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Age: 37
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Police State, Pakistan
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lol i'am BACK ,

well sorry i couldent take any pics because i have not paid off for my digi camera, well the confrence was in west wales, a place called Cediggion (well pronouned like that, try saying that with a mouth full of cheesey puffs)

we were told that the uk is going to be assed in 2009 with the EU and the UN implimentation of a report


appartanly giving me 10 J2O's is a BAD THING! the less i speak of the party the better

and horse riding was cool, i got a chessnut horsie called tilly she was sweet and well behaved so i fed her after as a thankoo, even snuk her some sugar cubes in the morning


so how are ye? aur idder kaya ho raha hai?

but first i need to take a shower and huggie my taz teddy, i couldent take him
Posted 30 Apr 2006

cutefriend says
idher idher posing ho rahi hia

and welcome baq
horse riding koollll dear
Posted 30 Apr 2006

Asian says
but my bumpty hurts
Posted 30 Apr 2006

cutefriend says
Asian said:

but my bumpty hurts

it dsnt matter

was she fine (after ridding)
Posted 30 Apr 2006

Desi_MC says
wass up chicaaa....
welcome bck....
n y didn u take n e pics....
damn poor horsiiii,
did she manage to bear ur weight or did she stoop down to the ground......
nah nah i aint sayin u're moti....

so UK is goin' to wat with EU ?
UK public is against it.... i read a report off the Euro News,
n i don think they gona come in EEEEWWWWW
Posted 01 May 2006

Asian says
cutefriend said:

Asian said:

but my bumpty hurts

it dsnt matter

was she fine (after ridding)

yeah best time to go riding, spend 3 hours on a bus wait till you butts numb then go riding and let it slap on leather

and the horse was fine, its a chessnut it can cope with weight just not kalay like you
Posted 01 May 2006

Asian says
Desi_MC said:

wass up chicaaa....
welcome bck....
n y didn u take n e pics....
damn poor horsiiii,
did she manage to bear ur weight or did she stoop down to the ground......
nah nah i aint sayin u're moti....

so UK is goin' to wat with EU ?
UK public is against it.... i read a report off the Euro News,
n i don think they gona come in EEEEWWWWW

what you mean dam horsi, horsi is fine

well thats the racist view the uk has, the EU was set up so that people can travel to where they want and trade under the same rules, stupied people like the B.N.P (racist party) say eu this and eu that,

but the Youth service is funded by the EU, so is Businesses , it also helps with building links with other people

like our oorganisation wants to take us guys Copanhagian, i donno where that it but sounds intresting. its like the same attitude east London is trying to deal with now

because it has a large popluation of apnay and kalay from abroad, they are more skilled so, they get the jobs, which in my eyes is fair enough, but then you get the goray chavs "we have no jobs" "paki" this and "scum" that,

its crap i know, but racist people are gona stay that way, dont like it when they see an apna in a nice car, with with a family Business
Posted 01 May 2006

Desi_MC says
tru that.....
wass ur organisation called ?
r u guys doin' sum social work ?
i'ave experienced brit goras callin' us paiky(paki) n other numerous words....
n phuck 'em
we r the nation
nation of domination

Posted 01 May 2006

Kaloo now U R fine
Posted 01 May 2006

Daydreamer says
Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
There needs to tighter control on immigration and thats an important issue
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
Desi_MC said:

tru that.....
wass ur organisation called ?
r u guys doin' sum social work ?
i'ave experienced brit goras callin' us paiky(paki) n other numerous words....
n phuck 'em
we r the nation
nation of domination

well its like social work, your looking at the first Asian female on a national scale.

we are the Welsh assembly for young people in wales, we have 3-4 members each reping each city and state,

we take the questions to ministers and give them hell basically,

for example the last meeting we had with our city's Mayor and councilours, the dude for my area (he's a twat) wouldent answer the question as to why we dont have any lesure facilities in the city centre,

he started babling on about how they have put alot of money and how we are going to host certian olimpic sports here,

at which point i got a really mean idea. i scribbled down on a peice of paper "what about transport to the facilities?" and handed it to a new member of our forum (he'a 13) i gave him a wink as to say GO FOR IT

he gave the councilour such a grilling, the press loved it, he couldent answer the question at all

right now were working along side the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

this along side By laws given by the welsh assembly has given us the right to give question local and national goverment

were acutally the first in the UK to develope such a organisation that is peer lead (we even controll the money)

as a result parliment are looking at changing laws so the idea of young people being in charge of their own Budget can get approved.

we got an A.G.M. comming up, i'll see if i can take m digi camera and post pics

but i'am the first ethnic minoritie to be on the national scale, were looking at opening up the area for other young people e.g. Pakistani, Indian, Bangali, Muslim, Africian, to join

besides i get to run up Juries Hotel bill
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
and you get racist people everywhere

i say screw them

i'am not british


Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
yeah but you are british too
Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
cultural diversity is what makes us british
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
no one was asking you
Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
but I was just looking at it.

Its statements like "i'am not british " that increases the tension and gives racists more a better image.

We are all british, we live here, born here.

Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
It wasnt an attack of you per say. I was just comming at it from a political angle
Posted 02 May 2006

phir bhi dil hai pakistani
Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
British asians are racists towards white british people too

Racism works both ways and people forget that
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

phir bhi dil hai pakistani

Posted 02 May 2006

Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

kaya mai be pakistani hoon na

Pakistani Party
Posted 02 May 2006

Posted 02 May 2006

Daydreamer says
British pakistani party
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian said:

shahrukh khan said:

kaya mai be pakistani hoon na

Pakistani Party

Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

huggie buggie

i'am in college bored

10 mins till english Lecture

what are you up to jaan?
Posted 02 May 2006

Asian said:

shahrukh khan said:

huggie buggie

i'am in college bored

10 mins till english Lecture

what are you up to jaan?

Posted 02 May 2006

Asian says
shahrukh khan said:

Asian said:

shahrukh khan said:

huggie buggie

i'am in college bored

10 mins till english Lecture

what are you up to jaan?


NOT fair
Posted 02 May 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 Apr 2018

Posted 20 Sep 2018

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