Age: 50
7103 days old here
Total Posts: 3660
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rawalpindi, Pakistan
JanuBaba said:
nikama said:
w.o.l,dear its perhaps for the first time that i'm talking to you.i have a few suggestions that i would like u too consider
1-it should be mandatory for all senior members,those who have made atleast 1000 posts that every time they visit the forum they must go to introductions forum and greet the new members,i have noticed that there r so few members who regularly go there and greet the new members.thisdiscourages the new members coz they feel no one is interested in them
2-another thing is that we have some forums that r almost similar,like freedom of speech,teen talk and drunkin's hideout,in all these forums u can almost say anything that comes in your mind,now whats happening is that as u know there r hardly 100 ppl running the forums and they r divided,i mean if there r 25 to 30 ppl who visit f.o.s every day,20 or 30 who go to teen talk and dozen or so who visit d.h.out regularly,if we have only one forum of this type then all of them would come to one place there would be more diversity of ideas,as ones topic would be noticed by more and more ppl
3-in the same way songs and lyrics talk,poetrycafe are of same type,would not it be better to make one forum instead?
4-gaming zone should be only abt the games and not abt songs and idioms
5-how abt starting some new forums to attract more ppl,members views can be taken b4 starting any new forum but i' sure most ppl will welcome the change,like there r so many female members if we start a forum that relates specifically to their needs,like self grooming,fashion designing etc.hopefully it would make the forum more colorfull
6-like wise there r so many who r interested in current affairs although we do discuss some burning issues in serious corner but why not make a special forum dadicated only to current affairs.
7.we have lollywood,bollywood and forigwood to talk abt movies,why not merge them togather,in this way those who watch only indian movies will get to notice something in paki movies as well
8-if possible,why not try to make j.b a little more pleasant to eyes for example if the avatars of the members r shown with their topics,if possible,the avatar of the member who made the last post in a forum can also be shown with the forum details,and some otherchanges like this?
9-most of our members r males in their teens,20's and perhaps 30's.a very demanding and challenging period of our lives,why not make a forum where we could discuss our job related issues,we could share our emotional problems,a place where we could talk only from the MALE pont of view
at places i may have sounded a bit stupid but thats what i honestly feel,j.b is quite a good forum but it needs some fresh air and fresh blood.
i always say that members make a forum and if we make j.b more attractive and more open,hopefully more and more ppl would come here.abhi tak to ye ho raha he k log ate hain,members bhi bante hain,intro bhi kuch log kara dete hain but then they never come back.i think ever since i have joined j.b,i have seen only 2 0r 3 members like desi m.c,muslim and myself who have joined j.b and still come here regularly.i dont mean to criticise anyone but there is always some room for improvement
It was your idea
kal raat ko mujhay bhi yaad a gaya tha k yeh idea mera tha
Age: 125
6296 days old here
Total Posts: 296
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Dear Sir,
If majority is old members it simply implies that active new members are on a pretty much lesser side.
This situation prompts me that why there is no growth in new active members. Every topic have almost more then 50% replies from moderators. All in all 30-50 active new members.
Age: 125
8209 days old here
Total Posts: 22153
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
shahrukh khan said:
my moderator tag is removed just like that...
Dear Shahrukh khan, we're trying hard to maintain the standard of JB as good forum as it's been since first day.
We're taking all decision in best interest of JB. You're still a member of Janubaba and have access to all over, prove ur self as a good member and participate around. We'll pick u up as we'll consider u r good enough to take responsibilities as a MODERATOR.