KAKN=Highly Dissapointing(My Review)

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Well Every Pakistani would be proud of my film and all the hype of KAKN made me think the film would be really great.Javed Sheikh's confidence(sorry...over-confidence),the promos looked good.Also being the most expensive movie ever made in Pakistan,the film was highly covered by the ANGAREZI press.
The film got released on 4th July 2008 and came sum relli gud reviews of the movie on JB.Only one member STANDARD gave his somewhat negative remarks to which he was highly criticized.Now i will ask those members who were praising it like hell,u relli have such a bad Choice....i am sorry to say u relli do..u criticize Syed Noor and other lollywood directors for making punjabi movies....and praised JS very much!Even when one use to point an negative thing abut KAKN Like Saleem Sheikh being the hero,u said tht u need a gud film whosoever the hero maybe but ur ready to say tht Imran Malik shuld not have been da hero of TBJNJ...u need a good film!
But do u relli need da kind of film tht KAKN is?
I am sorry to say...but u relli have a bad choice!
I know i am being a bit rude and kinda of errrr..here but they way sum ppl applauded da movie in da Forum,where they sleeping during da whole movie?
Now to da movie....
Huge Set,Above-Excellent movie print and colour coding,great sound(Its both DTS and Dolby Digital)but hey....story ki execution,character devlopment naam ki cheez to movie mein hai hi nahin!
The film is an honodrous effort by Javed Sheikh in terms of story,its execution,character development,music and even locations.
First lets talk about the story,the 1st half is really very simple with da only good thing(Except the technical aspects)being Ismail Tara’s comedy and the Shaadi Song.Thank God this time the comedy was way better and funnier..Ismail Tara rocks big time!The 1st half is quite simple with just being the characters being introduced and the main story being told…!There are 3 songs in the 1st half which are the Title Track,
Larki Mumbai Ki and Allah Allah Dulhan Hamari.Well the title track is gud but it isnt picturised on good locations.You will find just da rugged mountains in it,C'mon u guys are in Australia,it has some really beautiful locations atleast u shuld utilise dem.The Larki Mumbai Ki also had da same problem,shot on one location Sydney Harbour Bridge(and a bit on beach also)but it was better den the title track(in picturisation).The shaadi song was the best song of the whole movie in terms of picturisation,the whole ambeience which was created,the print and sound made it a treat to watch!The 1st half goes in this....and now the main part of the movie...sad but hilarious...the 2nd half!
Get ready to laugh out loud,when u are watching the 2nd half u are constantly wonder"What the hell is going on?"The characters changes in the next scene and such big loopholes.
For instance why the hell meera created her death scene when she wanted to return in da end?Ok she culdnt control her emotions...but atleast give some justifications!(Ppl were laughing like hell on this but more is left!)
Then Saleem Sheikh is crying on Meera's death...Badar Khalil comes to meet him....and when Nadeem calls her....Tht was Sooooo Funnny Yaar...pata nahin Nadeem Baig Sahab ko woh scene karte hue hansi kyun nahin ayi!Kudos to him!
And in the very next scene u see Saleem Sheikh fully grommed wid Spikes as hairstyle and smartly dressed in Nadeem's room agreeing to do anything to enter the Dewan Family Again...Hey..?How has he changed?Didnt he loved Meera?Kya Hua?Koi Justification nahin...character ko change karna hai to kum se kum uski base toh banao....it was like scenes were being thrown at da audiences!
One of the hilarious scenes....Badar Khalil gets Behosh...taken to hospital...u see the board of Labour Room....hey!U hear a baby crying!!!!!Was she pre... This was the scene were JS directon was at his worse....!
Another one,When JS come to Nadeem Baig to give da wedding card...he says abut Meera tht"usney apni riwayat aur qadrein nahin chorin"sumthin like dat...and Hey!!!!(Ya Hey again...!)u see the baap,beti and damad seeing a ***y item number together as a part of wedding celebration and also they are..yes they are showing it praising it!!!C'mon Mr JS...U cnt go to tht level!!!!
And Nadeem being Sana's Barey Papa consoling her by sayin"tumhara BARA(NOT BAREY)PAPA tumharey sath hai!"
One more...ya one more...when Nadeem ask Saleem Sheikh to go and talk to Sana to marry HS....and in the next scene he is seeing apologizing for his mistake to Humyun....and in tht scene Sana and Saleem Sheikh are standing behind nadeem wid those kind of expressions like Humyun did some evil planning against dem and when Nadeem completes wat he wanted to say SS and Sana go like they are Naraz with Humyun!!!!
Another one when Sana gets to know tht Humyun was the one who was sending her gifts...in tht scene Sana was not at all had any expressions on her face of shockness tht humyun was da one who was sending her gifts...its such a big thing!And even this not told tht how did Sana got to know tht HS used to send her gifts?
And now to the most hilarious part of the movie...to which the audience culdnt stop laughing!!!!Such a ill-directed sequence!!!!
Trust me during the climax...one person stood up and laughed...and yaa it was tht much funny!
I dont want to waste my enery on writing abut da climax..but i did thought while watching it...which movie did our beloved JB members saw?Were they talking abut this?I cant beleive tht....!
The songs in the 2nd half...Dil Dey Toh Allah Judai Na Dey,Dhoop Bhari Chat pey Baras gaya Pani and Aa Mujhey Mukamal kardey!
Dil Dey Toh Allah Judai Na De..is an excellent sad song and it was picturised well according to the song!
Dhoop Bari Chat pay....an Item Number...it was done by the Indian Crew!It was ok...i mean nuthin relli speacial...the choreography was ok....YEH HAI JS KI FAMILY FILM!
Well technically the film was very strong...Pic and Sound Quality was of Top-Notch!Ya in tht department the film can be compared to biggies of Indian Film Industry!
Thanks to color coding and processing!
Even in da promos da pic quality looks dull as compared to the one in da cinema!
The graphics were ok...nuthin speacial..the title credits culd have been presented more stylishly!
The cinematography was nice,but the locations were not.
Performances wise Meera and Saleem Sheikh are the star of the show!They both looked good and acted well!Nadeem Baig was also good!Humyun Saeed....i dunt want to say anyting!After this film he has less chances of being in another film ever again(Except the film which he produces himself)he has the capability but JS failed to utilise it!Sana was gud but she had just rona dhona...less of dialouges!She is easily avoidable!
Overall:Javed Sheikh,Sir I am not discouraging u and saying that u are a bad director!U for sure have capabilities of making a great film but this time it was your over-confidence and maybe also the power of money which you thought can make a film sucssesful!
A person on the forum said tht it wuld be watched by more and more families in da days to come...sadly...i got the reason why on 6th July around 5 pm i passed beside Nishat and Prince cinema whom were showin KAKN and they had very little rush with no HouseFull signboard!Per JS KAKN had an record advance booking...????I will say it will be watched by less and less families in da days to come as the word of mouth spread wid also media reviews!
For sure not sumthin to be proud of!
After the movie ended i wanted JS to return 1200 ruppes bak which i had spent
Posted 16 Jul 2008

you know what the problem is we can laugh on our well made movies and praise the movies like Race which made hell lot of money in pakistan, what can i say i loved the movie and i still recomend it for families
Posted 17 Jul 2008

well,this is true review,I am also disapoint because I was also a fan of javaid sheikh ,still I hope next time js will make a new idea after failing this movie.
js has promised the next movie in nov 2009.
Posted 17 Jul 2008

- Wisal - says
calm down, everyone learns from their mistakes..
as u said the picture and sound quality was muchhhh better than before n the story isnt half bad, i mean compared to billo rani and wohtti le ke jani hai crap thats comin out, im sure this moviee is 100% better..
atlease appriciate js's effort..
Posted 17 Jul 2008

charizmatic said:

you know what the problem is we can laugh on our well made movies and praise the movies like Race which made hell lot of money in pakistan, what can i say i loved the movie and i still recomend it for families

I was against those kinda of "LAUGHING"people always!
If u dunt beleive den check my posts!

But for sure KAKN is not an well made movie....!
Yaar tumhari recommendation pey i went to cineplex wid my family.Cineplex has raised the prices of tickets from 250 to 300....!
Khun Jal raha tha jab movie khatam hui!
Behtar huta ke iss ghatiya movie ko Nishat ya Capri pey dekhleta!
But u liked it,its ur chocie!!!
Posted 17 Jul 2008

what can i say man quite a few families loved the movie if u didn't its ur choice.
Posted 17 Jul 2008

- Wisal - said:

calm down, everyone learns from their mistakes..
as u said the picture and sound quality was muchhhh better than before n the story isnt half bad, i mean compared to billo rani and wohtti le ke jani hai crap thats comin out, im sure this moviee is 100% better..
atlease appriciate js's effort..

thats the prob..when punjabi movie comes they all jump its goood movie,,,jab urdu movie release hoti hai enko keeray larna shuru ho jatey hain
Posted 18 Jul 2008

love stories r crap lol make some action movie man..jahan tak is film ki baat hai tu yaar kitne films banti hain pak mein??ab india ke dekh lo 1000 films bhi bana lein un mein 1,2 ache honge baki tu asey hi bekaar hoti hain..ab jis tarha hollywood ki film thi The Happening ab samaj nahi aya wo Horror thi ke kya thi..ab jahan mazak hona nahi chahe tha wohan mazak kar rahe they lol..
Posted 18 Jul 2008

shahrukh khan said:

- Wisal - said:

calm down, everyone learns from their mistakes..
as u said the picture and sound quality was muchhhh better than before n the story isnt half bad, i mean compared to billo rani and wohtti le ke jani hai crap thats comin out, im sure this moviee is 100% better..
atlease appriciate js's effort..

thats the prob..when punjabi movie comes they all jump its goood movie,,,jab urdu movie release hoti hai enko keeray larna shuru ho jatey hain

Haan yaar thts the problem!Its the Mafia of the Lahore Film Industry..i am researching on tht topic and will post my research on this Forum
Even this happens tht a Urdu Film comes and sum ppl widout even watching it criticize it and when they watch their views are changed!
Posted 18 Jul 2008

mr nice guy said:

love stories r crap lol make some action movie man..jahan tak is film ki baat hai tu yaar kitne films banti hain pak mein??ab india ke dekh lo 1000 films bhi bana lein un mein 1,2 ache honge baki tu asey hi bekaar hoti hain..ab jis tarha hollywood ki film thi The Happening ab samaj nahi aya wo Horror thi ke kya thi..ab jahan mazak hona nahi chahe tha wohan mazak kar rahe they lol..

Even i used to think da same but once chrazmatic said on da forum tht yash raj and other production houses in India are still making love stories but wid different concepts and stories!And he is very very much right!

Just take the latest example...Jane Tu Ya Jane Na...its a love story but the way its made and its story are new and refreshing!
Our Lollywood walas make love stories but the same age-old bollywood style love stories!People want something Refreshing....!
Posted 18 Jul 2008

yaar stories wohi same hoti hain its the treatment that make movies different.
Posted 18 Jul 2008

Tony was reviewing the movie on Nadia Khan Show.
In the public comments,not an single person said that the film was good!This is the public opinion of KAKN!
The funniest comment was"Apna poora khandan ikhata kiya hua hai JS ney movie mein"
Posted 18 Jul 2008

yeah,I didn't listen anybody except two person of this forums,the film was good..you people can figure out how bad movie is? js ki niyaat tu achi thi ..may be us ko pata nahi chul saka.
Posted 19 Jul 2008

the only problem i cud see with the film is that the screenplay looks a bit out dated and thats jus cuz it took hell of a long time to complete, and as far as JS khandan is concerned yaar frankly speaking they all r extremely talented people jus look at young shehroz sabzwari how well he has done.
Posted 19 Jul 2008

and one more thing that i have observed is that after khuda ke liye the taste of paying public has changed immensely and thats a very very good sign.
Posted 19 Jul 2008

i hope to see this movie,,,phir bataounga kesi hai
Posted 19 Jul 2008

aanizdabst says
are the songs out yet?? soundtrack?? fulll??
Posted 20 Jul 2008

charizmatic said:

the only problem i cud see with the film is that the screenplay looks a bit out dated and thats jus cuz it took hell of a long time to complete, and as far as JS khandan is concerned yaar frankly speaking they all r extremely talented people jus look at young shehroz sabzwari how well he has done.

Thank God atleast u have came out of the "Perfect-Dose of...!"
Dude u will realize it later...and i think so u have started to!

Other than screenplay cant u see da other loopholes which me and other members even the critics have mentioned?
JS direction was at its worse on KAKN!
Posted 20 Jul 2008

dude loopholes har movie mein hotay hain even movies like spider man have loopholes nobody is perfect man but there r gud things as well abt the movie what i dont like abt paki press is the way they reject pakistani movies trust me agar khuda ke liye shoaib mansoor ne nahi banaye hoti tu this press wud have given the same reviews like they r giving to KAKN.
Posted 21 Jul 2008

charizmatic said:

dude loopholes har movie mein hotay hain even movies like spider man have loopholes nobody is perfect man but there r gud things as well abt the movie what i dont like abt paki press is the way they reject pakistani movies trust me agar khuda ke liye shoaib mansoor ne nahi banaye hoti tu this press wud have given the same reviews like they r giving to KAKN.

Nahin yaar aisa nahin hai...Press is rite...see the reviews which the press give of sum films like TBJNJ,Godfather,PPP they all were flop on the box-office!
C'mon yaar sum ppl were sayin tht KAKN JS ki film hai toh it will get good reviews for sure!Kia Hua?
Even the public has rejected the movie...and on NKS they were showing it in Empire Cinema the Lower-Class people(I dont want to go in the Class-Difference discussion now)those who watch gujjar movies,even they were saying it pathetic!It was so much good to see tht after KKL and arrival of Indian Movies,public wants to see a good film,whatsoever maybe the budget.
And loopholes i agree,magar story mein Loopholes?
Execution?Character development?
Posted 21 Jul 2008

surprizing it's highly cricising the movie 'KAKN' by the people according to express news movie is doing well on boxoffice than 'LOVE 2050' AND even 'Kismat Connection' Released two days back.
Posted 21 Jul 2008

yaar movie itni buri nai haii jitnay gunday reviews press ne diay hain
Posted 22 Jul 2008

today I listened another negative review from tvone program 'filmi masala' ,their review are same you mentioned in this topic,and they mentioned every filmi magazine were mentioning same review,lastly they say 'YDAKH' is much better movie than 'KAKN' because of good script and dialauge and acting..'KAKN' was almost zero.

I think the movie standard is like a sangeeta movie 'tarap' but I can say tarap song was much better .
Posted 23 Jul 2008


surprizing it's highly cricising the movie 'KAKN' by the people according to express news movie is doing well on boxoffice than 'LOVE 2050' AND even 'Kismat Connection' Released two days back.

Yaar STANDARD..i watched the same reports and when the report was coming i was like..!
Yaar Express News jo film ati hai with huge hype usko Hit kehdeta hai,even same the case with filmazia.If a producer of any film says that my film is a hit,its a hit!Jab Express News KAKN ka cinema show karahey they to didnt u noticed tht they were just showing the boards and photoset.They didnt showed the crowd...why..because crowd hoga toh dekhaingey!
Sadly we dont have proper box-office collections records on the net like Bollywood has.Although they have a huge circuit but still on 1st day Box-office collections of an particular film is avalible on the net.Aur humara itna Mehdud circuit hone ke bawajud...
Posted 23 Jul 2008


today I listened another negative review from tvone program 'filmi masala' ,their review are same you mentioned in this topic,and they mentioned every filmi magazine were mentioning same review,lastly they say 'YDAKH' is much better movie than 'KAKN' because of good script and dialauge and acting..'KAKN' was almost zero.

I think the movie standard is like a sangeeta movie 'tarap' but I can say tarap song was much better .

Yaar movie is relli pathetic and i mean it!Its simple painful to watch...speacially the 2nd half!
MEDLKA was 100times better than this..even my family said this tht film was better!!!they hated it and they said!Becuz MEDLKA had technical loopholes,magar KAKN mein toh puri story hi loophole hai!!!!!
When u have such expectations frm the movie and when the story turns out to be soooo bad...ur very Disspaointed to even tht extent tht u forget the Great technical aspects of a film!
Posted 23 Jul 2008

LoveStory 2050 was a bad film and its reviews came on the internet on its first day of its release so ppl prefered to watch KAKN as they knew it wuld be a good film and will also support a Pakistani Product magar hua kuch aur hi....
Kimat Konnection was bound to do average busines....its a film ppl will most probably enjoy at home!

I thought after KAKN some Pakistani Films like KPNK will have a chance of releasing in Karachi...but ab to mushkil hi hai!
Posted 23 Jul 2008

MR NICE says
Well for JS it was over confidence regarding KAKN. One thing JS forgot how the the taste of the audience has changed over the last 5 years or go. I did not have much hope for a film which took for ever to make. No offence to JS. Even the music wasn't anything special.

A film should at maximum take 12 months to make and get released. When will our film makers realise the importance of a strong script,subject and screenplay. JS made the same mistakes before when he had 3 flops after Chief Saab.

We desperately need new script writers. Please try writers like M.Ahmad, Samrad khoosat,Suraj Baba and other new writters. Babar Kashmiri yuck.

Coming back to Pakistani films struggling to find Cinemas then we have our selves to blame. I always knew this was bound to happen after Bollywood films got released in Pakistan. Our distributors are always to going to give preference to Indian films. Even if our film industry starts making Hollywood standard films tomorrow. Its our craze with Indian films. Thats one of the reason I am against the release of indian films in Pakistan.

Sorry to say but it looks like that Urdu Cinema is dead. The living proof is what has happened to the so called revival of cinema after Khuda Kay Liye, one year on. ZILTH!

No one is serious in our country. Everyone just wants to make quick money. Major production houses like Everready and Evernew are more interested in releasing Indian films then producing Pakistani films. Thats what you call loyalty. Both of these production houses in the past have made millions from Pakistani films.

Just sad but infact depressing but this is the story of our country. We keep on going on how much talent we have. Whats the use. I am still hoping for the ultimate miracle to happen. When or if ever it happens. Well we can still all dream.

Posted 31 Jul 2008

afridi_hasnat said:


today I listened another negative review from tvone program 'filmi masala' ,their review are same you mentioned in this topic,and they mentioned every filmi magazine were mentioning same review,lastly they say 'YDAKH' is much better movie than 'KAKN' because of good script and dialauge and acting..'KAKN' was almost zero.

I think the movie standard is like a sangeeta movie 'tarap' but I can say tarap song was much better .

Yaar movie is relli pathetic and i mean it!Its simple painful to watch...speacially the 2nd half!
MEDLKA was 100times better than this..even my family said this tht film was better!!!they hated it and they said!Becuz MEDLKA had technical loopholes,magar KAKN mein toh puri story hi loophole hai!!!!!
When u have such expectations frm the movie and when the story turns out to be soooo bad...ur very Disspaointed to even tht extent tht u forget the Great technical aspects of a film!

pathetic?? was it so bad?
Posted 31 Jul 2008

bilal1970 says
Iam in pakistan on hollidays will watch kakn today or tommorow at cinepax RWP Then I will post my reviews
Posted 01 Aug 2008

dj_ejaz from showbiz hungama..he met ppl who watched kakn at Empire Cinema..so thats y he wrote hit in his own review
Posted 06 Aug 2008

valandrian says
Posted 31 May 2018

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