab Mahmood.
Television is the first truly democratic culture, the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what the people want. -Clive Barnes
The release of the star-studded blockbuster last year inspired the attire and jewellery for countless brides who enthusiastically tried to get their wedding planners to re-enact the "Devdas setting" complete with the gao takias, silk sheets and other adornments.
The Indian culture, among others, has permeated views through the television screen and people are spending oodles of time and money on spicing up wedding rasms. Singing of Pakistani songs is now passé and instead we must have eight elaborately choreographed dances, to the upbeat tempo of Indian tracks, including sets and props! A few years from now the young generation will be amused by the songs we grew up hearing and will ask "what's lathay dee chadar?"
The release of Kal ho na ho enthused a dance craze. We were stunned by the flawless choreography of a 12-year-old at my best friend's wedding last winter. The teenage crowd completely overshadowed us with their enviable knowledge of Indian songs and dance moves. One such enthusiast, 14-year-old Faiza confessed, "I enjoy Indian dramas and films, especially the remixed songs. My friends and I pick up fashion trends from the hip Bollywood actresses too."
These trends are indicative of an interest that has existed for generations. The post-partition Pakistan saw its people enchanted with Indian cinema, as our film industry struggled and eventually dwindled into oblivion. At that point, we were faced with a void and sporadic lacklustre local productions that failed to impress or attract an audience. Even the banning of Indian films in the '60s did not stifle the interest. People continued to tune into radios to listen to Indian film stories and songs. Thousands flew to Lahore from all over Pakistan to watch Pakeezah being shown on Doordarshan (an Indian channel the Lahoris managed to catch on their antennas) back then.
Then came the state-run TV in Pakistan, and its nationalism, low-budget videos and even some noteworthy drama serials failed to capture the audience for long. The VCR phenomenon saved the day and pirated Indian films were rented in thousands. The satellite dish arrived in the early '90s, and we were bedazzled by Zee, Star Plus, Sony, B4U and MTV India. With so many choices, family members gathered around their TV sets, even during meal times and sitting room discussions revolved around the Indian soaps and films.
Unsuspectingly we have begun to emulate the clothes, language and lifestyle they project. You would be amazed at how much Hindi we understand and use today. Whether we like to admit it or not, the length and styles of our kurtas and pants fluctuate with what Kareena, Rani or some soap actress was seen wearing (even our tailors are familiar with Bollywood trends). The promos for Pakistani music awards that are yet to be aired confirm just this. The hostess is not only making a somewhat misguided effort to put on a Joan River-esque red carpet stint, she is also wearing an exact replica of an evening dress worn by a Bollywood leading lady in Dil Chahta Hai.
The concept of family entertainment has undergone a radical change as a result of the Indian electronic media during the last decade. We are no longer easily offended by actresses prancing about in revealing outfits and their suggestive dialogues and dance moves. The popularity of Indian TV channels and cinema has forced Pakistani media to take stock. The new private cable channels with their serials, soaps and song videos and enticing advertisements are trying hard to catch up. Pakistani producers are now churning out a new drama serial almost every week with steamy storylines. Many of our film actresses are seen taking dance lessons and learning to speak English. (Is Reema vying for a break in Bollywood?) Their media portrays a nation of fairly educated musicians, actors and sportsmen, forcing many of our celebrities to undergo image improvement.
Encouraged by the success of Indian celebrities endorsing commercial products, our corporate sector has begun to use film and pop stars to catch the fancy of the audience. We cannot help but wonder if Shaan has been picked up by Indian producers? Or will Inzie and Shoaib be the next faces for corporate products? All in all, we are taking a crack at giving our industry a facelift so it appeals to all sections of society within and outside Pakistan. It has to be said, with improved programming and presentation, our soaps and some shows are now dangerously close to appearing Indian. A change of outfit and a few added words of Hindi would leave you questioning which side of the border the programmes were produced on.
One can argue that the Indian media overwhelmed the audience and now our new TV channels are just trying to give the viewers what they have always wanted. On the flip side, perhaps by emulating the Indian media we convey to the audience that our cultures are identical and that we have to follow the Indian lifestyle and trends to move with the times. Satellite TV tantalized the audience in the '90s and paved the way for the cable network which flooded thousands of homes and fascinated all kinds of people across cities and villages in Pakistan. From the classic films of Amitabh, Rekha and Rafi to the contemporary age of Shahrukh, Kareena and Sonu, Indian cinema and music has something which will appeal to all generations.
Mrs Zia, a housewife from Karachi confesses, "The saas-bahu and family politics storylines of Star Plus plays are so fast paced. I watch them quite often as they offer a good break from the monotony of domestic life." Even the youngsters are not too far behind. Sixteen-year-old Daud from Rawalpindi finds himself hooked to the Indian dramas and films during vacations and Ayesha, a 6-year-old, living in a small town near Lahore, religiously watches Aishwarya Rai films and knows the words of all her famous songs. On the other hand Zakia, a young mother from Faisalabad representing the views of a handful of mothers today, bemoans, "Indian films and dramas are vulgar and send the wrong message. I don't want my children to grow up thinking that this is the norm, and learning to be devious and manipulative from the dramas."
In Pakistan today, popularity of Indian media and music exceeds by far the interest in our local productions. In fact adding anything Indian ensures that your product sells, which is evident from Indian celebrities featured in our music videos, fashion shows and exhibitions. The production of low-budget popular spoofs of hit Indian films and our versions of their popular song and dance sequences drive this point home. Amna, a 25-year-old artist from Karachi insists, "Indian media is basically good value for money. You can tell they make an effort to attract the viewer. Their entire package is better than the run-of-the-mill entertainment we get here. I've noticed they are really nationalistic in their films and serials, which we are not."
Bilal, a Pakistani/British 21-year-old graduate, shares the views of young Pakistanis living abroad. "Indians offer a corny brand of escapism that we can relate to because they look and talk like us. It's a good laugh to watch Indian songs with our white friends who enjoy it too," he says. Many of the affluent young desis living here and abroad depict the subtle influences. The kurta and chapal trend, the hairstyles and to some extent even the language of young people today is influenced by the fashion vibes from Bollywood stars.
Anglo-Indian cinema has recently come into vogue, especially abroad. The likes of Monsoon Wedding and Bend it like Beckham have provided desis everywhere a chance to watch something they can relate to. The popularity of independent Indian ventures such as Leela and Everybody Says I'm Fine and their success at film festivals abroad, proves that even such films can find an audience. Therefore young Pakistani filmmakers have been encouraged to walk the same path as can be seen from the success of Kara and Mateela film festivals across Pakistan.
We cannot credit the entire change in our society or our entertainment industry to Indian influence. Natural evolution, social and political changes have also exerted their power. But as cable TV has percolated into the cities and even small towns, its dominance cannot be denied. The reality is, cable TV does not require a visa nor must it bend to the pressure of conservative and religious lobbies. Such groups are indeed helpless now. Even the Indian celebrities (from Urmila to Arundhati Roy) who have visited us were overwhelmed by the multitude of fans that were eager to meet them.
Now that the Indians have realized that a big market exists here, we will see more collaborative ventures. Indian drama serials on our channels, sharing of playback singers (Strings, Fuzon and Aaroh spearheading the trend), and joint hosting of programmes (the Indian comperes are extremely professional whilst the Pakistani counterparts leave a lot to be desired). Up till now we have passionately idolized and revered Indian celebrities and their world of glamour. Only recently has the healthy exchange of talent and productions begun and now the Indians will have a chance to see what we have to offer (we hope our current stars meet a better fate than Somi Ali and Zeba Bakhtia
Age: 125
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The fact remains that the Indian entertainment industry has been flourishing for years and is now a global player. With a home market of over a billion people it can afford to invest heavily in local media and attract foreign interest. Today, our people are responding positively to this new brand of Pakistani entertainment. What remains to be seen is how tomorrow's young adults will show the effects of growing up in a time of computers, Britney Spears and supremacy of Indian media. We may just end up paying a higher price than we bargained for. In the race to "Indianize" our media, are we evolving with the times or burying our own heritage? Will we be successful in carving our own niche eventually, or will the technologically savvy Indian industry usurp our culture and society? After all, there might be something to the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" philosophy.
Saas, bahu rule soaps across border - Ekta Kapoor’s K-serials and local clones top Pakistan charts CHANDRIMA S. BHATTACHARYA
Mumbai, March 19: They could pass off as “Klones”, only the K-word is missing. And instead of heavily embroidered sarees, it’s salwar kameezes.
The women look as pretty, processed and bogged down by glittering costume jewellery; the sets are stuffed with as much kitschy furniture and every episode is inspired by the same subtle intent on part of the saas, or the doosri aurat, to malign the bahu.
Ekta Kapoor hasn’t actually produced a serial for PTV, but she is the reigning queen of soap in Pakistan, too.
According to one of the leading television software houses in Pakistan, family dramas on the small screen were reinvented following the success of the K-serials.
“All our top-ranking serials are inspired by Ekta Kapoor,” says Mohammad Jerjees Seja, the executive director of Evernew Entertainment, the Pakistani media house that was in Mumbai to attend Frames, the Ficci entertainment convention.
“There’s Mehndi, there’s Kabhi Kabhi Pyar Mein and Chandni Ratein from Evernew alone. Another such serial is in the offing, which will be called Jaise Jaante Nahin,” he adds.
The opening conceit may be slightly different. In Mehndi, the Colour of Emotions, a mega hit on PTV, a father with four daughters marries them off the same day, thinking that he has got rid of his responsibilities. But problems begin from Day 1 after the weddings — and the problems have a generic name: kitchen politics.
Even the stills of the serial look like they have been issued by Balaji Telefilms, with the smiling couples looking like they have just stepped out of a photo-shoot for upmarket wedding finery.
“It’s the same thing as here,” says Seja. “It’s about the same moneyed class, where they don’t have to worry about money or anything really. So they worry about the small problems between family members.”
“Ekta Kapoor knows how influenced we are by her,” says Seja. He adds that Sajjad Gul, CEO of Evernew group, also the oldest and biggest film production house in Pakistan that veered into television software after the film industry nose-dived, has interacted with Kapoor often.
Chandni Ratein was another record-breaking serial from Evernew. It had a man who wanted children but could not have them from his wife, going in for a second marriage. The second wife – you guessed it – turns out to be vile, and everyone suddenly starts pining for the good, first bahu.
“There is one difference between our serials and yours,” says Seja. “All our serials have a 13-episode format.” So at least there is no scope to repeat the reincarnations rampant in the K-serials.
Seja doesn’t need to elaborate the plot of Jaise Jaante Nahin, the forthcoming attraction. “It’s the same,” he says.
The female leads of the soaps are as popular. For a Smriti Irani here, there’s an Amna Haque (who acts in Mehndi); for a Shweta Katra here, there’s Sadia Imam. Their characters are as much of household names, standing for the same set of wifely virtues as a Tulsi or Kkusum here.
The originals are also there. Since Pakistan gets the satellite entertainment channels beamed here, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki and Kkusum are delivered in person into Pakistani homes and rate as the highest viewed programmes on the satellite channels there, too.
Nausheen Sardar Ali, the actress who formerly used to play Kkusum, was booked by a Pakistani serial as soon as she was out of Ekta’s factory: she is now shooting for the serial in Dubai.
Evernew has so far shown its serials on PTV alone. It’s the government-owned terrestrial channel.
The television industry in Pakistan has taken other cues from the industry here. “The GEO news channel is modelled after Aaj Tak,” says Seja. Anu Kapur is as much a popular host for a music programme on a channel there called Gayegi Duniya Geet Mere.
Evernew is here looking for a joint production with an Indian company. “It will be the first joint production between two houses from the two countries,” says Seja.
The television industry in Pakistan, based in Karachi, is more modern and professional than the film industry, which is based in Lahore.
With technology on its side, it has made rapid advances in the last few years. “We used to make four to five family dramas five years back. But this year, about 70 soaps are in the pipeline,” Seja says.
He adds that seven to eight satellite channels will be launched soon. Last year, advertisement revenues went up by 16 per cent for the industry, he says.
Seja doesn’t forget to remind, though, that Pakistani serials are also very popular in India. “There’s a huge viewership of these serials in India. But it is viewed on VCDs as they are not telecast here,” he says.
Rain Man
Age: 125
7811 days old here
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United States, United States
u KNOW i enjoy these topics bro!!!! lol
first it was springstepper, then it was that bombay character. lol. u see them around JB anymore?! lol. we'll add samiyah 2 that list 2 if she keeps bashing pakistan and its kickass entertainment industry. lol.
u do ur thang...i'll be watchin...n wait to make a move
Age: 125
7969 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
u honestly think anyones going 2 read the novel u just posted samiyah? lol
from a glance, it looks like most of it is from articles u managed to dig up.
we're not going 2 have an article-war here r we?! cause i got some good ones myself, from indian newspapers, that admit pakistan's dominance in terms of dramas and ESPECIALLY music.
Age: 125
7969 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
samiyah said:
and yes india does copy hollywood there is not doubht about it and they admit it too!! unlike you people who dotn admit shyt!! As for Shahrukh khan being well known then tom cruise its true! why dont you watch his documentary teh beggining states how true it is and how true it is that india and bollywood are doing so good everyone knows about what they do and represent! Its hard to suck in but India and the actors in India are succeeding even if you dont like the new stuff they are presenting they are doing it becuase they are capable of it!
k. i managed to read this post. it was the shortest.
admitting that bollywood copy's is nothing to be proud of. lol. it just shows that the industry doesnt have the talent that you claim it does. the only thing its good @ is making money off of other peoples (hollywood) ideas. if that floats ur boat...great.
again....u seem to be putting too much stock in bollywood. everyone DOESN'T know abt it OR srk. ur being delusional if u think they do. u should have been there during my presentation on monday. our group mentioned bollywood and 35 people looked back @ us with blank looks on their face. LOL.
i'm not sayin' bollywood's unknown. but when u make a generalization like 'everyone knows what they do and what they represent' ur dreamin' in technicolor.
Age: 125
7396 days old here
Total Posts: 27
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no one said you had to read anything i wrote, you just choose to read what i had to write. i could care less if you didnt want to read what i wrote. Anyhow this is a battle that will never end!