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Age: 37
Total Posts: 11550
Points: 0

Police State, Pakistan
okie ppl it's all happend to everyone of us . admitt an embarassing moment ! C'mon don't b shy your just gona get ridiculed and made fun of okie nothing big !

okie i'll go first i was Eid shopping and i went into French Connection to have a look. i diddent want to wear shalwar kameez because ppl where i live can't sew clothes propley. thay made my shalwar look like kun fu pants ! meer purr style !

Anyway so I just bought a pair of new jeans and heels so i was looking for a top. I saw this really nice top and tryed it on. i liked the way it looked on me so i decided to buy it. As i came out of the dressing room i triped and fell on top of a Guy ! What was worse the Guy was an Apna and had 8 of his friends with him . Thay started laughing and said hay you wanna hand getting up ! then the Guy i was laying on top of starting laughing and said "NAHIE YAAR, MINU MAZA ANDA PYA ETHA,ANTIE SAI KENDIE PAYA SE. JADO ALLAH KUCH DINDA BARA TAPKA DINDA" . i got up and payed for my clothes and ran out. Only to be followed by them . i kept hiding then the one i way laying on grabed my hand and gave me my phone . and said "SAPNO MEAI TUM KO DEEKAYA, NUMBER TO LEAI LE AYA." i was so angery and embarased . my friends couldent stop laughing at me when i caught up with them .........the horro ...........THE who's next?     
Posted 05 Dec 2003

PumpKin says
i forgot to pay the public trnasport
happened so many times
it made me trauma !
Posted 05 Dec 2003

Cute_gal says
lolz @ pumpkin....
Posted 06 Dec 2003

Asian says
what? transport? hayyyyy comon do better!
Posted 06 Dec 2003

embarassing moment??? eemrrrmmmmm....uugghh....okey, let me try it...

   It happened when I was in University. My campus is situated 32 km away from the city. I took a bus to reach it everyday.
   one morning.... I took a bus just like any other day, and the person who sit next to me is a GUY. I was sit next to the window. I dont know what happened to me that morning....I was very sleepy. SO....I slept along the way to campus.
   When I woke the bus was approching my campus....I was shocked that I found my head on the shoulder of the guy who sit next to me. I dont know how my face at that like apple may be..... how could he let me sleep on his shoulder....
   I stop the bus and go as soon as possible...and I dont even look at his face or say : "thanks for the shoulder!"
Posted 09 Dec 2003

Asian says
Better . see my friends buy girls mag's with stories like this. it just makes me feel better that i'am not the only girls in this world that stuff like this happens to !

Man that must have been a paper bag over head moment . men can be so stupied sometimes ufffff
Posted 10 Dec 2003

slik chik says
um... okie, i suppose i shud go now.
well, one day ma bro suggested dat i go out wid him n his frnd becuz we dont know anything bout each othrs frndz much, so i sed good idea, ill bring along sum of ma gals aswell. so, maself n ma bro drive into town to meat his frndz n mine in a club.i was all dressed up n ma bro was lookin smashin we walk in da door n after bout a min or two, we spot his frndz. i went over to them wid ma bro n they all stood up wen they saw, ma bro neva told them he was gona be introducin his sis to dem, so, one of his desi frndz sayz to him out loud: man, where do ya get them, btw, shes da finest package deal u eva laid ur hands on!
well, dat did it fo ma bro n ummmmmffffffff...............he hit his frnd right in da nose.i was like, shock, horror, embarrassment n ma bro den sez: ya bastard, dats ma sistaa!
oooohhhhh gosh! da guy was appologising to ma bro fo ages n me as well.
its damn funny wen ya tink bout it now!
dat was da last time ma bro suggested i meet his frndz.hahahahahahahahaha
Posted 12 Dec 2003


   not too embarrasing....

   I have another embarrasing moment when my pants was unzipped......all day...I walk every where with unzipped pants.......I'm not gonna tell you the detail.
Posted 22 Dec 2003

valandrian says
Posted 26 Apr 2018

Posted 30 Sep 2018

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