~ LG’s Poetry Compilation ~

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Muskura Kar Mila Karo Ham Se
Kuch KAha Aur Suna Karo Ham Se

Bat KArne Se Bat Barhti Hai
Roz Baatain Kiya Karo Ham Se

Dushmani Se Mile ga Kiya Tum Ko
Dost Ban Kar Raha Karo Ham Se

Daikh Laite Hain Sat Pardon Main
Yun Na parda Kiya Karo Ham Se
Posted 29 Sep 2006

Because I miss you
My pain is stretched
Across a broad cold winter
And the core of my heart
Is splintered
Because you’re gone
I miss you
But this love lingers on
And there is no seperation from your memory
No progression from our history
And destiny
Without you
Is chained to a locked chest
To the bottom of the sea
The sun now hurts my eyes
Tired of crying in darkness
Because the light is not the same
Without you
It is a phantom sun that shines
Not revealing your shadow
Next to mine
And the wind
Against my skin
Is cold without you
Because I miss you
I am not myself
Because the me
That is me
Is not me without you
And the man I had hoped to be
Is dead without you
So I become
The phantom sun
And the cold wind and the crying darkness and the locked chest
And I am waiting
For your love to return to me
Because I miss you.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

You are my mirror
And I weep for the seeing
Looking at you, looking into me
Everything that I am
Everything I could ever be
Hidden in your shinning eyes
Sometimes I see a man smaller than myself
I see a fool
Sometimes in your eyes,
I am much larger than myself
A king, a God
And I have never known unconditional love,
Until I knew you
With a spirit that is pure,
Like Holy water
In a sacred pool
And when the ugly part of me speaks
(The small man)
You are silent
Waiting for your champion
And when he laughs, and shines his stupid grin
You are patient
Waiting for your king.
And when he stumbles
You extend a gracious hand
Helping him to stand
So you see
Your mirror shows the truth of me
And I could never lie
When I look into your eyes
Posted 09 Mar 2007

With great effort
I push my heart blindly forward
Into the open spaces of this bright world
That I am alone
And that this birth
My birth
After love
This life after death
Is all that I have
And that no one owes me a thing
Posted 09 Mar 2007

The family circle grows
Smaller over the years
Grandpa goes
And grandma fills with tears
Then dies alone
Someone sold their home
Aunts and uncles
With tumors and lung disease
All disappear
Those we hold dear
Drift from the earth
And then from our memory
But new life is born under a golden sun
To take the place of those deceased
The pitter patter of small feet
Replaced the aged cane
And the wheelchair
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Childhood Friendship Poem
We played cowboys and Indians, batman and robin
Or speed-racer
in the streets of our youth
We sailed on cloudy ships through the sky of dreams
Fancied ourselves pirates
We dug tunnels in my back yard,
Ran through fields of corn,
And swam in muddy Kentucky water.
We suffered sunburns, bee-stings, and lectures from almighty mom.
And now, when all is said and done,
After 30 years have come and gone
I wonder, are we anything more than this?
More than childhood friends?
Are we more than hopeful dreamers, schemers;
More than actors on a stage?
The world is a bigger place now, a new playground.
The stakes are higher, but we are none the wiser.
I think that we are still just two lazy boys
Fishing under a golden sun.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Out of the starkness of the ordinary
Comes a swinging translucent dream
That draws yesterday and today
Tomorrow and forever
Into a tight spiral
Circling inwards
Always asking
Posted 09 Mar 2007

A poem for Mother

There was a time when I was small
Not yet strong or tall
When you held my hand
There was a time when you sang me a song
And daily
Taught me right from wrong
So that I could become an honest man
There was a time that I was sick
And you put a cool cloth to my head
You kissed my cheek while I lay in bed
And then I knew everything would be okay
Over the years you cared for me
All your love and joy was free
So now I take this time to say
"I love you"
And Happy Mothers Day!!
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I walk home from school
And Sissy is there
Always there
To play with me
Or to scold
While mom is away
She is my big sister
My biggest fan
Because I’m the family’s "little man"
But I love her more
Because she is my protector
My teacher and friend
And my sister forever
Always "Sissy"
Until the end
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Brothers and sisters
Brothers and sisters
Fight like cats and dogs
They also teach and learn
And grow together
Looking out for one another
In the best of times
And through the worst
In the end
Sometimes our best friend
Can be a sister
Or a brother
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Is like glue
Holding the family together
She loves all of us
The grandchildren
But she is the matriarch
The queen
Always demur
And a lady
With her purse and her heels
And her Sunday morning church smile
She smells like powder
And she is timeless
Full of love and stories and
Just the right explanation
Of why things are what they are
And how they should be
She is flawless and perfect
The best grandma
Anyone could hope for
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Is gentle and slow
But he is a bear
He is hairy and he shows his teeth
When he smiles
He growls and snores
But he is like Davie Crockett
He carves things with knives
And he fights monsters
He mows the yard and listens to sports
On a small radio
While the rest of the world has
Big screen high definition
Will be grandpa
Posted 09 Mar 2007

That Day
That day with you shimmered, a laughing daydream.
Green never looked so green.
Water glistened,
And caught our smiling faces.
The wind whispered, softly kissing our skin.
Sunlight fell through treetops,
Celebrating you with dappled patterns.
As you walked, the patterns changed,
And the colors changed,
And you were cast in kaleidoscope light.
As we strolled paradise, hand in hand,
There was a weightiness, a heaviness to our steps.
Our feet struck the ground slowly, solidly, purposefully.
We were connected to the earth, and to one another,
In a literal sense.
That day was surreal, yet so real.
I think that in the end
When I lay down to die, fading from this world
And closing my eyes,
I will see you that day,
Smiling in the sun.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Our Summer
That was our summer,
Our broke paradise.
It belonged to you
And to me
And to hope and no other.
It was both one and the same,
The shortest stretch of my love
And the longest dream I have ever had.
That dream still remains.
That moment of our love
Was the greatest slice,
The only slice of paradise,
That I have ever known.
But what did we possess?
The sun,
The freedom of days unending?
Love? Lust?
Each other’s heart
Or just a lingering embrace?
Regardless, you are my scar,
My bleeding wound.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

"If love is a dying flame, at least we can say that were warm until the end."
Posted 09 Mar 2007

"Love is soft and gentle, like butterfly kisses. It is simple and honest, like a little girl’s wishes."
Posted 09 Mar 2007

"As if tomorrow there would be no sun, as if tonight was the last moon, the last song, the last dance and the only chance, may we love."
Posted 09 Mar 2007

"In 100 years small boy will pull this dusty book from an attic shelf, and with eyes wide, he will dream of you, his lady."
Posted 09 Mar 2007

"May the sun rise upon our bodies entwined, like rope, like bread, like a thread, unbroken By our long time Apart."

"Thank you for listening, When I didn’t need judgement, or even advice, but just needed to talk."

"Goodbye, sometimes, is not a final end, but the beginning of a new chapter, and the creation of a fond memory which will keep our heart company forever. Goodbye my friend, I love you."

"Love is too elusive. Invisible, like the wind that the blind man holds between the skin of his fingers."

"Love shall prevail into the bright new day and into a bigger world; bigger for our seeing of it, bigger for our being in it, and bigger for our own believing."

"We are each others compliment, ribbons and bows entwined, you and I. Like sunlight and shade, and the tree between us is love."

"Can the hope we had as children prevail? We must beckon it, trusting in love, and ride upon the back of innocence."

"It is better to face sudden death, than to know a liar’s kiss."

"What is the cost of love and what is the price we pay for losing it?"

"There was a certain death, calling upon you, so I became forever."

"If only I could BE you, then I could look in the mirror all day long, In love with myself, while loving only you,touching only me, touching only you."

"In the end, I guess, I loved you, yes. But I loved you too late. Too late to matter. Too late to mend wounds or open doors. Too late to save either of us. In the end, I loved you too late."

"Your silence is love In your own way, and in your own guarded heart."

Posted 09 Mar 2007

The morning has come and so you must go
like the morning's dew or winter's snow
I'll see you again when your back in town
to calm this hectic chaos down
you were once in love with me
then you found a more reliable dependency
one that wouldn't leave you for another
and the greater expense wasn't that much of a bother
so now you've stranded me to find
a different kind of piece of mind
one that can't accomplish a simple feat
and just like a piece it's incomplete
you should clean up or I should tell you to leave
you say you want to cause you know I'm naive
but the feeling lingers and the absence I dread
and life is the sun it's always over my head
too bright to see it for what it is
and when you finally get it the season changes
but it's our fault orbiting to different position
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I need you
I need a hug
Just once I would like to be loved
I want to feel whole
I want to feel secure
but that's impossible
when your not here
I don't know who you are
I don't know if I ever will
One day I hope we meet
so you can sweep me off my feet
I want to have that feeling
the one that everyone gets
when they know it's right
and they have no regrets
Will you ever be here with me?
not caring what other people believe
I hope so and
I hope so soon because
I'll be waiting....
waiting here for you
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Unbelievable love that I have for you

If I say I love you million times
Still it won't be enough
Because I just love you so much
No one can say how much
In my heart you will always be
Forever, Forever
Here or there
Near or far
My love will be
Wherever you are

I'll never leave your hand
You are everything for me
I can never see you sad
Forever I'll be on your side
You are the one
You are my soul
If without you
What the reason to live in this world

I can touch the sky for you
I'll always be with you
You are my life partner
No one, no one will take your place
In this world until heaven
I'll never break my promise
You are the cure of my pain
You are just my man

Because ever since you have come in my life
You have completely changed my world
That makes me believe
I'll love you till the end
Because it feels so great
When you are around
Happiness which I feel
No one can ever describe
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Together we were like Bonnie and Clyde,
Willing to ride and die for each other.
Nothing mattered when it came to us.
Together we were like Justin and Britney,
A match made in heaven. Envied by many for
the love that we felt for one another.
Together we were like Frodo and Sam,
We never would have made it far without each other.
Always looked out for one another, and never let anyone disrespect one of us.
Together we were like Siegfried and Roy,
The magic we created would have never been possible
if it hadn't been for each other.
Together we were perfect,
I still believe, even though you lost sight.
And for me to forget, would be like losing a fight.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Today I breathe heavy
Since fallen in love I have
As though being stuck by lightning
My heart has stopped at your sight
Your smile
Is as though the moon
Were smiling down on me
With her passionate glow
And just for a moment
I feel tremendous joy
Not a minute passes by
Without you in my thoughts
My life, my soul, my being
Needs of your love or
I might die
So like this poem
This love shall last in me
Posted 09 Mar 2007

U walked past me and i felt nothing,
The next day i woke up and loved u.
U walked past me looked me up n down and smiled and said hey, I'll never forget that day,
u were all i thought about that day i didnt think of anything new.

I thought i was over u,
but im far from being that.
ive always loved u and always will,
i dont ever see myself loving anyone like the way i love u.

I'll never forget the night u kissed me,
I'll never forget the day u hugged me.
And i hope one day u love me,
the same way i love u.

I want u to no i would do anything to make u mine,
I would do anything for u.
I would do anything to make u happy,
but i hope one day u can make me happy.

No matter what i do i always think of u,
and then i get upset and wanna cry.
I am never going to let go,
and never going to say goodbye.

This is how much i love u!
Posted 09 Mar 2007

This breath in my lungs is for you,
The ache in my bones and the aching of my heart,
for you.
Overwhelmed by the thought of a kiss,
I am now in your presence.
The truth of your love washes my soul
Incomplete without you
Wishing for the source
For the sweet, soft, brightness that comes with your faith
In something that can't be seen,
Only felt.
The morning is a new day that is still yesterday,
Touching on a heightened level
Knowing each beat that flows through you
Wanting the future
Wanting the next
Wanting the warmth
Praying for the strength.
For the wisdom and long-suffering,
For the patience
That a thousand lovers never had
Wanting to fill you,
Waiting to touch you,
Wishing for a miracle that will most certainly come as you
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I'm so confused,
about how things are.
Do you still love me?
Or are my hopes too far?
If you still love me,
Please let me know,
So that I don't wind up,
With just some other h**!
Because no matter what,
You still are my world.
And I won't waste my time,
With just another girl.
I promised you once,
That I'll never leave you alone.
And you'll always have a place to stay,
Because my home is your home.
But please let me know,
If you still feel the same for me,
So that I can be something,
I'd never thought I'd be again...
Posted 09 Mar 2007

For your love

Something amazing in you that I just can't let go
It has a mysterious way to dwell into my thoughts
I don’t really know when our time will come
And if there’s any chances for us
To end up together

A thousand things to do and to consider
The truth is, at this moment I am afraid
Terrified of losing you forever
Because I know what life is
Without you
and being with you

In you all things in life seem colorful
Perfectly wonderful
You made me believe I could still
Move on and to love again
You inspired every dream I have

I know how fast time fades
And if ever feelings do
This I promise you
At the sunset of our lives
I’ll still walk beside you

To cast away your fears, to wipe your tears
Holding your hands, letting you know
It’s gonna to be alright, I won’t leave you
I am here

And always be here for you.

Posted 09 Mar 2007

I ask god for an angel
Hits: 45
Everyday I ask god for many things
I asked him for a flower he gave a bouquet
I asked him for a minute he gave a day
I asked him for love he gave that too
I asked him for an angel and he gave me
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Please allow me to be condoned
But I can't love you anymore
Maybe one day you'll look up
and hardly vigilant you'll say to no one
isnt something missing
you wont mourn for my absence, I know
cuz you've lapsed me long ago
Am I that unimportant
Am I so insignificant
isnt something missing
aren't you even missing me
Although I'm in deprivation
I know you wont try for me at all
cuz id die to know you loved me
but I know
I'm all alone
isnt something missing
isnt someone missing me
please, please allow me to be condoned
But I can't love you anymore.
Though I know the all of you
You don't know anything about me
and though I'm the burden you could do without
arent you even missing me
Although I'm in deprivation
I know you wont try for me at all
cuz id die to know you loved me
but I know
I'm alone
isnt something missing
isnt someone missing me
and if I bleed. I'll bleed
knowing you don't care
and if I scream, I'll scream
knowing you wont hear
and if I plead, I'll plead
knowing you wont help
so if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there
isnt someone missing me
isnt someone.
Although I'm in deprivation
I know you wont try for me at all
Cuz I'd die to know you love me
but I know
I'm all alone
isnt something missing
isnt someone missing me
so if I were to die this very moment
Already, by you, I would've been forgotten
What would it take for you to remember me
Am I just a Forsaken thought in your memory
Is that all I'll ever be.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I feel really special

I feel really special when you tell me what I value
I feel really special when you say I love you
I feel really special when you hold me by hand
I feel really special when you tell me you’re my man
I feel really special when you hold me when I cry
I feel really special when you say its alright
I feel really special when you call me hon
I feel really special when you tell me Im the one
Posted 09 Mar 2007

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