~ LG’s Poetry Compilation ~

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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Muskura Kar Mila Karo Ham Se
Kuch KAha Aur Suna Karo Ham Se

Bat KArne Se Bat Barhti Hai
Roz Baatain Kiya Karo Ham Se

Dushmani Se Mile ga Kiya Tum Ko
Dost Ban Kar Raha Karo Ham Se

Daikh Laite Hain Sat Pardon Main
Yun Na parda Kiya Karo Ham Se
Posted 29 Sep 2006

I wish I could tell you
the way that I feel
So tortured inside

I want to say so many things but I can't find the courage
Can you see through my emotions?

I try to put on an act
Can you see through me?

It can't hide much longer
Sooner or later it will come out
Sooner or later I will tell you

I just hope you love me, too.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I only wanna be with u
u can make me feel good
u put a smile on my face
like no one else could
just lookin at u makes me feel happy
and i just want u to know
that every time u walk by me
the skies sprinkle with gold
ur some woman
u truley r
i can spot ur beauty
when ur o so far
i just wanna be with u
give me a chance
i wanna take u out
i wanna dance
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I still loved you too

I've never cared about anyone like I care about you.
I'm going crazy thinking about you.
You said you still loved me and you probably already knew,
That even though I acted like I didn't,
I still loved you too!
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Love has broken me...
I'm dying inside...
My heart's now black...
Eyes red from the tears I've cried...
I'm shattered into a million pieces...
All over the floor...
I ended this shy...
I don't have to cry no more…
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Love stains.
Love hurts.
I have sat in my room and thought about you.
How you always made me laugh... and smile
and you would always make it worth the while,
but then you left.
You will see it when it comes...
but when it goes you will become clueless,
searching for hope.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Blue is the feel of the ocean
it makes my heart drown to the bottom
it is all about love which brings us through the cold breeze
the memory of caring and sharing
this love will always sense my heart
Posted 09 Mar 2007

When you love someone
you hope and wish that person loves u back,
but it turns out they don’t..

So u dream and wish
that one day their feelings change
and actually love u..
so u promise yourself to
not love anyone else but that person

You Wait.. And wait till u figure out
that u were a fool for thinking
that person may actually love you back

Now I must move on
but my heart can't..
I try so hard to forget you
but I cant..

Every morning im always thinking about you
and I think of what ive given up for you..
and all I wanted for you to do was
to buy me a plastic ring
and tell me
Posted 09 Mar 2007

When it rains
we especially need tenderness
Why not come and hold me tightly
near the warmest part of my blood
Who knows how long I could hold out
Who knows this time is not the final one
Hold me if you are not willing to let me go
Hold me like your protecting a wounded bird
say to me the sincere words
the words can only be said once in all your life
the words can only be understood by me
and - smile (do not cry, do not cry my love)
If you cry
what is wet is always my face
If you weep
what is bitter is always my heart
Do not worry if it rains too long
Do not complain if I would leave soon
Many many stories have already been eternal at the beginning
There is no reason
need not be any reason
even life cannot manufacture a reason
Love is as long as all dimensions of space
or much---much---longer
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Love message

I think of you so often
and it always makes me smile
Becuz you’re the type of person who makes my life worthwhile
and so this lovely message is coming from my heart
It says I love u dearly
and we'll never be apart
Posted 09 Mar 2007

You are gone
I used to love you.
You are gone
That's the plain truth.
You are gone
Never coming back.
You are gone
My new heart's black.
But since you're gone
I guess it's okay
To find new love
The same way.
Is that alright?
You won't get mad?
'Cuz even though we used to be in love
You've made me sad.
So You'll repay
Repay Today.
For what you did.
You're paying.
You are Gone.
Posted 09 Mar 2007

The morning has come and so you must go
like the morning's dew or winter's snow
I'll see you again when your back in town
to calm this hectic chaos down
you were once in love with me
then you found a more reliable dependency
one that wouldn't leave you for another
and the greater expense wasn't that much of a bother
so now you've stranded me to find
a different kind of piece of mind
one that can't accomplish a simple feat
and just like a piece it's incomplete
you should clean up or I should tell you to leave
you say you want to cause you know I'm naive
but the feeling lingers and the absence I dread
and life is the sun it's always over my head
too bright to see it for what it is
and when you finally get it the season changes
but it's our fault orbiting to different position
Posted 09 Mar 2007

I need you
I need a hug
Just once I would like to be loved
I want to feel whole
I want to feel secure
but that's impossible
when your not here
I don't know who you are
I don't know if I ever will
One day I hope we meet
so you can sweep me off my feet
I want to have that feeling
the one that everyone gets
when they know it's right
and they have no regrets
Will you ever be here with me?
not caring what other people believe
I hope so and
I hope so soon because
I'll be waiting....
waiting here for you

Posted 09 Mar 2007

If I say I love you million times
Still it won't be enough
Because I just love you so much
No one can say how much
In my heart you will always be
Forever, Forever
Here or there
Near or far
My love will be
Wherever you are

I'll never leave your hand
You are everything for me
I can never see you sad
Forever I'll be on your side
You are the one
You are my soul
If without you
What the reason to live in this world

I can touch the sky for you
I'll always be with you
You are my life partner
No one, no one will take your place
In this world until heaven
I'll never break my promise
You are the cure of my pain
You are just my man

Because ever since you have come in my life
You have completely changed my world
That makes me believe
I'll love you till the end
Because it feels so great
When you are around
Happiness which I feel
No one can ever describe
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Thank You for Saying Thank You
This is a totally
accessible poem.
There is nothing
in this poem
that is in any
way difficult
to understand.
All the words
are simple &
to the point.
There are no new
concepts, no
theories, no
ideas to confuse
you. This poem
has no intellectual
pretensions. It is
purely emotional.
It fully expresses
the feelings of the
author: my feelings,
the person speaking
to you now.
It is all about
Heart to heart.
This poem appreciates
& values you as
a reader. It
celebrates the
triumph of the
human imagination
amidst pitfalls &
calamities. This poem
has 90 lines,
269 words, and
more syllables than
I have time to
count. Each line,
word, & syllable
have been chosen
to convey only the
intended meaning
& nothing more.
This poem abjures
obscurity & enigma.
There is nothing
hidden. A hundred
readers would each
read the poem
in an identical
manner & derive
the same message
from it. This
poem, like all
good poems, tells
a story in a direct
style that never
leaves the reader
guessing. While
at times expressing
bitterness, anger,
resentment, xenophobia,
& hints of racism, its
ultimate mood is
affirmative. It finds
joy even in
those spiteful moments
of life that
it shares with
you. This poem
represents the hope
for a poetry
that doesn't turn
its back on
the audience, that
doesn't think it's
better than the reader,
that is committed
to poetry as a
popular form, like kite
flying and fly
fishing. This poem
belongs to no
school, has no
dogma. It follows
no fashion. It
says just what
it says. It's
Posted 09 Mar 2007

Didn't We
Inch by inch, the paths breaking
into patches of blue and green

then black and brown, then
over the pass to the top of the

remotest interior, accustomed as
we are to torrential indifference

and beatific familiarity. "Look
up in the sky"—another ad for

vinyl tubing, pillow talk of
Whosits & Whatsits of Nob &

Kebob, Insley & Ufragious,
Ackabag & Boodalip. Bump right

along, pondering your song, while
roasting toast or grinding sand

or polishing the fabric softener
that stands between you and your

self. It was in 1943 and then again
one more time. Beat bird without a

feather to call its own, a miser who
lives on a pile of mylar, the studio

with the view of the studio, my
electric blinker maker, strapped

in for take off. NO FLOATING
ALLOWED. As quiet as

Posted 09 Mar 2007

The Torturer
After a full day's work
The torturer
Commutes home
Kisses his chubby wife
    and doe-eyed children
And sits down to supper

On their plates are
Sleepless eyes
Electrocuted genitals
And oozing, bruised flesh
But nobody minds -
Tomorrow Uncle Sam and his Best Friends
Are sending a Trade Delegation
There will be smiles all round
And mutual signatures
Posted 10 Mar 2007

It's here
The space where you should be
Bend your ear
Let my kisses whisper in
Do not fear
My arms make a strong O
As all through the centuries
Lovers have been cradled.
Listen, soft!
Ten thousand-volt desire
Sears my heart
Don't give me e-mail, voice mail
Or any other means of separation
Be here and touch me
My need for you is nothing virtual
But real

Posted 10 Mar 2007

I want you to miss me
There could be fog
Or maybe just a mist
And inexplicably I'll fade to white
Vanish, and be gone

Or it could be night
And I'll be darkly dressed,
Evading easy definition
And as your eye's distracted
By a falling leaf
I'll merge with restless shadows
And be gone

Then you will discover
What emptiness is

A space so hollow
Even its own walls are swallowed up

A quality of missing
So intense
A lack, a lack

Each hour more bottomless than the last
Until your heart cries out,
A howl of forfeiture

But it will be nothing
Ashen silence where I used to sing
And deafness

The howl must strike the right resonant frequency
A wail that echoes all to the ends of time
To fill the gaping void in whole, looping wavelengths
From the well of your soul, such loneliness
To make Siberian wolves hang heads for shame
In their convivial packs

Then, only then
Might you detect my footprints, indistinct
Marking the morning dew fall

Perhaps glimpse a puff of breath
in the cold, dawn air

You must utter
A howl so desolate, it

Jerks you from your sleep
To find me warm beside you on your pillow

And you will know how
Close you were to the brink
Of the abyss

And know what missing is
And hold me.
Posted 10 Mar 2007

The whole air is conspiring
and ravening thunder rumbles
your image turns in my head
obscure as dark, rolling clouds

Lightning curls, flickers

Yes, I long for your hand on
                                   my damp skin
a hot breath enters my window --
a gasp,
then sweet, hard raindrops
sweet, hard raindrops
to wet the needy earth

Posted 10 Mar 2007

I dreamed of snow in August
Its quiet embrace
Holding us white and unconnected to the world
A floating dream of kisses and snowflakes

* * *
Icy hexagons are stacked up on my sill
No footstep in the drifts
The harsh metallic ring resounds
Of spade on frozen ground
Bow your head
Here comes a hearse
And on it lies my heart, still warm

* * *

Posted 10 Mar 2007

Up in the blue,
You are breathing the air
Of frequent flyers

Swirling molecules
Microbial cyclones
Volatile cologne
Each receptive alveole
Penetrated and vacated
By parts of strangers

Why are you winnowed from me
For this dull
Promiscuous ventilation?
Press your mouth again to mine
Inhale, sweet
As rain-washed wishes
Rich, desirous, earthy kisses.
Posted 10 Mar 2007

Screams from the ice-cliff
hideous wind incisors
slice arching knife edge blocks
above my arctic tent
restrained uncertainly by rocks
where I feign sleep
in whitened darkness

but then --
a murmur of feathers
some light cursing
at the limited tent space
and a glow as warm as song
announce an angel’s presence
and his strong arms
gather me
where I can drink his hot tears
and, soothed by his rythmic pulse
tenderly evaporate
like breath

Posted 10 Mar 2007

A little breath
A green shoot thrusting through the snow
Ice-crusted, part-crushed,
But astonishing green
From crouching, dark desolation
Secret root resistance crept
Radiant defiance
At slightest thaw springs
A forgiveness of melting
One trickling drop of icicle
Rolls down the prisoner's grey face
Now he will clamor with the dawn chorus
And dare to shout out

Posted 10 Mar 2007

Mother's Day

The damp brown earth invites my
New roots
Was it you, Mama,
Who showed me this?
You bandaged my grazed knee
And told me the names of flowers

My children pull at my hands
They want to help with digging
All the small remembered hours
Seeds of memory
Your face is soft with time
As mine will be
Time grows like the rings of the oak
I tell my children
The names of flowers

Posted 10 Mar 2007

Spring song
Singing liquid notes
In the green bud tree
A willow warbler
Welcomes the sun on the old wall
Its song melts away
The long grey winter
Sing of sweet hope
Let no late frost
Stop its trilling throat
Posted 10 Mar 2007

Summer II
Delicate, uncertain spring is past
Hot, lush grass bursts forth
Heat presses cheeks
Licking humid limbs
Fern uncurls
Slow opening up
     Reach to touch
       Rush of sap...
Opening lily bud
Pistils dangle, quaking
Pollen dusting, sticking, smearing
Drowsy bees
Sup nectar drops
Fat, guiltless summer
Spills abundant seeds
   And sated, sleeps
      Beneath the leafy trees.

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Summer I
Humming in the blue
The plane and bird
The honey bee
Humming in the grasses
Rasping and whispering heard
Not far,
An anxious city siren passes
Whining of machinery
Click and hum: air condition
Many-legs and two-feet
Living on the surface

How small the Earth is -
A tiny globe, with drops of browning sea.

Posted 10 Mar 2007

When it rains
The soft grey sky
Drifts to the ground
Brown rivulets
Trickle away
Trickle away
Washing sadness down
Weather vanes
Weep and turn
Weep and turn
Forgetting in the damp and grey
That by and by
The sun will shine
Sun will shine
By and by
The sun will shine.

Posted 10 Mar 2007

Fading grass gleams low in yellow light
fluffed-up squirrels dig and disagree
quiet mushrooms shoulder fallen leaves
brown and fallen
gold for a day, -- yesterday

russet cranesbills startle, and disown
their other season
before the soggy moth-webs
clustered naked twigs

curving fronds of white anemones
earnest little faces bent in morbid fascination
as all around, gathered to the distance
twisted in their minor throes of death
lie leaves,
collateral damage of the promised spring.

Posted 10 Mar 2007

One day when it's winter
When the tall oak groans in northern winds
When cruel frost creeps white beneath the bark
And twigs once sappy and green
Shake brittle and dry in the darkening

Then come to my door
Let yellow light spill out
Let me wrap you in warm
Let summer kisses bring back roses

What wingspan glides in the blue August skies
Soar and circle
Paired in gentle harmony, one other
Melt, then--
Be with me

Posted 10 Mar 2007

Violet's inviolate
She shrinks away
By the time she's ready
To butter her cup
Another Daisy's gone by.

Posted 10 Mar 2007

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