Reema to start new film soon

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Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Reema is going to direct another movie. The script of the movie is about the young generation. Khaleel-ur-Reh-man Qamar, the writer of the movie, has almost completed the script

The music unfortunately is going to given by some third rate indian music director which is very sad and a bad choice by Reema.

One of the reasons why KTSK did so well because of the brilliant music by the late Amjad Bobby.

The new film by Reema will also have special computer effects.

It is hoped Reema will start the shooting of new film soon.
Posted 07 Mar 2006

Honeynrrn says
^ For U the word 'fact' means what u believe,not others n u can make anything 'fact' doesnt matter what others think about that or what is the actual fact , as I said some people r too hign on themselves, I know u damn well dude.

U guys r just showing ur backwardness by talking about family backgrounds.....what has education given to u? U r still living in the past n cannot get over these things.U can not appreciate someone if they r doing good work n r promoting our culture in a positive way all over the world,u r still talking about there education n 'fact' is that maybe they r uneducated,still r better than so called educated people who r stuck in the past.Zara is as much educated as is Sana or Jia Ali n Reema despite being uneducated has more class,values n personality than anyother actress.What matter isnt what is her education background but how does she carries herself.She is more graceful than anyone else n has a humble nature n is a polite person,such qualities I dont think anyother actress has.When u dont have any critical point about Reema, u come up with her family what a class u can believe whatever u want,u r one of thoes who stick with there statments whatever the actual fact says.
Posted 19 Mar 2006

Honeynrrn said:

^ For U the word 'fact' means what u believe,not others n u can make anything 'fact' doesnt matter what others think about that or what is the actual fact , as I said some people r too hign on themselves, I know u damn well dude.

U guys r just showing ur backwardness by talking about family backgrounds.....what has education given to u? U r still living in the past n cannot get over these things.U can not appreciate someone if they r doing good work n r promoting our culture in a positive way all over the world,u r still talking about there education n 'fact' is that maybe they r uneducated,still r better than so called educated people who r stuck in the past.Zara is as much educated as is Sana or Jia Ali n Reema despite being uneducated has more class,values n personality than anyother actress.What matter isnt what is her education background but how does she carries herself.She is more graceful than anyone else n has a humble nature n is a polite person,such qualities I dont think anyother actress has.When u dont have any critical point about Reema, u come up with her family what a class u can believe whatever u want,u r one of thoes who stick with there statments whatever the actual fact says.

agree wid u
Posted 20 Mar 2006

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