Hurricane Katrina

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Age: 125
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United States, United States
I feel really bad for all those people going through such terrible times. Inshallah I pray that Allah SWt Bring them relief and peace soon and may their sufferings be over.
Posted 06 Sep 2005

Posted 06 Sep 2005

nikama says
that was really unfortunate. what added to the miseries of the effected people was the sluggish way Bush admin. responded.usay ab Iraaq ko bhool kay apnay ghar kifikar karni chahiy.
Posted 06 Sep 2005

LiL_DollY says
Its really really sad
Posted 06 Sep 2005

yea, its really sad
there so many diseases goin around at tht place rite now
Posted 06 Sep 2005

Badal says
It is really terrible. May Allah be compassionate to them.
Posted 06 Sep 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 07 Sep 2005

sara_kh says
Posted 07 Sep 2005

LiL_DollY says
You hear nothin else but, this on the news everyday...
Posted 09 Sep 2005

Badal says
Note that there is no concept of "Natural Disaster" in Islam. We believe, Allah punishes people for their evil deeds so that they may repent and turn towards their Lord.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

"And We sent not the signs except to warn" [Al-Quran, al-Israa' 17:59]

and ALLAH (SWT) also has stated in the Quran:

"Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon)." [Al-Quran Al-Room, 30:41]

We cannot stop Allah's Wrath. Instead we pray, may Allah be compassionate to them (meaning, guide them to the right path and make them His obedient servants) and make them able to deserve His mercy.
Posted 10 Sep 2005

SupidGuy says

yaar i saw a power point slide show abt hurricane..
lagta hi nahi thaa ke kabhi kuch theek bhi thaa.....
its really heart shaking yaar.........

Posted 10 Sep 2005

bohot bara azaab hei yaar.. allah asey azaab se bechahe..
Posted 11 Sep 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 12 Sep 2005

SohniKuddi says
Posted 13 Sep 2005

LiL_DollY says
Yes, cause of hurricane katrina...
the oil prices went up
because there were oil reserves over there in new orleans.
So gas became an issue.

Honestly, I think its a prank of the gov. Its an excuse to push up the prices higher. WE get oil from other states/countries also.
Posted 14 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says
Badal said:

Note that there is no concept of "Natural Disaster" in Islam. We believe, Allah punishes people for their evil deeds so that they may repent and turn towards their Lord.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

"And We sent not the signs except to warn" [Al-Quran, al-Israa' 17:59]

and ALLAH (SWT) also has stated in the Quran:

"Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon)." [Al-Quran Al-Room, 30:41]

We cannot stop Allah's Wrath. Instead we pray, may Allah be compassionate to them (meaning, guide them to the right path and make them His obedient servants) and make them able to deserve His mercy.

Oh please! How dare you suggest that the hurican was Allah's wrath, or that people there are sinners or that Islam justifies killing! There are natural diasters in every corner of the world because of the various environmental factors and human abuse of the earth.

Not only are you taking those sura lines out of context but interpreting them in a very negative light.

Posted 14 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says

Pres Bush admitted that it was the fault of his gov for reaching N.O. so lamely. He lives in a glass home and throws stones at other people's houses, tighten US security and sharpen your responces to domestic disasters!
Posted 14 Sep 2005

BadShaH1 says
Wuteva happened to the people is sad, but i admit i feel a certain satisfaction.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

Chandarmukhi, Badal ddn't go over board. he infact spoke the truth. Environmental factors you are referring to (tentative phenomenon humans reached with God-given intelligence) are systems of God’s creation and are executed upon His orders. Allah swt mentioned in the Quran of wind, and ocean waves, and birds and insects... being his soldiers who obey and carry out His command. They call 'em natural disaster because they do not have any body to blame for such incidents.

In western societies where atheism took strong roots in late previous century, left its indelible marks on the society. Calling act of God an act of nature is one example. They refer to God as Mother nature but hate to call it the will of Allah, the Almighty who commands total control on what happen on the heavens and the earth.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

Badshah, I don't blame yah. Many people have been saying similar things. People around the globe are weak and poor and America is taking advantage of their situation to yield and extend political, economic and military milage outa'em. When a calamity strikes America, people sympathize with American public but they feel somewhat satisfaction in it too. A relief to see America suffer a blow and taste the bitterness of chaos and pain of disturbed lives and its amenities likes of which America spread to others by wars and sanctions.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

Badal, you were not correct in saying there is no concept of natural-disaster. It may be translated verbitim but allah swt has mention of "Musibah" or "Bal'a" in Quran, for example, meaning, clamity / catostrophy which may or may not be disastrous. Allah swt included, fear, pain, loss of property and even soul under it.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says

Oh please! satisfaction??? that's sick. i think less of you to say that. it's wrong to blame american people for the acts of their president just like it is wrong to blame muslims for the acts of bin laden.

nothing in islam or any religion justifies taking innocent lives, whatever race/religion they are.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

Chandramukhi, I only related the reality. I know and understand Islam does not promote killing of innocent people. I personally do feel for the people in N.O. The ground reality is different, people have mentioned of how American people feel of devestation, suffering and chaos.

Many people hold American people equally responsible for the acts of their government. As majority of people supported war and attacks on other soverign countries and approved of killing innocent civilian who were not responsible for the acts of terrorists. Still, I believe, in the time of suffering, Muslims should support aid the victims.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

I agree, no one should drive any satisfaction from sufferings of others but as humans, we can't forget the loss of our own and embrace of that who inflicted blows upon us. Now, ask a Muslim heart which stopped bleeding for genocide of its Muslim brethren at the hands of Americans, and feel for the hurricane victims and to come to their aid, how tremendous sacrifice and extra large character it required.

People living in the west can feel for Americans becuz they saw it all on TV. News networks jammed air time with unbroken coverages for days drawing attention of the entire globe. How could a western Muslim heart be not moved after seeing sufferings of people.

How many westerners or even Muslims saw such extensive coverages of Muslim sufferings after carpet bombing and diasy-cutters hitting civilian populace? Networks were busy showing how humane American killing machine was - how they dropped aid to women, children and old - busy painting a guised picture of wolves as sheep.

Yet Muslims with one part of their heart aching for their Muslim brethren, suffering at the hands of Americans, stand with American victims of hurricane with the other half. A character much larger and greater than human scale.
Posted 20 Sep 2005

BadShaH1 says

bohot acha likha hey
Posted 23 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says
And we can just forget Bin Laden and his maniacs, 9/11 or 7/7 the brutal way he killed civilans. The US retaliated to protect itself from a potential threat. Yeah no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq but their responce was still natural.

And this Palestine you break all ties with the world to defend has never been a friend of Pakistan, in the matter of Kashmire it has always sided with India.

For decades Iraq spread horror over its own people and killed Iranians.

No country is on the good side, they all have dirty linen, all have invaded and killed in the bid for power.

Why should Westerners news stations dedicate their broadcasting time to Eastern affairs? That's the Eastern stations job, apart from a daily headline about how many were killed in Kashmire and Iraq, PTV or Geo or ARY never bombard our screens with the disaters going on the countries they're representing!

Every country's news station has its own reports or the reports of its allies to broadcast, thier own problems and the air time other stations pay for.

It's the own country's responsibility to highlight or 'bombard' its suffering through news stations.

A character much larger and greater than human scale - my foot!
Posted 23 Sep 2005

thats hurricane we r talking abt 7/7 did bin laden tooooo...any proef?
Posted 23 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says

Death toll for the Katrina was over a thousand, reports confirmed two days ago I hope Rita sweeping over Texas doesn't have a similar story.
Posted 24 Sep 2005

jab muslims marte hain kisi ko afsoos nahi hota
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Blue Oasis says
you say some very strange things srk good people care when anyone innocent dies
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Chandramuki said:

you say some very strange things srk good people care when anyone innocent dies

what abt in one care abt them....
Posted 25 Sep 2005

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