Once Upon A Time In Mexico!

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Rain Man

Age: 124
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United States, United States


Who's Gona See It On The First Day?
Posted 05 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
I'll buy the pirate cd
.....if I can find it
Posted 05 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
pirate dvd or vcd are just waste of money, i rather buy an orignal one...then the fake one...
Posted 05 Sep 2003

F.T.W says
Oh yea right but who will wait so much for the original. I heard that this movie isnt that great , so i watch it on second weekend.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i heard its a great movie, its a sequel to desprado
Posted 07 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
the league of extraordinary people will be great
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Johny Deep..too bad I didn't see "From Hell".
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
The League looks kind of boring...but lets see what happen,

who's in From Hell?
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Sean Connery is too old.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
exactly, his action scenes are so damn boring...[|)]
Posted 07 Sep 2003


Johny Deep in "From Hell"... you know, about Jack The Ripper.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
nope, i haven't seen or heard of this movie before...

who's jack the ripper?
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Jack the Ripper is a serial killer in England back long ago.....

in "From Hell"... johny Deep played as detective who investigate the murder. Until now no one know the real identity of Jack the Ripper. Some people said Jack the ripper is Prince Albert.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
looks like a good movie, i gotta rent this one...
have u seen BLOW that's johny depp's movie too....
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Blow... I heard about it, but not really remember the story.

No, I didn't see it.
Hard to buy VCD over here, since the government applied law of intelectual right, original one is bloody expensive. Thats why pirate vcd is alwys the first choice. Even in VCD rental.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
how much is like the orignal ones...
Posted 07 Sep 2003

for comparison ....

original vcd : around $9
pirate : around $1

who wants spending their money $9 if they can get with $1

Now no one sells pirate VCD or police with put them in jail,but some people still sell it but you must order it first.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
if i was there i would've paid for the orignal one, cuz the orignal one over here is like 20 bucks...
Posted 07 Sep 2003

pagaldil says
i might see it.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

well...but you can't get new movie soon....with pirate VCD...you'll get the lattest film.

I bought the original one if they discount it....for old film. can be half price.

I like movie, I wish I studying in anything that related to film and work in film industry :(
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
yup, working on movies is like the easiest thing...sometimes i think how can ppl say movie industry is bad place...cuz its a place filled with fun all around you...
Posted 07 Sep 2003

I know....making film is a great job...... it entertain people...

feel so good when people appriciate your work.
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
yes, that's the beauty of it, and ppl know who u are too...get famous get rich, what else do i need...
Posted 07 Sep 2003

well..I like being the person behind the scene, people don't have to know about me. Just my work.
Get rich.... thats good :)
Posted 07 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i want ppl to see me on tv n hear me on cds watch me on dvds...that's what i wana be...
Posted 07 Sep 2003

lol...then you should work as an Actor......

Personally I like being the the mastermind.
Posted 08 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
actor,singer,directer,story writter,and a poet...that's all i wana be...cuz that's all i can be
Posted 08 Sep 2003

okey...good luck for you....

I have one question.... why there's always dancing and singing in bollywood movies? I like the one without dance and sing.... for example ..Mahatma, moonsoon wedding.
hey...the one who played as father in monsoon wedding also played in league of extraordinary gentlement.....as Captain Nemo.
Posted 08 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
there's dancing n singing in their movies, cuz their stories are not that long to make a good movie, so they put songs and dances just so ppl can chill out n relax, cuz most of the times their stories gets so boring...

monsoon wedding n mahatma, i haven't watched any of them...but i'm sure u liked em, they make these kinds of movies, for the ppl in foreign...
Posted 08 Sep 2003

lol....is that so?? most of the theme is about 2 lovers and their parents disagree....always like that.

I never wathced Pakistani movie....
Posted 08 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
pakistani movie quality is not that good right now except for some of em, its gona take time for pakistan industry to make some good movies...
Posted 08 Sep 2003

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