You may have seen her, if not in the flick, then at least in the songs of Faheem Burney's debut film 'Pyar Hi Pyar Mein' (PHPM). At present, the songs of the same are running on all the local channels and the movie has made this new entrant a star of Lollywood.
Surprisingly, she is not one of those famed tele-stars who after acquiring fame through television move on to the silver screen. Her claims to fame are occasional modeling ventures, both in print and on TV. However, these days she is mega thrilled with her filmi experience. She claims that she had been offered films ever since she started modeling. I had not accepted any because of my father, as I knew he wouldn't like the idea at all. However, Faheem's offer was something I could not let go of, said Nishaa.
Nishaa's showbiz antics date back to the time when she was still a kid. She had always dreamed of being a pretty model seen and admired by people on the screen.
Even at the age of eight you'll see me dressed and bedecked in my mother’s shawls and jewelry in all the file photographs, always trying to strike a pose. I have always wanted to be a model, something that people all around have always been calling badly. However, to me it is a very good thing and not bad at all. Who cares about people, as it is they who always like to gossip, says Nishaa.
She still needs time to work on her act before becoming famous in the real sense. However, her filmi debut, PHPM will help her considerably in getting there. How she actually got started is another story. While a student of grade seven, she was approached by an agency for a 'chaalia' advertisement. They wanted her to be one of the child models. However, our girl here had other ideas. She considered herself to be all grown up and not one of the kids resultantly, I was offended and I told them that I am not a kid and cannot be part of such a childish thing. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that she looked older than her years. I always looked younger than my years, add to that a short height, and you have the childlike Nishaa.
The agency was somewhat taken aback, nevertheless they decided on a screen test to ascertain what she really looks like on the screen. The test proved that she surely did appear much older than her age. Therefore, that's how she has to be the lady-child in the midst of kids.
Something that had started out as fun for Nishaa nine years back was soon shaping up into something serious. In the next two years, she was doing quiet a few prestigious commercials.
Permission for pursuing her love did not come easily to Nishaa. On the contrary, she still does not have her father's go-ahead for modeling. Nevertheless, this is one case where she has preferred to do, as she desires.
My father does not talk to me much now, says she, but we do not detect any remorse or regret here. It was something I really wanted to do and I believe that life is given to you just once, so I want to live it to the fullest doing everything that I enjoy. She feels a bit deprived at not being supported by her father, but then she has her mother on her side. If it wasn't for her all this would not have been possible for me. She has always supported my decision and has proved to be my best friend over the years.
There came a time, when even her mother failed to support her, when Nishaa decided to move on to films. She was against the idea and advised her not to go for it but Nishaa was adamant. I had to do it. And I am glad that it has been an excellent experience and I'd like to do it again. She maintains that the environment was very decent and the people were lovely to work with. In future too I would love to do more such films, says she. Though, she claims that the dressing is very decent as it is a family film, yet the musical numbers speak of outfits that are revealing... here comes contradiction. She further says, I can only pray that the offers that come my way are respectable. She thinks movies as if PHPM will draw more viewers towards Pakistani films again.
You may think that while so much was happening on the career front, her education had taken the back seat. That however was not the case. Education continued parallel with her modeling assignments while she was a regular student at DHA Degree College for Women. My family and friends had all thought I would not be able to concentrate on my studies, but I disproved their beliefs. Once you step in this field then there is no way you can stick to one genre alone. How then could she keep away from television plays? She has so far featured in a couple of plays, 'Gard-e-Safar', 'Dadi' (grandmother) and 'Company' are to be mentioned here, while there are a few in the pipeline.
Nishaa has no plans of landing on the ramp as she has had a bad experience. So far, there are no plans of tying the knot. Once however, she finds her soul mate it will be goodbye to her line of work as, I know my priorities. However, she continues defying her father. Let's see what happens next in the life of this rebellion star Nishaa!