Age: 124
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hai peepz! itz not that i disappeared or wat itz just that perhaps i was for a while lost in my sorrows.....

and now that i've managed to tackle it, ALhamdullilah i dun want u guys to disappear....

so i've not been catching up rite so watz new down here anything interesting?

oh and wat i actually got to see Shahrukh kHAN shoot for a film together wif Priyanka CHopra in KL.... oh my god i just can't believe my eyes!!! Shharukh is tooo eye delicious!!!!!!

ok yaar gotta go, do update me wif infos, love u all!!

Posted 24 May 2006


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
wafakadard said:

wafakadard said:

is ka bhi name plz?

photo bhi saath rakhoooo

is she shilpa shetty? or sushmita sen?
Posted 15 Jan 2006


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
hey desi man ur already a good person when u have the thots of turning over a new leaf!!!!

am so proud of u though i duuno u....

aniwae, i'll pray for u tat u'll be able to change to the person tat u want and for the better....

good luck!!! i'm with u and so is ALLAH!!!! be confident and be strong....
Posted 21 Dec 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
dear Journal.....

Hai i gotta noe tat Fardeen Khan is already married...

I dunno if this is another inter-religious marriage case again?

ANiwae life is terrible for me.... i'm getting more sad day by day....

and a new problem has popped up for me....

a nephew of my colleague wanted to get to noe me....

Oh god what paagalpan is this?

all i need now is a very good guy fren not a boyfren.....

when a good fren turns into a boyfren there is bound to be disaster!!!!

and my boyfren has not been meeting me from the 18th of APRIL 2005 till now....

all the more after My dear Rahull went to heaven, i feel so lost!!!!

I'm so LOST!!!!!

Posted 16 Dec 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
dear journal.....

    finally today i have had the tiem to write in to u.....

been so bz wif work n stuffs....

guess wat?
i met hrithik roshan the other day! haahhha
cool huh? i saw him doing the shooting for the movie "grish"..... but i dunlike his dad! arrogant fellow.....

i went to my colleague's niece's wedding last sunday it was nice.... i was shocked when my colleague actually had the intentions to pair me up wif her nephew! my goodnes.... he is handsome no doubt but..... not now i just can't open up yet.....

then ystdae nite i went for my relative's wedding.... it was excellent.... but i became a victim....

i was forced to dance to the number of Dhoom machale.....

goodness i dunno where to hide after tat!!!!

n this cuteguy jokingly porposed to me infront of everyone!!!!
hahahah.... i was kinda thrilled....

he somehow reminded me of rahul.... oh how much i miss him only Allah noes....

n this stoopid Daud never bother abt me at all.... i believe even if i die he won't come for my funeral!!!!

oh god! how come i gave my heart away to him?

alrite let'z talk abt him.....

u noe wat i learnt tat one can't get o close to a person coz when ur too close u'll end up being in bad terms wif tat person no matter how nce ur to a person.....

this kinda matters always happens to me.... i dunno y?

perhaps i'm not kind enuff?

i got sick again recently and the doc wanted to have an X-ray done for me but i didn't turn up for the appointment.

the doc just creeps me out!!!!

n she irritates me.....

i never really trust these doctors.....

evevn if i went for the X-ray and if i were meant to die, i'll die.....

oh... the photos for the eid festival is finally ready n everyone look nice in it..... but now my camera who has been so loyal to me is spoilt!

now i gotta go n buy a new camera....

i dun like to replace my things.....

i love my camera....

yikes i'm having sore throat already.....

by the way i miss everyone here in JB.....

hope u guys are all doing well n happy n fine.....

let us all pray for each other to have a wonderful life every day.....

alritey guess i'll take my leave now.....

ciao! muacks!!!!

Posted 04 Dec 2005


Age: 124
7029 days old here
Total Posts: 222
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Singapore, Singapore
Dear Journal,

hai today i'm quite happy wif myself coz i an start eating like my good old times....

i went for "jalan raya" last saturday wif 3 of my classmates n considered good frens.... we went to each other's house n our art teacher's hse....

since we are already grown up, we do not get the "collection" money anymore....

sometimes itz good to be a kid.... u get to run away
from things n mistakes n be treated well.....

well fortunately like every year we got "collection" money from our kind teacher.... though itz not much, we still feel happy....

it brings back the feeling of being a kid....

as usual every year i sent out loads of Eid cards but only got a couple in return....

nobody remembers me already n they dun bother to even tell me if they've received the cards.....

aniwae tatz ok.... i'm fine wif it....

wat upsets me most is tat my irritating bf sent me a terribly late eid card!!!

i only received it after 2 weeks of Eid!

tat too he knew tat i've sent him d card else he won't bother to send me one.....

i dunno y i kinda have a feeling tat he's married n he's not telling me the truth....

it didn't came to me tat way at first but later after thinking abt wat my mom said... hey! it could be true u noe.... coz his prnts is desperate for a daughter in law n he too can't wait to be married!!!1

gosh! i dunno y i still can patiently n loyally wait for him to c me here after 8 months of no meeting each other?

not only tat we seldom talk or sms each other u can say tat it happens once in a blue moon....

or maybe the moon in m'sia drops tatz when he calls me....

oh now enuff of him.... letz get abck on track....

hmmmm... wat is my mom cooking for me tmr to pack to office?

smth nice i hope.... like everyday..... my mom is the best in the whole world!..

hopefully tmr i can go bcak early just like today.... itz very tiring to stay overtime nearly everyday!!!!

my eyes just feel like they're popping out any minute!!!!

and worst!!! i'm getiing skinnier tat i look like askeleton n my eyebags r so bad tat sometimes i'm afraid to look at myself in the mirror......

tatz y one shldn't fall too deeply in love wif anyone or even haf a complicated love story trust me u'll only end up being just like me!!!!


alrite now.....

before i go.... i would like to pray for all the well=being of everyone in this world.... May God bless all of u.....

love everybody! Muacks!!!!

Take care gd9 sweet dreamz.....




lotsa love n purple hugs,

Posted 16 Nov 2005


Age: 124
7029 days old here
Total Posts: 222
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Singapore, Singapore
Dear Journal...

Hmm....Eid has finally come and Ramadhan has gone.... i'm feeling sad coz all the excitememt is gone....


but this year a miracle happened.... all my cousins tat has not contacted me for two years suddenly all come to my house for visiting on the 3rd day of eid!

i fall ill on sat and vomiteed a lot.... all tat came out were acid! so foolish of me to take panadols w/o food.... luckiliy my bestfren were there along wif my parents i couldn't even stand after vomitting!

Thank God after the jab in my left arm i didn't vomit else i would already haev been admitted in the Hospital....

My Mom were so worried tat she cried... she's so afraid tat i might died....

after i came back from the clinic all my cousins n their hubbies n kids ame over.... though i'm sick i quickly get on my feet to change and be presentable to my guests....

i went visiting to my aunt's plcae and two of my fren's plcae....

Good tat i'm on MC today, so i can relax and distressed!

my idiotic boyfren will come back nxt month to c me after so long tat he left me all alone .....

i dunno how am i gonna face him?

hearing tat my fren is getting married kinda troubleed me...

coz she barely noe her guy and suddenly they decide to get married when the guy is not having a stable job and she who is sooo young only 19! plus she haven't even been a good daughter yet how can she be a good wife or mother?


ANd people is aking me when i'm getting married when i'm sooo distraught knowing tat the person who truly loves me had jsut died in my arms last 4 months back and the person tta i love i can;t marry him.....

y is life so complicated????!!!!

y in the first plcae did i meet this idiotic boyfren of mine?

he doesn't noe how to appreciate at all.....


i wish i could be strong enough to remain single throughout my entire life....

but some people are saying that i'm being selfish coz i'm the only child to my prnts and i shld pity them and make them happy by getting married and giving them a grandchild....

but i've ever asked my parents.... my mom doesn't mind if i were to remain single same too wif my dad onli my dad wants me to have a stable job be good in my career and of course in religion....

but of course they'll be happy to noe tat b4 they leave me i'm in good hands of like "hubby"

but again i have a feeling tat i won't get married....

if i get married then tatz called fate....

alrite jounal gotta go the cybercafe is closing down i don wanna get locked inside here....

take care

lotsa love


Posted 07 Nov 2005


Age: 124
7029 days old here
Total Posts: 222
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Singapore, Singapore
hey maryam i felt worried for u after raeding ur story in the journal ru alrite? u seemed troubled somewhere perhaps more to emotionally depressed?

feel free to share if u need a listening ear....
Posted 07 Nov 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
dear journal....

haiz! finally i have had the time to write to u....

life has been too hectic for me... well wat else can one expect when living in spore?

aniwae i read abt maryam story and it touched me a lot...

i hope she will be just fine....

oh... now tat ramadhan is coming near itz end, i'm getting sad and sad everyday coz eid is not somethjing tt i look forward to.... y? coz ... letz not waste time and talk abt tat....

daily life is just work work work and work....

but i feel very peaceful this month as i got to bring myself closer to ALLAH....

oh, and i'm glad Rahul is in a nice place now may his soul rest in peace, amin!

Daud.... y does he loves to hurt me so much?

guess he takes me for granted.... y am i being so stoopid?

aniwae.... i wish i could get the love from everyone in this world as i noe i'll always be alone.....

i hate being lonely....

last but not least i love everyone in this world i believe even those bad ones has some goodness i them....


Posted 31 Oct 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
recently Hrihik Roshan n Priyanka chopra is in town fo shooting!!!1

My colleague's daughter is soo lucky she gotta take pics wif him twice at both diff locations....
update more later

Posted 19 Oct 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
hey guys.... Salam Namste is for the very modern people kinda movies
i didn't expect Saif n Preity to be in a scene tat is so steamy.....

but i hate the 2nd part of the movie where preity got pregnant n saif is so sh*tty doen't wann ab eresponsible for his actions..... and he still has the cheek to ask preity " how did it happen?"

but i love the songs a lot......   now Bollywood films are like a bit Hollywoody...... even in Bunty aur Babli, Rani n Abhisekh kinda steamy role there..... ya n this kinda movies not suitable to watch wif parents who are typical.....

Posted 19 Oct 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
Bush_Blasta said:

here she is.
shes like half italian half indian

nice pic of saif and galfren u've got there bb.....

btw i love ur avatar......

n i love ur signature........ aaarghhh i just go crazy everytime i c my bro's picture..... hahhaha

anywae is his galfren a Muslim or something else?

ya preity and saif seems kinda a good pair but preity didn't act in Humtum if i wasn't wrong? it was Rani isn't it?

i like saif's daughter linda.... she's cute looks just loiem saif.... wonder who takes care of her now.... poor little gal..... naughty saif   
Posted 19 Oct 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
wafakadard said:

wafakadard said:

is ka bhi name plz?

photo bhi saath rakhoooo

is she Aishwarya Rai?
Posted 24 Sep 2005

Topic: best actor


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
*Baby* said:

shahrukh is the best nobody can beat him today!

ur sooo rite! sharukh is definitely the BEST!!! AND I BELEIVE THERE IS NO ONE WHO COULD BEAT HIM....

Besides Amitabh Bachan i think he is this generation's best actor of all..... i would also like to say he's one of the best actor in the WORLD! he is the first actor tat was invited to the "FACE TO FACE" forum......

where usually only Presidents were invited.

Posted 09 Sep 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
Bush_Blasta said:

it sucks.
most girlz like guys who are at a good height..like 5'9'-6'0.
but im like 5'8"

hahha ur so cute BB, aniwae if ur still below 21 try to do a lot of high jumps or skipping will help u to grow taller . . . i heard it from this aunty...

i'm still trying coz i think i'm short i've got 2 years before i stop growing . ..
Posted 03 Sep 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
aniwae peepz i had a similar situation too, my B E S T F R E N abandoned me!!!! she found a new one!

aniwae i still pray tat one day she'll realise and come back to me

plus her mother dun like me

coz she's a hindu and me muslim

and now tat after sch i've started wearing hijab

i always get interesting "tests" by Him . . . but it made me wiser
Posted 02 Sep 2005


Age: 124
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london_ki_hoor said:

i had a frnd in dubai, we were best frnds , we've bin studying together since yr 5..!

v knew everything abt eachother, i knew abt her bf's n stuff..!

sadest moment was wen she got married she ignored me..n de reason behin was dat she was scared that i may disclose her secrets to her husband....!


awse not only me, but she left my other frnd as well, cuz she also knew her secrets

ta kinda fren is not even fit to be categorized as a fren
Posted 02 Sep 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
queenie i like ur avatar
Posted 02 Sep 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
Bush_Blasta said:

heyyy wassup guys.
This whole school year(my junior year) is veryy important for me. the #1 thing is the SAT(college enterence exam).i have to doo really good on this to go to the college of my choice.
Eventhough my exam is kinda in more then a month-October 8th,,, PLZZZZZ pray for me that i do good(at least an 1800/2400. then when i get an 1800, i can retake it in May, then aim for a 2000/2400.

May Allah(SWT) accept all your prayers also and Inshallah aap sab ko JANNAT farmaye ga.


Insya Allah, May Allah make u pass wif flying colours

i'll pray for u hopefully u'll get good grades, ameen!
Posted 31 Aug 2005

Topic: best actor


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
Of course none other than my forever Idol cum Darling Bro : S H A H R U K H K H A N!!!!
Posted 31 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
B O R E D bORED bored bored . . . .

starting a new job tomorrow...

feeling a wee bit happy and sad at the same time . ..

Posted 31 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
hey ppl wat do u feel when u see our MuSLIM actors or actress wearing shirts having cross on them? as the Christian Cross?
not trying to cause unhappiness here but am curious to how others feels abt this?

as for me i feel bad and i pray tat Allah pardon them for doing so . . .

i felt bad recently seeing my dear idol wearing a sleeveless blcak tee with a big white cross printed on it . . .

hopefully Allah pardon him . . .

i believe u guys noe who i'm talking abt? He's none other than ? . . . U guys watched Kaal already?

wat do u think?

Posted 27 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
Smooth_daddy said:


so ppl why all the silence are u guys getting united?

nobody visits here except for handful. This is not the most entertaining place for people who live to satisfy insatiable desires.

yea tatz true
Posted 27 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
cool works queenie . . .

am sure ur born to be a chef!
Posted 18 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
shahrukh khan said:


i'm feeling down......

everybody is the same they come and go . . .

i've had enuff! aarrghhhh!!!


thanx srk . . . u made me smile already.

hmmmmm. . . today i'm very happy!

itz my last day of work in Hell!!!!
Posted 18 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
i'm feeling down......

everybody is the same they come and go . . .

i've had enuff! aarrghhhh!!!
Posted 17 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
i'm gonna be a volunteer soon for this particular association like the Muslims Convert. . . letz see how many ppl i could befren and see them going thru a process of becoming a Muslim. . . ameen
Posted 17 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
so ppl why all the silence are u guys getting united?

Posted 17 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore
yea yea. . . sorry....

guess i'll have to start a new topic based on beauty tips.... hahahha
Posted 17 Aug 2005


Age: 124
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Singapore, Singapore

oh sure dear should i start now QUEEN's PARLOUR

wow! Queenie u have a beauty parlour?
cool! where izzit located at? perhaps i could visit u when i go to Pakistan hahaha....

oh here is a question, is there a way u can keep ur skin silky coz my skin are scaly like those of a snake... happens coz i dun eat much veggy and dun have time to apply cream....
Posted 16 Aug 2005