!!!Our Experiances that we will never forget!!!!

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Age: 44
Total Posts: 512
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Islamabad, Pakistan

Hi GUyz...this topic iz for all the JB people....it'z a topic where u can actually write about your 'BEst', 'Good' , 'Bad', 'Crazy', 'Sad', 'Happy', 'Embrassing' or rather simply 'Extreme' or call it 'Bizarre' experiances so far in your life. So, in short just mention your "EXPERIANCE Catergory" and write on ...;)

BEst Wishes..

~DreamzGuardian [8D]
Posted 03 Nov 2002

I think i'll start with mine....

Experiance Category: Embarassing/Thrilling

Once when i waz a kid...i had worn my new clothes for some occasion at my phoopo's house...and well the food served for dinner waz just delicious...i think i over ate and all...and well..hehehe...and well i didnt realize how hazardous it would be to jump around after food...and so it happend...i felt something rumbling in my stomach....heheeheheh..yeah and well that waz the time when my knee'z became shaky and i just couldnt hold on ....anywaz i rushed to my phoopo's bed room...and Thank God no one waz there....and well i Aaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmost made it to the bathroom...when...UHummm heehehhe *blush* something happend...and yeah...i just stood there 'Bawling' Crying , like hell...and guess what...of all the people my PHOOPO CAME!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...and well she had that awful look on her face...as i think she could smell me heheehe..anywaz she directed me in and told me to sit there and not budge until mom came...i think i sat there fer 1 hour....reading her 'FAshion Magzines' hahahhaahah..WOw they were awsome ...anywaz..when mom came...she had to wash my pants and all...and i still remember wearing them while they were wet UGH!!!!!!!! and i waz the laughin stock of the party..and my sisters had just something to talk about at School too...so i swear...i just couldnt face my relatives and my friends fer a long time .....and for my new clothes ..they eventually met their fate outta the house...I still remember...the 'Maroon shirt', and my 'Black Pant' heehehe...and well at least the stain didnt make it too obvious what i had done...haahahahaha...but anywaz...i guess it waz the most embarassing moment of my life....

Posted 03 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Posted 03 Nov 2002

2HOT4U says
Experience Category: BEST/HAPPIEST
My best/happiest experienvce would have to be when I was a sophmore in High School. It was like the 4/5 week of school, and there was this guy I really had liked since I was a freshmen. (AND YES HE WAS A DESI[:p]) I never thought that he ever noticed me, but one day at lunch he came up to me and started talking to me. (You couldn't imagine how nervous I was)We became really good friends and then one day he told me he liked me and asked me if I wanted to go see a movie or something. That was one of my most happiest/best moments in life. I will never forget that.(pretty exciting don't you agree![:p])
Posted 03 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
NIce Maryam [:)][:p]
Posted 04 Nov 2002

2HOT4U says
Originally posted by Bazigaar

i never did anything to make myself embarasse [:)]

Posted 04 Nov 2002

Experience Category: Exciting/Thrilling

One of my exciting experiances ever was sitting on the drivers seat fer the first time when learning to drive....i waz just 15 then...yeah i know underage for driving but what the heck..anywaz....i could never figure out whether the car was going straight or too much on the left or right....anywaz...i still remember i wasnt really allowed by my mom n dad to think about driving...at this age..but dad had gone to the States i guess..and mom waz busy inside...i told the army driver to sit in the staff car and gimme the steering....and so he did....now he told me to put the car in the first gear and slowly release the clutch ...and to keep looking straight...i felt the clutch slipping outta my feet and so it did...and the car started jerking as if it had a bad case of cough....the driver exclaimed press the clutch press the clutch and well so i did and just managed to keep the car from shutting down...

Well after a few tries i got the hang of it and told him that i waz tired of this silly stuff and wanted to go fer a round outta the street...and he said to becareful .....anywaz guess what guys it waz night time and i didnt even have the head lights on hahaha..the driver was so shaky that even he fergot all bout it. ...and well as soon as i got outta my street and was about to turn into the next one....i saw a few kids playing cricket on the street..now the driver told me to hit the breaks ...and hahahahh i instead hit the accelerator at full mode...shitttttttt the carrrrrrrrr just screeeeeeeeeeached and zoooooooooooomed ....i swear and u can just imagine that i waz the first gear and it sounded like the engine waz about to come out hahahhahha and well i think the driver was nearly about to have a heart attack ...and he pulled the hand break...and said 'Sir' please let me take over hahahahahahahaha...and well i still insisted that i wanted to take it home..and so i had it my way....i drove carefully this time but the driver kept hitting the breaks when i had to and ahahahahhahah i still remember when i waz about to make a turn i turned a lil to much and it was then he hung on to the side saftey...anywaz we finally came home ...and i ran inside excitedly that i had taken my first ever kewl lesson...and as fer the driver....heheh i still pity the poor guy ...and the silly look on his face everytime i'd take the car above 30 km hahahahahha i still cant ferget...;)

Posted 04 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
samee here....I NEVER DID anything TO MAKE MY SELF EMBARRASSED...yeap yeapppp[;)]
Posted 04 Nov 2002

BadShaH1 says
lol jhoote sab ...ok i wont say anything if u dunt want tu tell... sherm atii he abhi bi?[^]

hmm i dont rememberin now ill think and post it here wehn im not sleepy!
Posted 04 Nov 2002

DesertBoy says
well, i think my esperiences will be far outrageous than urs sohail but i will give it one at a time:))))...and believe me wheni go over em....i get goosebumps and crackles in my stomach:)
Posted 05 Nov 2002

2HOT4U says
Originally posted by desertboy

well, i think my esperiences will be far outrageous than urs sohail but i will give it one at a time:))))...and believe me wheni go over em....i get goosebumps and crackles in my stomach:)

HAHAHA I don't think I wanna hear bout your experiences... they might be a bit too "graphic" for me! LOL
Posted 05 Nov 2002

DesertBoy says
ahem...well they border on the extreme:))))..but thats how my life has been...such an extremity.......ever come close to dying of thirst in the desert and being saved by a desert fox:))
Posted 05 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Posted 05 Nov 2002

Ali iz it "XTreme" or "Extreme' that u've been through...in either of the cases i beleive u've lost yre mind :P~
Posted 05 Nov 2002

sharara says
well my case of my most.. umm happiest moment? all that i spend with my near and dear ones and doing things i enjoy.. even work...
and saddest... parting
embaressing.. too many to mention
exciting/fun most of my trips
thrilling my first car driving experience
worst moment when i realized i had bashed up som1s EXPENSIVE BRAND NEW car with my EXPENSIVE BRAND NEW license and the price to pay was EXPENSIVE
Posted 05 Nov 2002

WOw im just Flabbergasted by yre kewl experiances Shary...but maybe u should give each one an individual shot at ;) Later'z~
Posted 05 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
u rr....SOHAIL

Posted 05 Nov 2002

sharara says
yeah rite... will do... when u and i hav nothing to do...
Posted 05 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well Sharara Yaar Me Here Too o[:(]
Posted 06 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
llooll rhyymes...
Posted 06 Nov 2002

Experiance: Overjoyed/Unforgettable/Sad

I still remember i had my eighth birthday party..and my sister'z and i had invited all our friends over including our teachers and nuns....and since our house and garden waz really huge...we just throwed a big bash....Well we guy's and gurl's were playing parcing the parcel...and the person who got the parcel would have to kiss the person on their left.....

Anywaz the game went around my heart thumped wildly because i sat to the left of the most cutest gurl...she had blonde hair...and waz very fair...so far it happend that all guys were kissing each other and all gal's doing the same hahahahahhahahaah...dont ask me folks but ..it really did happen....the gurl waz about to throw the parcel to her next when suddenly the music stopped...and everyone started to clap ...oH shit!! she had to kiss me....Aaaaaaaaah..i swear...i turned all red and i just dont know what waz goin to happen..hahahha anywaz she blushed as well...and well i got a little closer to her...and i could just hear everyone screaming kiss her kiss her hahhahahaha.....i kept goin closer to her ...and well...to my surprise she started to cry hahahahhahahahahaha...yeah thats right she started to cry alot...and well anywaz she waz taken to the side by my eldest sis and given some water and i waz taken outta the game fer not fulfilling the kiss part hahahahhaahahhahaha....well ...i didnt get my kiss ...though..but guess what thoughout the party my friends told me that she was looking at me...and even while i waz cutting my cake i didnt realize that she waz standing next to me...until i saw the picture ofcourse....and when the party finished...she came close to me...and said thank u for the birthday party....and waved good bye as her parents came and took her home....

I still remember her smile and her soft fair skin....damn i couldnt get to touch it ...hehehh yeah i waz real lil devil...though just 8 years old..yet ...;) one of itz kind hahhahaa....anywaz...i cant ferget the moments of my childhood day'z...i guess they're all one in a million ....which most children do not have....I thank God and my parents fer giving everything to me..the luxuries of life....and i pray for their long life and happiness as well....AmeN~

~DreamzGuardian Rulz~
Posted 06 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Originally posted by Bazigaar

Well Sharara Yaar Me Here Too

..and u;r point is...? need attention? lol...hahaha...j/k [8D]

[;)][;)] hehee.bazuu
Posted 06 Nov 2002

BadShaH1 says


DREAMZ GAURDIAN <<< lol oh u were 8 years old? weeheheihihi[:D][:p][^]
Posted 06 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
why r u embarrased REHAN.........

hey bazu....:P
Posted 06 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
no noo TAKKLLEEF...jee....app ke idher hota huaa...NO TAQLEEF..:P
Posted 07 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Posted 07 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Posted 07 Nov 2002

Guyz why dont u write about some of yre kewl experiances ?? Rather than some silly one word stuff??? Plz? make JB more interesting by writing and expressing yourself more....thats how it'll become more interesting to read and all...

Posted 07 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Yeah U R Rite D G !!

Keep It Up Write Man [;)]
Posted 07 Nov 2002

DesertBoy says
dont count on ur lucky stars that it will be so kewl;)
Posted 08 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Posted 08 Nov 2002

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