Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
very true . . . . . besides . . we had a mela here in east london and its was both indians and pkaistani stars . . their was sooooooo mnay fights thats the stars kepte sdaying over and over again stop fighting . . .i was saying that they should not have a pakistani and indian mela just keep it as one nation . . cos some ppl carnt act like adults and just got to start fights
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Canada, Canada
indians probably come because we have better mela's worldwide. lol. some come for the entertainment, and it is these people who are welcome. but others r jealous and simply come to screw things up.
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
very true . . ppl wear carrying their country flages and thats asking for trouble . . . watch on indepence day in my home town theris gonna be so mnay fight . . i say on paki independcnce day the indian should stay at home and on theirs we should . . the persenters at the mela was saying that its been 4 years and now a mela has come to ilford (home town). . the reason thats it dont come is because u guys fight soooooooo much . .
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Canada, Canada
that is simply crazy. if its a PAKISTANI mela, why bring an indian flag?? thats dumb. and you're right...its asking for trouble. that kind of stuff used to happend here but thank God, it has stopped. i could safely say indians and pakistani's live in peace here! we're all canadian! we're a peaceful country in general! lol. anyhow...they stick to their mela's and we have our own. our's are better tho, cause we get abrar to turn the place upsidedown!!! lol
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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sorry bro, i have no idea. the first song doesn't work, but the rest should....i even tried on kazaa but the songs are not available anywhere else.
and i thought i might share this with you! my dad (who is in pakistan on a business trip)was on his way from islamabad to lahore, and guess who was sitting right next to him on the plane....SHAAN!!! rambo and baber ali were also on the plane but my dad only spoke to shaan (i think he's the only one my dad knows. lol). anyhow.....i got his autgraph and from what my dad tells me, he wrote something along the lines of 'thank you for supporting the pakistani film industry...'! i thought that was cool of him....
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
reallly . . ur dad is lucky i would love to just sit on a airoplan and see shaan out of all the actors ur dad got the best . . . coooooooooooooooool . . not matter about the songs i just like one other which dont come on the website . . but sont matter . . . do u know where i can get the song od phala phela pyar . . if dont dont worry just wanted to hear the songs as the film looks good
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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i haven't even tried to look for the songs of the other movie, but again, u should try the website itself.
thats another problem, don't u think!? pakistan should release its movie's soundtracks earlier just like bollywood. and what better place than london to release them where many will buy them?!
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
. . . very true we have about 3 video shopes on the same road wqhich all ways are busy . . when ppl hear the songs first they carnt wait fot the movie . . its like keepping them waitting . . they should also have advertisement on T.V about them . . i think they aklready do but not as much as they should have . . on a indian channels every breeak they have a advertisement on the filn just a 2 min clip and thats good . . here in london no one knows about lari panjaban cos they dont show it on T,V only on the speacial cine programe which is 30min . . they should show bits in breaks . what do u think
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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i agree. they should advertise as much as possible. but the reason might be, because the movie has been delayed??? maybe in 1-2 weeks they'll start to advertise on normal tv!?
oh! and i saw the commercial for the uk show (peace concert)! according to that commercial, abrar, sajaad ali, haroon, rahim shah, nirma, noor, shehzad roy, shaida mini, and a bunch of others are coming! u guys r lucky!
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
really . . when is that concert , , cos the one u guys where chatting about last time . . on 20 september . wemble was wrong . . thats notting haveing all them . . may be this is on anther day . . do tell me when u find out
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
the thing is . . the concer thats happening here on 20 is not haveing all the ppl . . . they dont show all them ppl coming . . on T.V in the uk . they show . . reshma meera humerie aeshad jawad ahmed waris beig sukbir star group and some others but noit abrar . . and also a star guest
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
ooooooooooooooooo . . i get it . . the one ur talkijg about is the millan 2003 . . thats not a peace concert . . . yeh thats coming but thats on 21 september . . i didnt know nirma is coming . . ior abrar . . but i knew about the rest . . . .they ant any peace concert happening in the UK well i ant found out anyways
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. now i'm confused. lol. (j/k).
i think you're right. the millan2003 concert is the supposed 'peace concert.' this is the biggest concert of the three in london. sajaad ali, abrar, fakhir, and namy other big names are attending this one. then the other one with humaira arshad, jawad ahmed and co. is a different concert. and the last one is with abrar, haroon, naghmana jafery, saima and nirma or resham (i think). i hope thats right. lol.
anyhow, again.....all i know for SURE is aug. 17th, in toronto - with or without power (electricity) - abrar comes to town!! lol.
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
millan 2003 . . dont have abrar and nirmy or fakhir . from what i've seen on T.V and how was the mela and ur in america right . . how comes the electricity go out their . .
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
millan 2003 . . dont have abrar and nirmy or fakhir . from what i've seen on T.V and how was the mela and ur in america right . . how comes the electricity go out their . .
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol...thank you 4 asking abt the power outage in north america! i live in canada, not the u.s., but we also were effected. it was wierd, but it is now business as usual! in fact the independence mela went ahaed today, with an estimated 20,000 pakistani's jammed into a HUGE field, which was supposed to feture an open-air concert with abrar, haroon, naghmana, roop, tafu and more. however, due to this very blackout....naghmana, and haroon (who earlier in the day had a new york mela to attend) were unable to make it in time for the show. so we only got roop, tafu and abrar. abrar appologized on their behalf, and said a number of times that haroon and naghmana werw VERY disapointed and were very sorry for not being able to make it. that was nice of him. 3 weeks ago at the concert where reema was suppoed to be....nobody even mentioed her or her absense. but this time they appoligized, and gave a reason! so everyone was okay.
and just a side note: i think this concert proved to me that abrar-ul-haq has A LOT OF drawing power...much more than i first thought. last time, his concert was in direct competition with the bollywood awards, but it STILL almost sold out completely. now, with toronto 2 days removed from a complete blackout, nervous people, and also a second mela for FREE, abt an hour drive away (featuring jawad ahmed, and some others) abrar's $10 admission mela was filled with 20,000+ pakistani's!! even he said today that, despite jawad ahmed's free mela everyone STILL came to his mela and paid $10 knowing it would go to his hospital!! so i have a new respect for abrar....the man has ALOT of drawing power, atleast here in toronto!! he's the undispited KING of pakistani music!
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
20.000 . . . thats loads . . i guess their is a lot of pakistani in taronto . . . we had a mela here as well . . which was free . . with some indian and some pakistani . . but noot that amount of ppl showed up . . proble cos it was 38 dagraaz hot that day and we couldent even stand for 5 min with out haveing a drink . . . but hope i had a good time . . . and for reema dont know where she is at the moment . . shes not atteding any concerts happening here in london . . she might be in pakistan working on her film . . . do u know when its being made . . and where thes shotting goin to happen . . . . i think lari panjanban is realeasing soon as cos saima is coming to the UK this week end . . with abrar and also noor is coming . . it might release soon thats y shes coming to the UK . . dont think shes only coming for the concert . . but ur a big big BIG fan so do u klnow more . .
Age: 125
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indeed everyone had a great time, thanks! and i hope you also had fun at the london mela, even with the hot weather! a
as 4 reema...i think you're right. she's probably caught up in her movie. i heard that the cast has been finalized with mommer and resham in the lead. i thought that meera and resham were severely against reema?! so why then, is resham in reema's movie?! lol.
as 4 even tho i'm a big fan, saima is a very private person! she doesn't do interviews and such things, so its hard to keep up with her. but i do know that she'll be coming to london with noor for a concert along with abrar. maybe that has something to do with her movie (larki punjaban) as well, but i guess we'll find out! have u decided which concert u will attend yet?! will u go 2 this abrar/saima one?!
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
i was think od goin to millain 2003 cos all the abrar ones have told out . . as the concer tis this weekend . . and the other Super msuci masti concert dont look that good then millian 2003 . . but the peoblem is that the friend that am goin hes brother is getting married . on them days . . not on the concert days but near . . and he said he has a lot to do for the wedding . .i have more friend but their not as intrested as the one that was gonna go . . and tickets are hard to find . .
and where did u find out about reemas cast. . . i didnt know that resham and mommar rana was actting in the film . . and also i was told that mommar rana has stoped actting . . mayb wrong news i got then. . .
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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tough decision! i hope u figure out which one to go 2, and keep me posted if u can, especially on the abrar/saima concert!
as 4 the reema movie, i heard abt the cast on sunday kay sunday. and i also heard that mommer quit, but the show i saw said, he will complete his current projects and then re-think his decision! i hope he stays.
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
yeh mommar rana is a good actor and he should stay . . . i just saw some 2 songs from larki panjaban and the print i must sau was pretty good . . . hope reemas movies has a good print as well. . . ur proble thinking she is . . but their are still some film maker useing the old tecnology so u never know . . by the way is laaj being made on diG**al aswell . . dont look like it . . but if not it should have been . . i know its ment to be in the old times but if not the print the sound should have been diG**al . . but i might be wrong . . do u know if it is ..
and i emailed that new directors . makeing the movie phla phela pyar . . i asked he the visual and soung goin to be good . . and he said the sound and visual goin to be better then some bollywood movies . . i was shocked not cos of the sound and visual but that he emailed me back . . i though that . thats juts a lie but i guess not . . .
isit true that the goverment gave the industrie monet to make better labs . . it was posted on the other topic . justa sking . . sorry for asking so many question . ur proble thinking that . . (how am i ment to know) but ur a big fan and know a lot about pakistan films . thats y i just wanted to ask
Age: 125
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oh no problem jee! you're right...i don't know TOO much, but i'm very interested in pakistani entertainment in general. lol!
laaj looks good only cause of the story. the actual quality looks like the same old lollywood movies. i'm not sure if the sound is diG**al, but i think mr. ydakh would know... if there is no diG**al sound and the picture quality is bad, the movie is probably going to be a hit/flop based on the story. lets see how it does!
and u say u emailed the director for pehla pehla pyar and they actually replied?!?! wow! that means that they know what they're doing and they want to make their movie look good. i'm glad they're so confident and expect the movie to be better quality than bollywood's! i can't wait! any idea when it releases?
and as for the government giving money to make better labs, if this is true i'm 50/50 on it. one side is...its good that they're making out industry competitive and upgrading, as lollywood has been waiting long enough. but at the same time, the same money can go towards other issues in pakistan such as homeless people and help make pakistan better in that way! i don't know tho....either way, if the money goes to lollywood or to other things, it helps advance pakistan which is good overall!! so if its tru....great!
do u have any idea when this new javaid sheikh movie is coming out?!
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
i dont know about phela phela pyar abut the new javaid sheikh . . they gonna start shotting that movie in austrilia in november . . and theirs one more movie comig out aswell . . which is being shot in franch
ur right about the money they should build pakistan and make it a nice country . . then it already is . and their is a lot of homeless ppl their and they shoulf attende to them before the riches . .
pakistan should should build a lab as good as cinegoer in tailand . as soon as they have one good lab the quality gets better its self . cos most producer carnt afford to go over seas fot the producing . . so they stay in the old labs in pakistan . . they should open a investment theng . . whci helps directors and producers spend more money on their movies . . . thats the only factor that lollywood needs . . money and good labs . . we got all the rest.
di u know if pyar hi pyar mein is coming to the UK . . i was told that it was . . but mayb cos it was a flop it might not . . but they should cos a lot of ppl wuld go to see it . . and UK money = a lot in pakistan . . but its all about the money i supose
Age: 80
7874 days old here
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london, United Kingdom
i dont know about phela phela pyar abut the new javaid sheikh . . they gonna start shotting that movie in austrilia in november . . and theirs one more movie comig out aswell . . which is being shot in franch
ur right about the money they should build pakistan and make it a nice country . . then it already is . and their is a lot of homeless ppl their and they shoulf attende to them before the riches . .
pakistan should should build a lab as good as cinegoer in tailand . as soon as they have one good lab the quality gets better its self . cos most producer carnt afford to go over seas fot the producing . . so they stay in the old labs in pakistan . . they should open a investment theng . . whci helps directors and producers spend more money on their movies . . . thats the only factor that lollywood needs . . money and good labs . . we got all the rest.
di u know if pyar hi pyar mein is coming to the UK . . i was told that it was . . but mayb cos it was a flop it might not . . but they should cos a lot of ppl wuld go to see it . . and UK money = a lot in pakistan . . but its all about the money i supose
Age: 125
7966 days old here
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Canada, Canada
u're right. all they need is money and lollywood could make even bigger steps to compete internationally.
as 4 the javaid sheikh movie, it should be interseting. i hope he lives up 2 the previous movie, YDAKH. it will be hard. any idea whose in the movie?!
i had no idea pyar hi pyar mein was a flop?! it looks okay from the commercials. who knows tho?!
i'm happy lollywood is making movies overseas (london, malaysia, france etc.) the only thing is, they should not concentrate on the scenery THAT much. if u should overseas...good. but that does not mean u ignore the acting! for example, you'll notice one minor mistake in larki punjaban...they show so much scenery, and you don't get to see saima or shamyl in the songs that much. lol. they should be careful there....!