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Anger grows over Muhammad cartoon

Protests have spread across the Muslim world over the publication in Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The drawings, first printed in Denmark, sparked a fresh row when they were re-run in several newspapers, leading to the sacking of a French editor.

The man named to replace the France Soir editor has now resigned.

There have been anti-French and Danish protests in Pakistan over the cartoons but one Jordanian paper reprinted them urging Muslims to "be reasonable".

Palestinian gunmen briefly surrounded EU offices in Gaza to demand an apology over the cartoons.

Norway has closed its mission in the West Bank to the public in response to threats from two militant groups against Norwegians, Danes and French people.

Foreign ministry spokesman Rune Bjaastad told the BBC News website that the office would remain closed until further notice, but no decision had yet been made on withdrawing staff.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned that the decision by some European papers to publish the cartoons could encourage terrorists.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai also strongly condemned their publication, saying it was "an affront... for hundreds of millions of people".

Hundreds of students demonstrated in the Pakistani cities of Lahore and Multan, burning flags and effigies of the Danish prime minister.

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson also criticised the European papers which re-ran the cartoons, saying they were "throwing petrol onto the flames of the original issue and the original offence that was taken".

The row intensified on Wednesday when France Soir, alongside the 12 original cartoons, printed a new drawing on its front page showing Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian holy figures sitting on a cloud, with the caption "Don't worry Muhammad, we've all been caricatured here."

Publications in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain also re-ran the Danish cartoons to show support for free speech.

Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet or Allah.

France Soir's editor, Jacques Lefranc, was dismissed by the paper's French-Egyptian owner in response to criticism from Muslim groups.

But journalists at France Soir stood by their editor's decision on Thursday, printing a front page picture and editorial in which they strongly defended the right to free speech.

Jordanian independent tabloid al-Shihan reprinted three of the cartoons on Thursday, saying people should know what they were protesting about, AFP news agency reports.

"Muslims of the world be reasonable," wrote editor Jihad Momani.

"What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"

The article in al-Shihan also included a list of Danish products.

Some Muslim countries are already boycotting Danish products after a paper there first printed the cartoons last September.

Danish-Swedish dairy giant Arla Foods says its sales in the Middle East have plummeted to zero as a result.

In diplomatic protests, Syria and Saudi Arabia have recalled their ambassadors to Denmark, and Libya has closed its embassy in Copenhagen.

The caricatures from Denmark's Jyllands-Posten paper included drawings of Muhammad wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb, while another shows him saying that paradise is running short of virgins for suicide bombers.

The offices of Jyllands-Posten had to be evacuated on Tuesday because of a bomb threat.

The paper had apologised a day earlier for causing offence to Muslims, although it maintained it was legal under Danish law to print the cartoons.

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen welcomed the paper's apology, but has rejected calls to punish the paper, saying the government cannot censor the press.
Posted 02 Feb 2006

Bazigaar says
basically Protests have spread across the Muslim world over the publication in Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

per question is...what r muslims doing bout it other then protesting and yelling and demanding for an apology? yes countries r closing their embassies, but then what? they will be re-opened again later on...don;t we need a permenant solution? we let west insult and mock us and our religion and then get away with it...and all we do is protest and burn some western flags? shame....our beloved prophet(pbuh) have been mocked i am sitting here cursing...even cursing myself but i can;t do nothing
Posted 02 Feb 2006

Bazigaar says
at this point..i would also like to ask where r all the religious leaders who....create such a fuss about shia, wahabi, marzai or otherr weak muslim minorities but sit in corners when powerful european powers do somehting against islam openly? scared? is this their islam? tsk tsk tsk...
Posted 02 Feb 2006

Bazigaar says
Mr Rasmussen again apologised for any offence but insisted his government was not responsible for newspaper articles.

The cartoons, first seen in a Danish paper, have sparked violent protests and boycotts across the Muslim world.

Editors of a Jordanian and a French newspaper who chose to republish the cartoons have been dismissed.

One of the cartoons shows the Prophet wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb, while another shows him saying that paradise is running short of virgins for suicide bombers.

Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet or Allah
Posted 03 Feb 2006

Mishall says
yeah, i heard that news yesterday and i was unable to belive that how the ppl hav become soo ............. Allah sabko sahi hidayaat de .. aur naik raah dikhaye
Posted 03 Feb 2006

Ashii says
hmm,, yep heard abt it
abhi thori deir pehle i read a longgg vv long article titled
""Depictions of Mohammed Throughout History""

yeh article parh k pata lagta hai k Prophets drawings n images ve been created over centuries and not only by non-muslims but also by muslims
these images r classified by
- Medieval Paintings, Miniatures and Illuminations
- Dante's Inferno
- French Book Covers
- Various Eras
- Contemporary Christian Drawings
- Animated TV Parodies
- Satirical Modern Cartoons
- The Jyllands-Posten Cartoons
- Recent Responses to the Controversy

there r few pics/drawings which are realy shocking
wot im feeling at the moment i cant explain it in words
gussa hai dukh hai

lets think abt how to react

hmm,,, baki baad mei
Posted 03 Feb 2006

new_beau says
Middle Eatern Government has Banned DANISH FOOR products...

Its giving 200M daily Loss to Danish Companies..This is the First Step,..More should be Done...
Posted 03 Feb 2006

Posted 20 Sep 2018

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