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Age: 124
Total Posts: 355
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i wanna c dis film - battle b'tween werewolves and vampires...keeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllll!!!!!! lotsa action by the looks of it....what y'all think????
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i like every movie on vampires, so ofcourse i think this movie is gona be GREAT!!!!!!!!!! imma prolly see it tomorrow
Posted 22 Sep 2003

I like werewolves....i think I'm one of them. lunatic on lunar
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Well havent seen it yet But may be this week end then i will say how it was!
Posted 23 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
this movie will be great...
Posted 23 Sep 2003

i hope with happy ending
Posted 25 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i don't like happy ending...[bandit]
Posted 25 Sep 2003

I need happy ending.......specially now.
Posted 25 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
just keep your fingers crossed, n u'll have good luck [bandit]
Posted 25 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Yea This movie was good . I enjoyed it. And it has a happy ending.
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
darn it [bandit]
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Kate looked too cute too. She made one hell of a Vampire , tought we dont see her teeth too much.
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
i still haven't seen it...[bandit]
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Well I went with low expectations as usual lol because seen many low budget Vampires movies lately but this one was better.
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
movies on Vampires are good...i always enjoy those movies[bandit]
Posted 27 Sep 2003

ewww.... u all like bloody vampire movies
Posted 27 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Yea I love them lol. Special if the Vampire is So cute as the one in this one.
Posted 30 Sep 2003

Rain Man says
man movies about VAMPIRES are always interesting... and Xtreme you're right, the vampire in underworld was cute...wat was her name again...kate something...
Posted 30 Sep 2003

Xtreme says
Kate Beckinsale
That is the Girl from Pearl Harbor!!
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
she acted nice too...i liked that movie...
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Xtreme says
I liked her more lol !
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
yes, i can see...
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Xtreme says
I dont think u can see! U just can Imagine!
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
no u just don't know...
Posted 01 Oct 2003

Xtreme says
Posted 02 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 02 Oct 2003

Posted 04 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
Posted 04 Oct 2003

Ashii says
it must b something like BLADE

ummm.. let s seee
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Rain Man says
Blade was better...BLADE 3 in november...
Posted 09 Oct 2003

Blade...the half man half vampire???

westley snipe??
Posted 15 Oct 2003

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