situation slightly improved

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Age: 2023
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Points: 10

of the still severe economic situation, many wood operators on the phenomenon of the price of logs is quite puzzled, and the wood market outlook to show an urgent concern, but the log gains did not stop. When the fall of 2009, the world economy rebounded, the timber industry and its processing industry market has also been warmer. In the overall situation slightly improved under the premise of rapid fluctuations in the trend of logs prices. Myanmar logs prices turned up, while Africa, Europe and the United States and other wood prices rose intensified. Import costs continue to rise, traders operating pressure is increasing, the domestic timber prices are imminent. Before and after the National Day in 2009, the domestic veneer, wood Fang, wood-based panels and other products priced a comprehensive increase, of which, African wood among the biggest gainers. Societe Generale timber market dealers said that due to the rapid recovery in costs and demand, many African varieties of the market " pool fence styles , plastic decking around the pool , clear patio blinds pvc uk , plastic panel porch enclosure panels "
Posted 10 Oct 2017

Posted 03 Apr 2018

bilarj70 says
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Posted 09 Jan 2020

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Posted 05 Feb 2020

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Posted 18 Mar 2020

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