Brief introduction of Chinese printing industry

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1. Industry definitions
(1) Package printing
Packaging printing refers to the packaging withdecorative patterns, patterns or text, in order to make the product more
attractive or more illustrative
(2) Publication printing
The publication printing is the technology thatrefers to original manuscript such as the text, picture, photos etc. making by
the plate, ink, pressure and other processes, so that the ink transferred to
the surface of paper, textiles, leather and other materials, bulk copy the
content of original manuscript.
2. Industry scale
In China, package printing services has a trillion market scales. In the past ten years,because the gross output value of packaging industry, China becomes the second
largest packaging industry country in the world after the United States. In
2014, the total output value of China packaging industry was 14800hundred
million RMB, the packaging industry's social demand and the scientific and
technological content are increasing day by day, and it has become an important
supporting industry for economic and social development. The printing product
structure meets the popular demand, meanwhile showing the trend of quality,
individuation and customization. The green printing and digital printing
develop rapidly.
3. Financial standing
(1) The average income of the packaging printing company is1 billion 650 million RMB
(2) The average profit of the packaging printingcompany is 41 million 100 thousand RMB
(3) The average gross profit margin of thepackaging printing company is 13%
(4) The average asset liability ratio of thepackaging printing industry is 39.5%
4. Industry situation at present
(1) Small businesses tend to be more
From the layout, printing enterprises arerelatively dispersed, is not conducive to the daily supervision of the printing
industry. From the perspective of enterprise scale, printing enterprises are
larger in coastal developed areas, while printing enterprises in inland areas
are relatively small. From the point of view of business structure, only a
small number of enterprises with sufficient supplies, while most enterprises
supply tension. It is precisely because of the small printing enterprises is
more, there are low grades, redundant construction and other phenomena, many
enterprises do not have their own characteristics, the proportion of high-tech
applications in these printing enterprises is still very low.
(2) Low labor efficiency
Printing has the functions of increasing the addedvalue of commodities, improving the grade of products and enhancing
consumption. But compared with the developed countries, the total output value
of China printing industry is still very low. There are digital as evidence: at
present, China total output value of printing industry accounts for only about
4% of the total output value of the world's printing industry, while accounting
for only 2.5% of the national GDP. And the efficiency of printing industry in
our country is relatively low, even less than 1/10 of developed countries.
Labor efficiency is determined by a variety of factors. On the one hand, it
depends on the technological innovation and transformation of enterprises, and
on the other hand, it depends on the overall improvement of the quality of employees.
(3) Regional development is uneven
The development of printing industry is closelyrelated to the development of regional economy, which is determined by
industrial characteristics. It is noteworthy that uneven regional development
of the national economy has also directly led to the uneven distribution
of China printing companies. This situation has caused a waste of printing resources;two, enterprises have not enough competitiveness; three, it has hindered the
printing enterprises' self-development.
(4) Equipment polarization
The equipment level of China printing industry isuneven, obviously the formation of polarization: in the market there are
variety of high-speed, high-grade, in the world's leading imported printing
machine, there are also various low technical content and poor quality
equipment. Most of the small and medium-sized printing enterprises, for lack of
funds, mostly use medium and low printing equipment. Many printing companies
buy second-hand imported printing equipment, many small-scale enterprises use
the old press, the printing process is also backward production equipment, some
printing equipment is nearly aging. And compared with these small and
medium-sized enterprises, some large printing enterprise equipment is more
advanced; its equipment is complete, high degree of automation, stable
performance, able to print all kinds of high-end printing products. This weak
and strong situation shows that the overall strength of China printing industry
is inadequate.
(5) The industry is scattered and the marketconcentration is low
The total number of packaging enterprises in Chinais 300 thousand, of which 20 thousand enterprises are above scale, and about
90% for small and medium-sized enterprises, showing a cluster of small
capacity, research and development ability is not strong, slow transformation
and so on. Most of the listed companies in the packaging industry have only
about 2 billion RMB in revenue, compared with trillions of total market, the
volume is very small, and the largest enterprise market share is less than 1%.
Compared with the United States International Paper IP paper packaging market
share of 27%, BEMIS plastic soft packaging market share of 20%, China Packaging
leading enterprises market concentration is greatly improved.
(6) The packaging industry has defects
The long-standing structural overcapacity andexcessive reliance on energy and resources consumption, the ability of
independent innovation is weak, the competitiveness of enterprises is not
strong and industrial scale and economic benefits are not commensurate with the
structural and quality defects.
5. Policy and environment
(1) the press and Publication Administrationformulated the "fifteen" development plan, put forward: book printing
will increase from 32 billion 621 million sheets to 44 billion 200 million
sheets, and increased from 10 billion 4 million to 11 billion of journal
sheets, newspapers increased from 76 billion 300 million to 107 billion 700
million copies printed sheet, there are need total increase of 38 billion 939
million copies of the volume. Judging from the past two years, these figures
appear more conservative, such a large amount of printing, it is bound to
increase the demand for printing equipment.
(2) the last two years of National GeneralAdministration of press and publication printing enterprises were
rectification, access for re registration and new application of new printing
plant increase the threshold (such as the amount of assets and equipment etc.),
promote the technology and equipment of printing enterprises to upgrade, update
(3) In order to promote the printing industryproduction process, equipment and product upgrading, publishing department
approval submitted to the SETC has announced the two batch of "the
elimination of backward production capacity, process and product catalog"
news, but also promote the upgrading of printing equipment.
(4) The press and Publication Administrationformulated the gradual implementation of 880mm * 1230mm format (usually large
format) regulations, although temporarily allowed small format (787mm * 1092mm)
and in the presence of large format books, but the general trend is 787mm *
1092mm format and the machine will be phased out, the machine will eventually
replace the large format small format the machine.
(5) The state issued the "12th Five-Year"period development plan pointed out that, with technological upgrading and
green environmental protection as the key point, to speed up the promotion of
digital technology, and adhere to the development of printing and duplicating
Article from:
Posted 11 Sep 2017

ZAHRA1234 says
Posted 12 Sep 2017

valandrian says
Posted 13 May 2018

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