My Movie

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Shahrukh Khan

Age: 124
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Title: Mujhe Pyaar Hua
        Sometimes Love hurts...

Starring: Humayun saeed,amna haq,talat hussain,uzma gillani, ismail tara...(ahmed butt guest app)

Story: Amna is a very rich his father ( talat hussain) wants to marry her with a rich boy...while talat's mother is very different to his son..she says guy would be handsome and caring...talat's son ran away with a beautifull girl..she wasnt even a rich girl..talat doesnt want to let happen with amna haq..Humayun saeed is a poor guy...his father and mother died in a accident,,,his friend ( ismail tara ) has brought him day while joging humayun sees Amna haq...he sees her...he falls in love with her,,,,ismail tara says you have to be rich and modern to marry her,,,humayun thinks how can i be rich and modern...Ismail tara goes to their home..he listens that Talat hussian's friends son is coming from usa to pak ( Ahmed Butt)..talat hussain sees him after 12 years....talat wants to marry her daughter with ( ahmed)...ahmed and amna haq spend their school time together,,,so ismail tara tells humayun saeed...that ( ahmed) is coming...humayun has got an idea in his mind,,,,when ahmed arrives at airport...Humayun saeed put a gun in his bag...Ahmed got arrested..Humayun replaces him....humayun saeed goes to amna..there goes they love stories...suddenly comes ahmed butt's then he says to talat hussain//where is my son...talat hussain confused..whats he talking abt...ahmed's butt shows foto of ahmed...humayun saeed gets trouble...ahmed butt says to talat hussain..i didnt want to hurt you ppl...i had did everything just for her...he tells that ahmed is in jail...amna haq hart has broken coz of humayun's lie...then talat wants to marry her daughter with ahmed very soon...humayun saeed plans to go to new zealand..he wanted to start buisness...he says to ismail...if i stay here..her memories will kill me..its better that i should leave...other side wedding of amna haq with ahmed...ismail tara calls amna haq's mob..suddenly pics ahmed up...ismail tara saya go and stop him he loves you very much that could never loves you...ahmed goes direct to he sees humayun...humayun saeed congrats him...ahmed said "No...i know i cant make her...coz i m not the right man for her...other side...well amna is thinking of humayun saeed...she doesnt even know the man who is sitting with her is humayun saeed...when she looks to her...humayun saeed winks...brings smile on her face...their paresnts were agree...coz ahmed told them the story....then they live happier

******************* The End ***********************
Posted 06 Jan 2005

check my story on first page....
Posted 23 Feb 2005

yes im here. story will contine 2moro inshalla. 2 busy 2day
Posted 24 Feb 2005

where is ur story...liked my story
Posted 07 Mar 2005

Honeynrrn says
ok now whatever be my movie one thing is 4 sure that it will feature Noman Masood and Reema.
Posted 08 Mar 2005

they doesnt suit
Posted 16 Apr 2005

BB ur story
Posted 16 Apr 2005

paki_fan says
Posted 18 Apr 2005

wow, im surprised u actually remembered my thread!

do u want me to continue now? do u still remember the story?
Posted 18 Apr 2005

Posted 18 Apr 2005

i had email my story to an drama know kaanch drama dir..i talked to him..he said mail me ur story
Posted 18 Apr 2005

haha are you serious??? mail it to him, lets c what he says.

Posted 19 Apr 2005

okay finally continuing. u remember where we left off right?ok....

Now Ali felt a DEEP shock in his heart .This meant that he would never see her again after she left to her village.So basically, it was the last day Ali would see Iman. Ali really wanted to tell his real feelings to Iman but was scared that his family members would find out.
In the daytime, Ali went for Jummah prayer and then had to go to his nani'ami's house for some important stuff. He came back late in the night and Iman was already sleeping. So another day had past without them talking to each other. Ali was very depressed that night and had a hard time sleeping.
Finally, the next morning was the time to leave. Ali helped his father bring all the suitcases downstairs. All his aunts,uncles and cousins were there to say goodbye. Ali said goodbye to everyone and his family members sat in the car. Before going to the car, Ali looked once more at Iman and iman looked back, with a not-so-happy look. They stared at each other for about a minute. Ali was about to say something to her but then quickly closed the door left to the car...

<<note:much more of the story remaining!>>
Posted 19 Apr 2005

also note:the adventure is yet to begin .

and so far, kaisi lagi story?
Posted 19 Apr 2005

paki_fan says
hmm cool..

then what happened?
Posted 19 Apr 2005

Bush_Blasta said:

haha are you serious??? mail it to him, lets c what he says.

i did...
Posted 19 Apr 2005

ok, next part...

Ali sat in the car and started leaving to the Lahore international airport. During the ride, all Ali was thinking about was Iman and was really missing her.
Meanwhile at home, the depressed Iman sat all the way in the corner and also thought about Ali.
So after arriving to the airport, Ali said goodbye to all of his cousins and relatives and left with his family to the plane.
During the 14 hour plane ride, Ali almost had tears in his eyes because he was starting to miss Iman soooo much .He also was sad because he never got a chance to tell her his feelings.
Finally, him and his family arrived to America, where it was veryyy cold.

Many months passed and now it was May, a month before summer vacations and Ali got back in his regular everyday routine, but still didn't forget about Iman who was all the way on the other side of the world(Pakistan).
Again, Ali and his family made a plan to go to Pakistan in the summer vacations, to attend his cousin's shaadi. Ali was sooo exctied now, since he would see Iman again ...
Posted 20 Apr 2005

paki_fan says
good for him
Posted 20 Apr 2005

i need SRK bhai to also respond b4 i continue...
Posted 21 Apr 2005

written & directed by BB
Posted 21 Apr 2005

will continue 2moro.
Posted 22 Apr 2005

valandrian says
Posted 02 Jun 2018

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Posted 02 Sep 2021

vraiel says
Posted 07 Oct 2021

vraiel says
Posted 07 Oct 2021

vraiel says
Posted 01 Mar 2022

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