Funeral tomorrow & I’m SCARED ??

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Age: 2023
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Points: 10


So within the past few weeks I’ve recovered so many memories of being molested as a child including one of the
molesters (my father). It’s been hard, tumultuous but also so rewarding
that I’ve finally managed to remember concrete things.

Two days ago my uncle died. My father’s brother. He’s the last of my
aunts & uncles from my father’s side. Very sad. He was a sweetheart.

But everything’s now tainted with horrible questions like, did this one
know something? Did that one molest me too? And of course I also feel
like crap for tarnishing my father’s “memory”.

Anyway, uncles funeral is tomorrow & I’m having panic attacks &
anxiety attacks. Until a few hours ago I managed to not think about it
but with tomorrow looming over me… it’s starting to take a toll.

I’m also gripped with tremendous fear. He will be buried in the same
cemetery as father. And I don’t want to be anywhere near there. I know
it’s irrational, he can’t do anything to me but still I’m petrified.

My siblings know how I’ve remembered that father did this to me. Most
have been kind but also most have said that although they believe me,
they don’t know how to compute that their father did this.

So although I’ll be surrounded by loving family (most being cousins who
don’t know) I can’t talk to any of them about what I’m feeling. And I
think it’s really insensitive to talk about my issues when their just

I know that if I reached out, my T would offer to talk on the phone but I
don’t want to… I don’t know what to say &… I hate taking up any of
T’s time outside of our scheduled sessions.

So I come to you. Hoping for something… kindness perhaps? Advice? I
don’t know. I leave that up to you & thank you in advance for taking
time out to reply to me.

I’m so so very scared :(((

Posted 26 Sep 2022

Childhood is always a pain
Posted 26 Sep 2022

Hi, I'm sorry that you lost such a person, and I understand why you are so worried about this. But you must come to terms with it because it has already happened. I understand that it is very difficult, and you will have to undergo many emotional trials. Still, you must go through it all if you consider yourself a strong person. You should cry this week. It will be better for you because you will get rid of negative emotions and experiences in this way. I recently lost a close relative and was also worried about this. I even decided to help search for direct funeral services so that the funeral would go well.
Posted 26 Sep 2022

Reading your story has truly sent shivers down my spine - I can't believe you've been molested for so long. While stories like these are ever present on as well, yours is truly scary. There are so many horrible people out there.
Posted 01 Oct 2023

OMG! That's horrible what you experienced as a child. When I saw your post, I thought you were scared of dead people. I'm sorry to say it, but it's good that he's gone. I hope you feel OK now.
Posted 30 Nov 2023

Olandeep says
You know, I have a slightly similar story. Well, my aunt has just passed away, and we are arranging a funeral for her. Everyone is feeling sad, except for me.
Well, my aunt didn't molest me as a kid. But she humiliated and insulted me a lot. Besides, there were times when I had to live with her coz my parents had to travel a lot because of work, and they decided it was reasonable for me to stay with them. She treated me as a servant of her and her stupid daughter.
After I found out that she had died, I finally felt relieved. Although, I am still afraid to see her body. So, I'm thinking of suggesting my parent's aquamation as an option for burial to make sure she's truly gone.
Posted 30 Nov 2023

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