What amount of time Facebook Marketplace endorsement require us?

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Age: 2023
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Here, you may encounter that the Facebook Marketplace endorsement can take 5minutes to 2 days. It essentially needs your couple of records to distinguish
your way of life just as make you a believed dealer on this web-based shopping
website. In the event that you didn't satisfy all prerequisites, at that point,
it might conceivable that the help group drops your endorsement.  
Posted 27 Nov 2020

Jim78 says
Facebook is not the most convenient social network when it comes to business. I believe there are many other options to promote your product and increase sales.
Posted 23 Dec 2020

AlexGreen says
Yes, I also agree with this point of view. I tried to run a business account on this platform but realized that my efforts were not successful. It's much easier and cheaper for me to buy yelp reviews fiverr. New social media is quickly making your post go viral. This is exactly what I need to be always on the wave of attention in my state.
Posted 23 Dec 2020

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