ashkhan said:u know what from reading this forum, i think anyone bearing a grudge of this whole pakistan india issue, should b ashamed of them selves. i mean shame on u ppl, how can u say things that jeapordise friendship, we dont have to b the best of friends, but dont go around blming on ppl. we can b happy in our countries , u get on with urs, well get on with ours, and respct each other. no need to be so part and involved with each other that then if there is a misunderstanding, there is hate.
the truth is clelebs from pakistan like to go acrross the border and work there, as it challenges thir creativity, and actually unhoon nay pakistan ka naam roshan kia hai. (with the exception of meera) they have given a lot to india. and in the same way indians have accepted that pakistani ppl have talents that are woth using. so alls happy. pakistan have copied songs. india has copied aswell, however their version gets more recogition as indian cos indian cinema is more universal.