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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
when r u starting ur movie?
Posted 15 Feb 2006

aanizdabst says
well i cant just say that am makin a movie and in one second i go on the floor and start making a movie its takes a time to make gud thing so wait.... and it wont be long thou i promise u wont hv to wait till end of the world to watch it.... am not those TP dicrotrs who hav made film alredy but takes yesr to rtelse it... by the way i hve 2 short 1 minute movies if u wana watch it thou jus let me know ill put them on the web 4 u... those 1 min moves wer for my uni project and i got gud maks for it just want to let u knw .... but am not impressed with themm but if u wana c them let me know.....
Posted 16 Feb 2006

i wanna c
Posted 16 Feb 2006

aanizdabst says
ok i hv to convert them to avi 1 ok and thn uplod them on to the net i'll lt u knw ok soon bye
Posted 16 Feb 2006

aanizdabst says
by the way i hv contacted well e-mail this company called aural visual in pakistan and ive told them abt like how i want go in to film making and how my ideas are diffrnt from usual lets see if they reply and if they agree to kinda help me out with my filmin then that'lkl be gud but am also savin upo to buy som equipmnts, costumes and stuff whilh will hlp me in my film but all that will start after when i think the script is pefct and it will shake the lolly....
Posted 16 Feb 2006

valandrian says
Posted 01 Jun 2018

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