United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
This is GULF
* Petrol is cheaper than water Payment for drainage also * Any building construction finishes in 3 months * Unqualified get more salary than Qualified * Show-off matters more than real quality & performance * Labors are paid less than what they can earn back in their country * Companies can kick away their employees without any reason * Wastas (recommendation) are more powerful than money * Cleaners have more Wasta than officers * Watchman has more Rights than the Building Owner * Office boy & Drivers has more influence on Boss than Manager (exactly) * Gulf climate changes so fast, in one hour u can see raining, dust storm, hot / humid / chilling weather * Gulf is located in desert, still u find greenery everywhere * If some one can't earn money in Gulf, he can't earn at any place in the world * In Gulf, time goes very fast, Friday to Friday comes u never know, its sooo fast * Every bachelor has a dream of getting married and buying a house in home town * Love your parents, friends, relatives 100 times more than that you were together * Being at home is more painful than being at work * Indians appear/pretend more religious/God fearing than they really are * Theatres are full of Arab nationals whenever there is a movie of Salman / Sharukh ???? * Gulf girls sing Hindi songs but don't understand anything ? * Prostitudes,available, but cheaper than beggars * Dance Bars and Pubs more than that in Bangalore * A ladies hair saloon every 5 meters * Food/Grocery delivery to the car * A Starbucks every 10 meters * Hard Rock Cafe with no alcohol * A Shopping Mall in every 5km. * Highway lanes differentiated for slow & fast drivers * Getting license is more difficult than car * Smashed cars are more than bugs * No Women Queues * Local calls are free
TRAFFIC SIGNAL IN GULF: * GREEN : Signal to go, for Americans, Europeans and Indians * YELLOW : Signal to go, for Egyptians and Pakistanis * RED : Signal to go, for Kuwaitis, Saudis & Palestinian
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7931 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Seriously DUBAI is much better than Singapore,ThaiLand ,Malaysia but east or west Pakistan is best. Yahan main apnee singapore walee salary se kam par hoon lekin some how peace of mind hay. sham ko aaram se ghar jata hoon aur ghar jane ki khusi hotee hay